[DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

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[DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » December 28th, 2019, 2:41 am

NOTE: This post was originally produced and maintained by BenganJ. After his passing I've been given ownership of it, should any updates be required. JHTrucker.

!! Folks, this topic is only for those that have a Nvidia based graphics card. !!
!!== This post contains all the current and best settings to use from all of ==!!
!!============== the subsequent discussion / testing posts. =============!!
MSAA works with game versions 1.36 to 1.49 using DX11 only.
Game version 1.50+ has TAA implemented and therefore this MSAA shouldn't be needed any more?

Note: It's reported that using MSAA with game version 1.50 will cause a BLACK screen... currently there's no fix available, if ever.
See this post if you wish to help fix this: viewtopic.php?p=64435#p64435

Nvidia Profile Inspector is an application that knows a lot of the inner parts of the Nvidia graphics driver,
or rather, the guy who created it, Orbmu2k, does. The application has a lot of parameters that can be
dealt with! The changes you make will change the behavior of the graphics card, so please be careful!

Due to some really good research by the forum members Road Runner and JHTrucker, we now have some
REALLY good alternatives to get a good anti-aliasing in ETS2/ATS!

  • În limba română
  • Video tutorial in English below.
  • Tutoriel vidéo en français ci-dessous.
  • Видеоурок на русском языке ниже.

At present we have the following limitations and hints for the use of this scheme.
  • If your native monitor resolution is 1366x768, 1440x900, 1600x900 or 1680x1050 (single, double or triple setup)
    then you won't get AA applied. Possibly due to the game being hard coded with 1440x900 internally? For possible workaround, check
    this post: viewtopic.php?p=16544#p16544
  • If you're using ReShade, this is what holds.
    1. Keep it, but then you can't use this scheme, as you will suffer from graphic anomalies! / BLACK SCREEN.
    2. Remove it and try to use Nvidia's Freestyle instead through GeForce Experience from within it's game overlay. [See Note 2]
  • If you have a MultiMonitor setup, pick the right multimonitor config to download in Step 2! Thanx JHTrucker!
  • Single monitor users MUST also download a multimonitor config file!
  • If you're using a VR headset, please have a look at this post: viewtopic.php?p=40649#p40649

Here's a step by step instruction on how to get the basic settings up and running. We recommend that you
start with this and test if it will work for you. If so, you can then add more settings later on, depending on
how powerful your computer is. You have Q&A's further down if needed!

Step 1: Downloading, installing and configuration of Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI):
Link to version of Nvidia Profile Inspector, aimed at Nvidia Driver up to 442.74: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfil ... g/
Link to version of Nvidia Profile Inspector, aimed at Nvidia Driver from 445.75: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfil ... g/
Link to version of Nvidia Profile Inspector, aimed at Nvidia Driver from 460.79: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfil ... g/ [New 20th Jan. 2021]
Note: Using the NPI or later with latest Nvidia Driver will remove the sharpening filter settings! Use e.g. Nvidia Freestyle filter instead!
You will also lose the setting SILK Smoothness!

Here's a link to the latest available NPI releases, if required, aimed at newer driver versions:
https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfil ... r/releases

Install by unzip to own folder and create a shortcut to it. To update, just replace the old files with the new ones in ZIP.
Start up NPI and select the Euro Truck Simulator 2 profile in the drop-down list. Here's the basic settings to configure:
  • Antialiasing compatibility (DX1x) ------------------ '0x80000A7F' // (Game versions 1.36-1.49) Write it in manually or do a copy/paste. You won't find it in list!
  • Antialiasing - Line gamma -------------------------- 'Enabled'
  • Antialiasing - Mode ---------------------------------- 'Override any application setting'
  • Antialiasing - Setting -------------------------------- '4x [4x Multisampling]' //This and the one below are a pair! [See Note 1]
  • Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling ------ '4x Sparse Grid Supersampling' //See one up! [See Note 1]
  • Power management mode ------------------------- 'Prefer maximum performance' //Recommended but not required

Optional - Improved image quality:
  • Texture filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias -- 'Off'
  • Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX) ----------------- '-1.5000'
  • Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias ------------ 'Allow'
  • Texture filtering - Quality ------------------------- 'High quality'
When done, hit the Apply changes button in the upper right corner! Export a copy of the settings to load later if needed!
E.g. you will have to import the saved NPI file after every update of the Nvidia graphics driver, but it is always a good habit to
save a copy of the settings you've done to other parts of the game too, like config.cfg and multimon_config.sii files.

Step 2: Downloading and installing the Multimon configuration: **** YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ****

Links to Multimon configuration ZIPs V4 (Single & Quad) and V5 (Dual & Triple) depending on setup you have: [New April 10th 2020]
To install and configure the Multimon configuration after unpacking the ZIP file, follow the instructions below:
  • After unpacking the ZIP you should have a multimon_config.sii file.
  • For DUAL, TRIPLE and QUAD setups, check this post by JHTrucker for instructions on how to adjust your setup:
    Multi Monitor AA - Setup guide: viewtopic.php?p=17368#p17368
  • Place the multimon_config.sii file in the same folder, where you have your global config.cfg file.
  • Additional non standard screen configurations to try later, after basic setup: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658

Step 3: Edit the following lines in that global config.cfg file like the following:
Note: The game needs to have run at least once to generate this file.

  • uset r_multimon_mode "4" //Tells the game to use the multimon_config.sii file we just installed.
  • uset r_buffer_page_size "30" //To avoid random crashes when using map combos, causing no problem otherwise either.
  • uset r_mirror_scale_y "1" //To get AA in the mirrors too! Shows in game as Mirror Resolution = Medium. DON'T CHANGE!
  • uset r_mirror_scale_x "1" //See above.
  • uset r_scale_y "1" //This and the following one will show in game as Scaling = 100%. DON'T CHANGE!
  • uset r_scale_x "1" //See above.
  • uset r_smaa "0" //This will show as SMAA = Disabled in game. DON'T CHANGE!
  • uset g_menu_aa_limit "0" //This will give a better AA in menus. Note: "0" disables in game menu SSAA so that it doesn't conflict with NPI MSAA. [New April 26th 2021]
  • uset g_hq_3d_scale "0.0" //Other value than shown will give NO AA!
  • uset g_hq_3d_screenshot "0" //If this is enabled, NO AA!
  • uset r_ssao "0" //This will show as SSAO = Disabled in game. Using it will lower your fps, currently with little but wrong effect.

Done! Start the game and check if you have working AA and if so, you can see if the "... more complete set of settings ..." (below the Q&A section) will work too!

If your game doesn't look as expected, re-check the above steps again or scroll
down into the "Trouble shooting common possible issues (Q&A)" section right below.

Here's a GOLDEN tip from JHTrucker:
Top tip for everyone:
Never try to spot what's wrong with the settings...
Just reset NPI game profile and add the settings again.


Trouble shooting common possible issues (Q&A):

Q - My gfx have no AA.
A - RE-CHECK STEP 1 and also make sure game SCALING is always 100%.

Q - My multi monitor setup crashes after a while, memory leak?.
A - Re-download the multi monitor setup you require from STEP 2. Fixed Version 3 (10/03/20)

Q - My multi monitor setup has duplicate truck images and missing sky on left/right screen.
A - Outdated mod relating to sky boxes, caused by SCS gfx update 1.38. Update your mods.

Q - My 1440x900 or 1680x1050 monitor (single, double or triple setup) shows no AA.
A - For possible workaround, check this post: viewtopic.php?p=16544#p16544

Q - My settings are EXACTLY as your instructions state - STILL NO AA
-- OR --
A - Rename or delete global config.cfg and start the game to generate a new one.
Now make the "basic" changes only - STEP 3.

-- OR --
A - Reinstall the current Nvidia driver making sure to select "clean install" option.
Start again from STEP 1.

-- OR --
A - If you have a multi screen setup, you MUST use the supplied multimon_config.sii file from STEP 2.
-- OR --
A - Your bezel corrected resolution may be the cause of no AA. Set game to native resolution first to check you get AA. If so, then lower bezel corrected values until you see AA working.

Q - My settings are EXACTLY as your instructions state but my screen is just black.
A - You cannot use RESHADE with this AA solution.
-- OR --
A - You cannot use game version 1.50+ with this AA solution.

Q - My single monitor gfx in the menu are split up into sections.
A - RE-CHECK STEP 2 & 3.

Q - My single game screen now looks strange/squashed.
A - RE-CHECK STEP 2, ensure the single multimon_config.sii file is located correctly.
Overwrite the one the game just generated.

Q - When i change in game resolution the menu goes tiny in middle of screen.
A - Re-download multimon_config.sii file from STEP 2. This should now be fixed in current version (10/04/2020).

Q - My truck no longer appears when driving.
A - RE-CHECK STEP 2 & 3.

Q - My FPS have tanked making the game unplayable.
A - Look at available AA pairs to use and set these two first:
'2x [2x Multisampling]'
'2x Sparse Grid Supersampling'
RE-check game, increase AA as required.

-- AND/OR --
A - RESET the game LOD's in global config.cfg, if you changed them.
uset r_mirror_view_distance "100"
uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian "1" Re-test increasing 1 at a time.
uset g_lod_factor_parked "1" Re-test increasing 1 at a time.
uset g_lod_factor_traffic "1" Re-test increasing 1 at a time.

-- AND/OR --
A - Use a resolution one level lower in the game resolution options.
Then remove the blur it''ll create by:
Increasing NPI Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX) to '-1.5000' or more.
And/or NPI Sharpening Value to '0.80' or more?

-- AND/OR --
A - Disable in game SSAO if enabled.

Q - My game screen is now blurry.
A - RE-CHECK NPI "Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX) -0.5, -1.0 or -1.5.
Negative values increase sharpness, positive numbers blur.

Q - My game screen now looks great! But the mirrors have no AA.
A - Using 1.40+ (new lighting system) may result in missing AA from 1 of your mirrors, but not all of them. Mirror AA is either on or off, we don't specify which mirrors to apply it to. No fix available.

Q - With a single monitor i'm struggling to get even 30 FPS with this AA. What can i do?
A - As a last resort, try the "Poor mans" AA setup guide for single monitors. Here: viewtopic.php?p=17913#p17913

Q - With multi monitors i'm struggling to get even 30 FPS with 4xMSAA. What can i do?
A - Try these multi monitor options to increase fps but will reduce image quality:

Q - My multi monitor screenshots have vertical black lines where the images join together.
A - Go back to STEP 2 and click the Multi Monitor AA - Setup guide link for further details.

Q - I have single monitor AA setup and looks great. Can i increase scaling from 100%?
A - Scaling must always be 100%. You can however use DSR to increase game resolution. [See Note 4]

Q - I have multi monitor AA setup and looks great. Can i increase scaling from 100%?
A - Yes, but you need another file and further config.cfg changes and a very high end gfx card!
Details can be found here:

Q - Can i use MFAA with this AA solution?
A - No, it is not compatible, as we use SGSSAA in this scheme.

Q - I can't get VSync to work.
A - It may be a driver problem, roll back to an earlier one, unless you need the current one for your latest game.

Q - After a driver update NPI won't keep my re-imported settings from my backup file.
A - An old NPI backup file might not be fully compatible with a newer driver and/or NPI version and resets itself after a reboot.
In that case, install driver and then manually add your settings into NPI game profile and apply. Check game has AA. Reboot pc and check NPI still has your manually added settings. If NPI settings are still correct, export them to a new backup file.

Q - Why can't we have NPI AA and SSAO?
A - Basically, when MSAA is forced on to the rendered image it seems to break or remove the depth information within the image. That depth information is what SSAO needs in order to work out what needs to be darker.
It's the same reason why you can't use reshade.

Q - Is AA applied to all objects?
A - No. Shadows, advisor, gps & world map don't currently have AA applied to them.

Q - AA is working but somethings are blurry, for example, notifications.
A - Some Nvidia freestyle filters can cause image problems.

Q - How can I remove this NPI AA, I don't want this AA method anymore?
A - Do these 3 things:
1: Open NPI - Select game profile - Click 'restore defaults' - Click 'apply' - close.
2: Delete the step 2 multimon_config.sii file.
3: Rename or delete your global config.cfg file - Start the game and re-setup your graphics to how you want them.

===================== Here's a fresh video showing how to do the configuration, done by punk alias punkito! ====================
============================================ Thank you punkito! ==============================================
[New Aug. 3rd 2020]

===================== Here's a video showing how to do the whole configuration, done by Wombat Trucker! =====================
================== He's doing it for his high end graphics card, RTX2080Ti, you may have to use lower settings. ==================
======================================= Thank you Wombat Trucker! ========================================

========== Voici une vidéo pour nos amis français avec des informations sur la façon de configurer ce système graphique! ==========
=================================== Un membre du forum, MXTrucker, a créé la vidéo. ===================================

============ Вот видео для наших русских друзей с информацией о том, как настроить эту графическую систему! ============
========================== Сделано и сообщено участником форума Facepalm(Фейспалмыч). ==========================


Below are a more complete set of settings for you to test, in some cases with alternatives!
Graphics settings, both in ATS and ETS2. I use Ultra plus these specifically:

'Scaling' ..................................................... '100%' //This MUST be the setting!
'SMAA' ....................................................... 'Disabled' //We surely don't need this set to anything else.
'Mirror Quality' --------------------------------------------- 'High' //Medium OR High ONLY.
'Mirror Resolution' ----------------------------------------- 'Medium' //Other than Medium will render mirror with NO AA!

Changes made to global config.cfg file:
    uset r_sun_shadow_texture_size "8192" // Size of the sun shadow texture, default 4096.
    uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian "2" // This and the following 2 parameters will make LOD changes further away for the objects mentioned. [See Note 5]
    uset g_lod_factor_parked "2" // See above.
    uset g_lod_factor_traffic "2" // See above.
    uset g_grass_density "2" // This is a reasonable value to set in game and gives you an acceptable grass density.
    uset r_mirror_view_distance "900" //This will give you 900 meters view in the mirrors before objects disappear.
    uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian "15" // This and the following 2 parameters will make LOD changes further away for the objects mentioned. [See Note 5]
    uset g_lod_factor_parked "15" // See above.
    uset g_lod_factor_traffic "15" // See above.
    uset g_grass_density "3" // This is a hidden value not possible to set in game and gives you maximum grass density. Found by JHTrucker - May not work now for 1.40+
  • You can also play with these settings to get the color changes you need. Found by JHTrucker.
    uset r_color_correction "2" // This is a hidden value not possible to set in game and gives you possibility to change the following ones.
    --- NOTE: If you change in game graphic settings then the above color correction value will revert to 1.
    uset r_color_saturation "1.0" // Color saturation factor 1.0 is neutral.
    uset r_color_yellow_blue "0.0" // Yellow-blue factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 range.
    uset r_color_magenta_green "0.0" // Magenta-green factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 range.
    uset r_color_cyan_red "0.0" // Cyan-red factor of the color correction in -1 to 1 range.
  • A parameter to get smoother rendering due to better calculation of frame-time. Info here by JHTrucker: viewtopic.php?p=25158#p25158
    uset t_averaging_window_length "60" // Default value "20". For your personal value, read the topic linked to above.

Steam Launch Options:

-mm_pool_size 4000 //Size of the general pool of resources memory area. Max. 1/2 of total memory.
-mm_max_resource_size 32 //Resource loading buffer size. Default = 22MB, max. 100MB.
-mm_max_tmp_buffers_size 1000 //Maximum temporary memory buffer area. Default = 112MB, max. 1000MB.

To make it easy for you to copy, here's how it should look in Steam:

Code: Select all

-64bit -nointro -unlimitedlog -mm_pool_size 4000 -mm_max_resource_size 32 -mm_max_tmp_buffers_size 1000
With this formula you can compute the number of buffers the game will use:
number_of_buffers = mm_max_tmp_buffers_size / mm_max_resource_size - 1

Presently recommended NPI settings:

--- Ambient Occlusion compatibility ------------------ '0x00000032(FIFA14)' //Alternate compatibility pattern to use, '0x000E0000(CRYSIS3)'.
--- Antialiasing compatibility (DX1x) ------------------ '0x80000A7F' //(Game versions 1.36-1.49) So far the best pattern not giving anomalies. No ReShade to use sadly. Thanx JHTrucker!
--- Frame Rate Limiter ---------------------------------- 'Off' //For G-Sync, FreeSync and newly found V-Sync solutions: [See Note 3]
--- Frame Rate Limiter Mode --------------------------- 'Default' //Keep this.
--- Maximum pre-rendered frames -------------------- '3' //To get a smoothing effect on rendering.
--- Antialiasing - Line gamma -------------------------- 'Enabled' //Applies gamma correction for singular lines (like wires) as compared to edges.
--- Antialiasing - Mode ---------------------------------- 'Override any application setting' or 'Enhance the application setting'//To force antialiasing into game.
--- Antialiasing - Setting -------------------------------- '4x [4x Multisampling]' //Alt. setting together with alt. below. [See Note 1]
--- Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling ------ '4x Sparse Grid Supersampling' //Alt. setting together with alt. above. [See Note 1]
--- Sharpening - Denoising Factor --------------------- '0.17' // Three parameters set to counter for the blurring AA causes. NPI & Driver version dependent - See step 1 note.
--- Sharpening Filter ------------------------------------ 'On' // See previous!
--- Sharpening Value ------------------------------------ '0.60' // See previous!
--- Anisotropic filtering mode ------------------------- 'User-defined / Off' //Using this instead of the game in-built.
--- Anisotropic filtering setting ----------------------- '16x' //See above. Using maximum value.
--- Texture filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias -- 'Off' //In order for user defined LOD Bias to be used.
--- Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX) ----------------- '-1.5000' //This is to get the text clarity earlier on distant signs. Value of -1.0000 for 4x AA, -1.5000 for 8x AA.
--- Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias ------------ 'Allow' // See above.
--- Texture filtering - Quality ------------------------- 'High quality' // See above.
--- Ambient Occlusion setting ------------------------- 'High quality' //1.36 & 1.37 only. To enhance the display of occluded shadows.
--- Ambient Occlusion usage -------------------------- 'Disabled' // 1.38+. See above. NOTE: This might be changed to Enabled if we find a solution to get AO to work properly!
--- Power management mode ------------------------- 'Prefer maximum performance' //To get a smoothing effect on rendering.
--- Memory Allocation Policy -------------------------- '0x00000002' (WKS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_POLICY_AGGRESSIVE_PRE_ALLOCATION) //Pre-allocation of GPU resources.
--- SILK Smoothness ------------------------------------ '0x00000004' //To get a smoothing effect on rendering. NPI & Driver version dependent - See step 1 note.

NCP Image sharpening:

Image sharpening ----------- 'On' //This setting is an alternative to the NPI way, should be done ONLY for ETS2 and ATS under TAB Program settings. Same values.

Graphics related LOD changes in top-most game_data.sii:

I do this change so that LOD changes to trees and grass will be done further away and by that not seen most of the time.
You have to find for yourself which mod, if any, is the top-most one having the file game_data.sii.

The Sound Fixes Pack by Drive Safely has even made it easier to do, as in that case you just have to create a mod yourself, where the file
/def/leaves_lod_config.sui is present, with the exact content as per below.
This does not work any more! [Apr. 30th 2021]

Default SCS values:

Code: Select all

	# Currently we use:
	# - first lod class for trees.
	# - second lod class for grass (detail vegetation).
	# Note:
	# Make sure that (end - start) distance for grass
	# is not higher than end/9.0 for proper lod fading.
	leaves_lod_start: (240.0, 410.0, 50.0)
	leaves_lod_end:   (300.0, 460.0, 100.0)
My edited values, (HIGH FPS HIT):

Code: Select all

	# Currently we use:
	# - first lod class for trees.
	# - second lod class for grass (detail vegetation).
	# Note:
	# Make sure that (end - start) distance for grass
	# is not higher than end/9.0 for proper lod fading.
	leaves_lod_start: (980.0, 980.0, 980.0)
	leaves_lod_end:   (990.0, 990.0, 990.0)
===================== Folks! =====================

This video by clear F1 really shows what can be achieved in this game on a blisteringly gorgeous map made
by Arayas and using the scheme laid out in this topic. It's almost impossible to distinguish from the real world.

===================== Enjoy! =====================



The following pairs of settings are recommended.

Code: Select all

'2x [2x Multisampling]' 
'2x Sparse Grid Supersampling'

'4xS [Combined 1x2 SS + 2x Multisampling (D3D Only)]'
'2x Sparse Grid Supersampling'

'4x [4x Multisampling]' 
'4x Sparse Grid Supersampling'
Note: The higher values listed below are currently only providing 4x Multisampling.
'8xQ [8x Multisampling]'
'8x Sparse Grid Supersampling'
'32xS (Combined 2x2SS + 8xMS)'
'8x Sparse Grid Supersampling'
[2] For those of you who now have to use Nvidia Freestyle instead of ReShade, here's a link to info on that. viewtopic.php?p=16820#p16820
[3a] The advantages gained by using Frame Rate Limiter are, that it eases the load on game, GPU and CPU, as it is no longer necessary
---- to create and render superfluous frames not really needed. During the years a lot of solutions to the problem have surfaced, V-Sync,
---- G-Sync (Nvidia), FreeSync (AMD), FastSync (NVIDIA), Adaptive Sync and so on. I know of NO monitor that supports all of them, so often
---- it is a question of choosing the one that suits your monitor best. Here's some recommendations:
  • If you have a G-Sync supported monitor, do this. Recommended by Road Runner!

    Code: Select all

    In NCP:
    Enable GSync
    In NPI ETS2:
    Vertical Sync: Force on
    Frame Rate Limiter V3: set at least 3 frames less monitor refresh rate
    Maximum pre-rendered frames: 1
    In Game:
    Vertical synchronization: Disable
  • If you have a FreeSync supported monitor, which is "G-Sync compatible", and a Nvidia GTX10XX OR GTX16XX OR GTX20XX card
    and a driver version later than or equal to v417.71, you can treat it as G-Sync one in NCP after you have enabled it in the monitor. See previous!
  • For the rest of us, we can get the "poor mans adaptive sync" by making the following settings in NPI and in game.

    Code: Select all

    	1. In NPI set Frame Rate Limiter to 'Off'.
    	2. in NPI set Frame Rate Limiter Mode to 'Default'.
    	3. In NPI set Frame Rate Limiter V3 to wanted value. //Max Frame Rate in NCP! I set it to Off as I have 60Hz monitor.
    	4. In NPI set Vertical Sync to 'Force on'.
    	5. In NPI set Vertical Sync Tear Control to 'Adaptive'.
    	6. In-game set Vertical synchronization to 'Disabled'
More detailed G-Sync info can be found here: viewtopic.php?p=46155#p46155

[3b] According to the findings by JHTrucker you can also try these settings in the config.cfg file, which will make an in-game
---- proper V-Sync at many different levels, depending on which level of FPS you can achieve in game.
[New March 31st 2020]
---- Not to be used in conjunction with a G-Sync or Freesync monitor. ----

Code: Select all

	uset r_vsync "0" = disabled
	uset r_vsync "1" = full vertical sync
	uset r_vsync "2" = 1/2 vertical sync
	uset r_vsync "3" = 1/3 vertical sync
	uset r_vsync "4" = 1/4 vertical sync
---- That will e.g. give the following possibilities:

Code: Select all

	At 60hz = 60,30,20 & 15 FPS tear free.
	At 120hz = 120,60,40 & 30 FPS tear free.
	At 144hz = 144,72,48 & 36 FPS tear free.
---- So, anyone using a 120hz monitor and can run above 40 FPS can use vsync=3 for 40 FPS tear free.
---- Don't use NPI frame limiter or vertical sync options, just default them. Not the NCP Max Refresh Rate either.

[4] This is how you can increase scaling without losing AA. Note: This is for single monitors only as DSR doesn't work with Nvidia surround.
  • Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3D settings -> Global settings -> DSR factors. Tick 1.20x, 1.50x, 1.78x, 2.00x or 4.00x.
  • Set desktop resolution to new DSR resolution.
  • Set in game resolution to new DSR resolution.

That'll make 4xMSAA + 4xSGSS look a bit better.
FPS will drop as you increase resolution further.
Or try 2xMSAA + 2xSGSS with higher DSR values to reduce FPS drop.

As long as the in game resolution and desktop resolution are kept the same, then there's no problem with game defaulting
back to native resolution on each restart despite showing the DSR resolution in graphics settings.

Link to more information on the configuration of this scheme: viewtopic.php?p=17385#p17385

[5] If you ever see AI traffic, parked cars and trucks or pedestrians suddenly increase in detail as you get closer? If so increase the
respective LOD parameter below by 1 and check again. You do this until you are happy and you can't see the changes happen. But mind
you, by increasing the value, you add extra load to the gpu and may get fps drop if too excessive. It all depends on how competent your
graphics card is. Here are the three LOD parameters in the global config.cfg file.

Code: Select all


Here's some user setups that you may find useful to read:

Triple, mismatched, 8560x1440 setup: viewtopic.php?p=60279#p60279

I'll add more when I see them...
Last edited by JHTrucker on June 4th, 2024, 4:39 pm, edited 39 times in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by bogdac » December 28th, 2019, 11:20 am

Thank you mate. :D Now that I am finished with my "wild parties/drunken orgies" I can get back to having fun again :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by BenganJ » December 28th, 2019, 1:46 pm


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by clear F1 » December 28th, 2019, 6:03 pm


thank you my friend. You are already using this setting.
I tried to imitate the following, but please teach me the setting contents and the meaning of numerical values.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by BenganJ » December 28th, 2019, 6:29 pm

@clear F1

I will add information on every parameter there later. I have not had time yet to do that,
but you can look in the previous topic, the one for DX9 and there I have briefly described
the parameters and their values! :D
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by clear F1 » December 28th, 2019, 7:16 pm

sorry. I forgot to copy. I asked about this. :?

uset r_mirror_view_distance "900"
uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian "15"
uset g_lod_factor_parked "15"
uset g_lod_factor_traffic "15"
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by BenganJ » December 28th, 2019, 7:54 pm

@clear F1
uset r_mirror_view_distance "900" //This will give you 900 meters view in the mirrors before objects disappear.
uset g_lod_factor_pedestrian "15" // This and the following 2 parameters will make LOD changes for the objects mentioned further away.
uset g_lod_factor_parked "15" // See above.
uset g_lod_factor_traffic "15" // See above.
Do you understand that?
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by clear F1 » December 29th, 2019, 3:52 am

I may have searched a lot on the net and found it somehow. :D :D :D
I feel like I understand about LOD.
These are the numbers you set, so I think they should be good. :!: :?:
Say thanks.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by BenganJ » December 29th, 2019, 8:45 am

@clear F1

LOD = Level Of Detail. Many game objects can be rendered in a simple form and in a detailed
form, and the 3 LOD parameters I set will change thr respective objects earlier, further away,
from the simple to the detailed form. Okay?
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by PerrydPelle » December 29th, 2019, 9:44 am

I don’t know if I will use all these settings, since it’s a bit complicated, but I do really appreciate you doing this, sometimes I think you now the game better then SCS does :lol: :lol: :lol:
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