Nvidia Freestyle is a way for you to personally customize a game’s appearance through the application of real-time post-processing filters like Reshade. With Freestyle’s options, you can be more creative with your games, adding a retro war-themed filter for your favorite FPS, for example, or enhancing color and contrast to make a game look more photorealistic. Or maybe you’re color-blind, like me, and want to make a style that makes it easier to differentiate between colors and see key features.
Step 1: Download Nvidia Geforce experience :
Link to Nvidia website: https://www.nvidia.com/fr-fr/geforce/ge ... xperience/
.1 Click on download and then when the installation is finished.
-2 Then connect to your Nvidia account or sign up if you don't have one.
-3 Install the lastest nvidia drivers overwhise you can't use Nvidia Freestyle.
Step 2: Configuring Nvidia Freestyle ( the choice is yours).
-In game, press Alt + F3 and then Nvidia Freestyle window appear, choose one setting below.
Setting by: Ticreut29
Design by me after a lot of hours searching for the best freestyle setting.

The old one was too cartoonish, I use it currently.

It fixes some issue with the base graphics.
-Night is not enough dark.
-Increase visibility during the day.
-Sharp the game a bit.
Some screenshot

Details setting by ERPL thank to Bogdac.
Sharpen 12%
Clarity 42%
HDR Toning 28%
Bloom 0%
Effect: the game looks brighter, the visibility is better.
Here's a comparison screenshot from Bogdac.
Without details setting

With details setting

Note: -Performance Impact is high
More coming soon...
Alternative Setting
Details by ERPL + Color and Contrast/Sharpeness setting by JustFunSpaceMedia CS:GO
It's a combination with the Color and Contrast/Sharpness setting and Details setting.
Sharpen 12%
Clarity 42%
HDR Toning 28%
Bloom 0%
Tint color 0%
Tint Intensity 4%
Temperature 12
Vibrance 100
Exposure 10%
Contrast 13%
Highlights 0%
Shadows 30%
Gamma 0%
Without Nvidia Freestyle

With Nvidia Freestyle

Effect: Make the game more colorful + Render distance is better.
Note: High performance hit.
Setting by Necrokilldozerr
1.Quint sharp
sharpen streight 0.918
sharpen mode Luma
2. RGB Lift 1.16
Gamma 0.86, 0.86, 0.86
Gain default
3. Curves
Curves Both Luma and chroma
Formula exp
Contrast 0. 08
4. Clarity
radius 2
offset 4
bland dark 16
bland light 108
streight 0.23
dark intensity 0.396
light intensity 0.243
5. MultiLut
lut chroma 0.41
lut ammount 0.53

Share your own Nvidia Freestyle setting.
Here you can post your own Nvidia Freestyle setting but they need follow some rule.
-1 The game Shouldn't look worst than SCS Graphics.
-2 Post a comparison between a game without Nvidia Freestyle setting and another one with it.
-3 Put a "note" section for describe the performance impact on your game.
I will be happy to share your Nvidia Freestyle setting.
Possible combination with it.
-Graphics mods: You can use graphics mods for have a better result like Naturalux, Realistic Graphics, Project Next Gen...ect
-Antialaising Fix, link to it: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1000.
-Setting combination/Alternative Setting: Found in Alternative Setting section.
Why It's me instead of BenganJ?
I send a PM BenganJ to ask if I can a create a topic About Nvidia Freestyle.
He says he had the exact same idea but he cannot create one, because he wasn't very happy to use Nvidia Freestyle alone and he had too many topics to deal, and he says that's would be very nice to create one and take responsibility for the maintenance
of it!
Nvidia Freestyle filter doesn't work when you take a screenshot.

Do no press F10 or F12 for taking a screenshot.
Use instead ALT+F2 a new window will appear, this is Nvidia Photo mode choose the filter you use in your Nvidia Freestyle setting and then take the Screenshot.

After you take your screenshot, go to C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\Euro Truck Simulator 2
And you will find your screenshot you take in-game.
From BenganJ
===== Folks! I have now got Smart_Sharp working within Freestyle! =====
To get it working you have to copy two files from the SuperDepth3D shader pack, Smart_Sharp.fx and Overwatch.fxh
into the following folder: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel
You might have to create the Ansel folder if it isn't there already. Then after enabling Game Overlay, or Sharing, in
GeForce Experience you can access the filter by hitting ALT+F3 when in ETS2 or ATS. Check out the settings I have
specified in the NPI topic under the subject of ReShade. The look will not be the same, but the settings you can
change is the same!
Link for download it: https://github.com/BlueSkyDefender/Depth3D
Have a good trucking folks.