Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 20/10/2024

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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 29/01/2022

Post by LabogHirshimus » February 24th, 2022, 1:15 pm

Thanks, it actually works like a charm. :dance2:

Code: Select all

 "mix activate `keyboard.enter?0 | sign(deadzone(abs(headtryaw), 0.4)) & (lwinopen | rwinopen) | semantical.activate?0`"
It was my bad from the start, I didn't get right away that I need to turn head 90 degrees, keep looking, and then open window.

Strangely, but I have line 300 for mix menu, and 298 for mix clutch... But I am on, not on version to prevent Steam auto updates, if that makes any difference in the code lines in the file...
Anyways, everything works now, this really improves the immersion. Thanks again for the clarification.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 29/01/2022

Post by JHTrucker » February 24th, 2022, 1:49 pm

@LabogHirshimus - No problem, glad it works. I wanted it to mimic what i'd expect to do in real life, hence the movement.

Line numbers are strange... if you look at some of my other stuff "Extra Cabin Cameras v2" for example, you'll see I have line numbers for versions 1.38 to 1.43. But now that looks like i've wasted my time if they're different within the same version number.
As long as the MIX name exists then it's number doesn't really matter, it's just easier to find them with a number when copy/pasting my other massive edits.

My driving pc is only connected to the internet when I need an update, steam runs offline, so no sudden updates for me.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 29/01/2022

Post by JHTrucker » March 16th, 2022, 3:13 pm

Control DEVCAM using analogue gamepad thumbsticks / triggers or Wheel/Pedals/Joystick/Shifter. Thanks to forum member bartofer for the idea.
(You can still use your mouse and default numpad keys as normal whilst also using this.)

Updated 18/03/2022 - Lines 197/198 added. Line 494 amended to simplify it.

Created with game version 1.43 and an xbox 360 game controller.
(It should work from 1.38 up over - It won't work from 1.37 down over)

NOTE: It may break some of my other controls.sii mods.
If any of the below line edits have already been modified then you can't use this DEVCAM control mod.

If you want this analogue DEVCAM control and extra cameras, try these instead:
"Extra Cabin Cameras" viewtopic.php?p=44428#p44428
"Multiple Universal External Cameras" viewtopic.php?p=33833#p33833
"Multiple Universal Cameras" viewtopic.php?p=46034#p46034

This won't work with:
TrackIR Option 7 Window Block.
TrackIR Driving Enhancements - It will, however, be incorporated into the next update!

It uses the analogue gamepad/joystick/wheel/pedals controls for:
Steering Axis = Devcam Move left/right
Accelerator Axis = Devcam Move forwards
Brake Axis = Devcam Move backwards
Look Left-Right Axis = Devcam Look left/right
Look Up-Down Axis = Devcam Look up/down
The above need to be setup in the game 'controls' menu.

Example - I used, left stick steer, left trigger brake, right trigger accelerator & right stick look up/down/left/right.
Tested also - G27 Wheel/Pedals/Shifter.
Wheel look left/right - Accelerator move forwards - Brake move backwards - Shifter 3rd pitch down / 4th pitch up - Shifter 1st move left / 5th move right.

NOTE: When DEVCAM is used your truck steering/accelerator/brake/clutch functions are disabled, otherwise your truck would drive around as you move the DEVCAM.

Press '0' (or your assigned devcam key) as normal to enter DEVCAM and it will disable steering/accelerator/brake/clutch functions.
Press '1' to '9' (or your assigned camera keys) to change cameras as normal and it will re-enable steering/accelerator/brake/clutch functions.

NOTE: If the game auto changes from DEVCAM to another camera then you won't be able to drive your truck until you press the required camera button '1' to '9' (or your assigned camera keys) .


Analogue Gamepad line edits - Copy & paste the following:
Note: SCS now keep changing the line numbers with each minor update instead of just with the main updates. Therefore, always match the "mix name" as the line numbers may be different!

config_lines[175]: "mix dbgfwd `keyboard.num8?0 | (normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz) + semantical.aforward?0) * ! c_ht_on`"

config_lines[176]: "mix dbgback `keyboard.num5?0 | (normalize(sel(c_jzbrake, sel(c_jibrake, -j_brake?0, j_brake?0), sel(c_jibrake, j_brake?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_brake?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_brake_dz) + semantical.abackward?0) * ! c_ht_on`"

config_lines[177]: "mix dbgleft `keyboard.num4?0 | -(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)) * ! c_ht_on`"

config_lines[178]: "mix dbgright `keyboard.num6?0 | (sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)) * ! c_ht_on`"

You can change '3' to adjust the speed of look left/right turning.
config_lines[209]: "mix camuilr `(-mouse.rel_position.x?0 * c_msens) + (deadzone(-sel(c_jilooklr, -j_look_lr?0, j_look_lr?0), c_lr_dz) * 3 * ! c_ht_on)`"

You can change '2' to adjust the speed of look up/down movement.
If you have Look up/down set with "Inverted and Centered" use this line:
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + (deadzone(-sel(c_jilookud, -j_look_ud?0, j_look_ud?0), c_ud_dz) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"

If you have Look up/down set with "Centered" use this line:
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + (deadzone(sel(c_jilookud, -j_look_ud?0, j_look_ud?0), c_ud_dz) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"

config_lines[289]: "mix steering `(dsteering - (pow(normalize(abs(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)), c_steer_dz), (1.0 + c_steer_func * 0.5)) * sign(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0))) - semantical.steering?0) * c_ht_on`"

config_lines[294]: "mix aforward `(normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz) + semantical.aforward?0) * c_ht_on`"

config_lines[295]: "mix abackward `(normalize(sel(c_jzbrake, sel(c_jibrake, -j_brake?0, j_brake?0), sel(c_jibrake, j_brake?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_brake?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_brake_dz) + semantical.abackward?0) * c_ht_on`"

config_lines[299]: "mix clutch `(dclutch + normalize(sel(c_jzclutch, sel(c_jiclutch, -j_clutch?0, j_clutch?0), sel(c_jiclutch, j_clutch?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_clutch?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_clutch_dz) + semantical.clutch?0) + ! c_ht_on`"

config_lines[494]: "mix headtren `camdbg?0 & c_ht_on | (cam1?0 | cam2?0 | cam3?0 | cam4?0 | cam5?0 | cam6?0 | cam7?0 | cam8?0 | cam9?0) & ! c_ht_on`"

Use your indicators or any gamepad/joystick buttons to speed up & slow down instead of the mouse wheel.
Replace joy.b5?0 & joy.b6?0 (flappy paddles on G27 wheel) with your preferred buttons.
config_lines[197]: "mix camzoomin `mouse.wheel_up?0 | joy.b5?0 & ! c_ht_on | semantical.camzoomin?0`"
config_lines[198]: "mix camzoomout `mouse.wheel_down?0 | joy.b6?0 & ! c_ht_on | semantical.camzoomout?0`"

That's it for gamepad.


If you have a steering wheel & pedals and a joystick or shifter, do the above and then make the below changes:
If using a joystick, assign it to look up/down/left/right in games controls menu.

Steering Axis = Devcam Look left/right
You can change '3' to adjust the speed of look left/right turning.
config_lines[209]: "mix camuilr `(-mouse.rel_position.x?0 * c_msens) + ((dsteering - (pow(normalize(abs(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)), c_steer_dz), (1.0 + c_steer_func * 0.5)) * sign(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0))) - semantical.steering?0) * 3 * ! c_ht_on)`"


Joystick Look Left/Right Axis = Devcam Move left/right
config_lines[177]: "mix dbgleft `keyboard.num4?0 | (deadzone(-sel(c_jilooklr, -j_look_lr?0, j_look_lr?0), c_lr_dz) * ! c_ht_on)`"

config_lines[178]: "mix dbgright `keyboard.num6?0 | (deadzone(sel(c_jilooklr, -j_look_lr?0, j_look_lr?0), c_lr_dz) * ! c_ht_on)`"

Joystick Look Up/Down Axis = Devcam Pitch Up/Down
You can change '2' to adjust the speed of look up/down movement.
If you have Look up/down set with "Inverted and Centered" use this line:
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + (deadzone(-sel(c_jilookud, -j_look_ud?0, j_look_ud?0), c_ud_dz) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"

If you have Look up/down set with "Centered" use this line:
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + (deadzone(sel(c_jilookud, -j_look_ud?0, j_look_ud?0), c_ud_dz) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"


H-Shifter Gear 1st / 5th = Devcam Move left/right
config_lines[177]: "mix dbgleft `keyboard.num4?0 | (-mouse.rel_position.x?0 + (gear2?0 * ! c_ht_on))`"

config_lines[178]: "mix dbgright `keyboard.num6?0 | (-mouse.rel_position.x?0 + (gear6?0 * ! c_ht_on))`"

H-Shifter Gear 3rd / 4th = Devcam Look up/down
You can change '2' to adjust the speed of look up/down movement.
3rd Pitch up - 4th Pitch down
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + ((gear4?0 - gear5?0) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"

4th (pull gearstick towards you) Pitch up - 3rd (push gearstick away) Pitch down - Aeroplane mode
config_lines[210]: "mix camuiud `(-mouse.rel_position.y?0 * sel(c_minvert, -c_msens, c_msens)) + ((gear5?0 - gear4?0) * 2 * ! c_ht_on)`"

Note: My G27 H-Shiter - gear2?0 = 1st : gear4?0 = 3rd : gear5?0 = 4th : gear6?0 = 5th

You may have to change gear2?0 / gear4?0 / gear5?0 / gear6?0 to suit your particular shifter setup.

Note 2: Using a wheel/pedals/shifter, you now have a flying truck, but doing a repeated 'loop the loop' will make you feel sick!

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Last edited by JHTrucker on April 16th, 2022, 7:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience.

Post by JHTrucker » March 22nd, 2022, 2:15 pm

Walk Around Your Truck.

Content removed due to the new UI in game version 1.51 that prevents this from working...

For an much enhanced alternative, checkout this post with improved 'walking' code and other features: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Last edited by JHTrucker on February 11th, 2025, 11:44 pm, edited 36 times in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 22/03/2022

Post by clear F1 » March 22nd, 2022, 6:19 pm

thank you for your hard work. You are a true expert! 👏
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 22/03/2022

Post by Tapir » March 22nd, 2022, 8:05 pm

Thanks JHTrucker really a expert! :grin:

System: Windows 11 PRO
Processor: Intel i7-12700KF 5GHZ
Motherboard: Gigabyte B760 DS3H AX
Memory: Corsair DDR5-6000 32 GB
Storage: Samsung 990 M2 SSD + 2 Samsung 870 SSD
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 22/03/2022

Post by JHTrucker » March 23rd, 2022, 1:45 am

@clear F1 & Tapir
Thanks for the thanks.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 22/03/2022

Post by JHTrucker » March 24th, 2022, 6:49 pm

UPDATE: Walk Around Your Truck. viewtopic.php?p=50312#p50312

Line 277 Amended. You can now use your Accelerator (Pedal / Thumbstick / Trigger) to crouch beside your truck.

EDIT: Added this note at the top of the post:
This will work with 'Control DEVCAM using analogue gamepad thumbsticks / triggers or Wheel/Pedals/Joystick/Shifter': viewtopic.php?p=50209#p50209
Ensure you keep 'config_lines[494]: "mix headtren...' from this post otherwise DEVCAM control won't work.
If in doubt, add DEVCAM edits and then add the edits detailed below.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 24/03/2022

Post by JHTrucker » March 26th, 2022, 10:39 pm

UPDATE: Walk Around Your Truck. viewtopic.php?p=50312#p50312

New mod 'Walk around your truck'.

All v2 mods now have a basic collision detection added.
If your truck & trailer(s) are not inline and you 'walk' into the side of your trailer, you'll hop over it rather than pass through it. It's not ideal but that's how the game code reacts to collision data for CAM 5.

The 'menu' versions have a new slider:
Set initial offset distance away from the truck/trailer(s) <-- Increase if you don't want to 'walk' so close around the truck/trailer(s).
Tobii Eye users can change this value manually as stated in the main post.

Line 298 "mix dclutch" amended.

Line 277 "mix headtry" amended to fix CAM 1 having incorrect seat height when using head tracking.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 26/03/2022

Post by JHTrucker » April 7th, 2022, 5:43 pm

Driving Adjustments for keyboard & gamepad users - Adjust steering & throttle controls as you drive.

Created with my game version 1.43. Note SCS seem to now keep changing the numbers with each minor update instead of just with the main updates. Therefore, always match the "mix name" as the line number may be different!

(The mod should work from 1.38 up to 1.43 - It won't work from 1.37 down over - The hard coded line edits at the bottom of the post should always work no matter what the game version is)

Note: I'm a wheel user, I just thought of this in case it'll help you keyboard or gamepad users, it may not be needed? You decide.

UPDATE 14/04/2022 - Re-written post to include gamepad control as well as original keyboard only control, re-apply all line edits. What's new? Look here: ... 494#p50494

UPDATE 20/05/2022 - New mod - Fixed for game version 1.44


What does this do?
You can change the steering turn speed and throttle pedal movement amount to suit how you want them in a given situation as you drive around.
You can use 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' to drive slowly without having to keep pressing the throttle.

Use the attached menu mod and edit your controls.sii file & config_local.cfg file as detailed below.
Note 1: Tobii Eye users can't use the menu mod as it will mess up the settings. Instead, use the alternate line edits at the bottom of this post. But you can only use the basic toggle between game default steering speed & throttle movement and the hard coded values in those line edits.
Note 2: If you're using one of my other 'menu mods' then you will also have to use the Tobii Eye line edits at the bottom of this post because you can't use multiple menu mods.

The mod replaces the in game Tobii Eye menu with a custom modded one - Ignore the balloon tips.
Press SHIFT + NUMLOCK to access the menu mod to make changes as required.
Press ESCAPE to go back to the driving screen.

Menu setup:
Assign the Toggle on/off key if CAPSLOCK isn't suitable.
Assign your preferred Throttle key (keyboard users only).
Assign keys for Mode 1, 2 & 3. If you want to use the 'Advanced' option.

How it works:
Basic 1 - Use the top preset drop down to select the required steering & throttle settings.
Press CAPSLOCK key while driving to toggle between default steering & throttle and the selected preset values.

Basic 2 - Use the Steering & Throttle sliders to set exactly the values you want and tick the 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' boxes, as required and save as a preset.
Press CAPSLOCK key while driving to toggle between default steering & throttle and the selected preset values.

Advanced 1 - Use the 'Mode 1/2/3' preset drop downs to select the required steering & throttle settings for each mode. If you've created your own presets using the Steering & Throttle sliders, you can also select them here.
Press CAPSLOCK key to toggle between default steering & throttle and 'Mode 1/2/3' selection.
Press your assigned 'Mode 1/2/3' keys while driving to change between the mode presets as required.

Example using the Numpad 1/2/3 keys to select each mode:
Mode 1 - Numpad 1 - Steering Speed 100% & Throttle 100% <-- Same as game default
Mode 2 - Numpad 2 - Steering Speed 050% & Throttle 100% <-- Motorway cruising - less twitchy steering.
Mode 3 - Numpad 3 - Steering Speed 100% & Throttle 020% <-- Manoeuvring around at low speed - Default fast steering - Slow moving.

Advanced 2 - Use the 'Mode 1/2/3' preset drop downs to select the required 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' presets.
When you select that mode your truck will automatically accelerate, if it's in gear, therefore you can drive slowly without having to keep the throttle pressed all the time and just concentrate on steering.
But unlike normal 'Cruise Control' you can't specify the required speed and instead the speed is determined by these factors:
1 - Throttle % selected.
2 - Truck engine power.
3 - The weight of your truck and trailer(s).
4 - The road, level, uphill or downhill.
Example 1, you can therefore set the 3 modes as:
Mode 1 - Numpad 1 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 010% - Slow Speed Cruise Control
Mode 2 - Numpad 2 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 020% - Slow Speed Cruise Control
Mode 3 - Numpad 3 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 030% - Slow Speed Cruise Control
Then just select the mode that gives you the slow speed you want at any given situation.
As a safety feature, 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' is instantly disabled if you press your throttle, brake or toggle off this mode. You'll then have default steering & throttle control, toggle back on (if you toggled off) then press your 'Mode 1/2/3' keys to re-enable your required mode again.

Example 2 using 'Slow Speed CC - Resume':
Mode 1 - Numpad 1 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 010% - Slow Speed CC - Resume
Mode 2 - Numpad 2 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 020% - Slow Speed CC - Resume
Mode 3 - Numpad 3 - Steering Speed 100% - Throttle 030% - Slow Speed CC - Resume
Now you can press the throttle for a burst of acceleration (to start moving or climb a hill etc) without disabling this mode.
As a safety feature, 'Slow Speed CC - Resume' is instantly disabled if you press your Brake or toggle off this mode.

New 'Manual Hill Descent Control'. When using 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' or 'Slow Speed CC - Resume' and your speed increases due to going down hill, press your 'Cruise Control' key, this will apply the trailer brake to help you maintain the 'slow speed' you require without disabling the 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' modes. If you want to stop, use the brake as normal.
Note: The above will only work when using 'Slow Speed Cruise Control' or 'Slow Speed CC - Resume' and your speed is below 20mph/30kph, otherwise it will enable the normal cruise control function.

Note 1: On every game start up you'll have game default steering & throttle settings.
Note 2: 'Simple Automatic' uses the same key for braking and reversing and is therefore not suitable for reducing speed in reverse, you'll therefore have full throttle reverse just like the default game. If that matters, assign a key to 'Gearbox Switch Automatic/Sequential' so you can quickly change to 'sequential' when your performing slow speed manoeuvring in both directions OR use 'Real Automatic'.

Previous downloads: 186
New 20/05/2022
Driving Adjustments
Required line edits (1.43) for controls.sii file:
Note: SCS now keep changing the line numbers with each minor update instead of just with the main updates. Therefore, always match the "mix name" as the line numbers may be different!

config_lines[272]: "mix headtron `(trackiron | hmdon | eyeposon)`"

config_lines[279]: "mix headtrwmon `(trackiron | hmdon | eyeposon)`"

config_lines[288]: "mix dsteering `dsteerleft - dsteerright`" <-- Default - My original edit is now within "mix steering..." line.

config_lines[289]: "mix steering `(dsteering - ((pow(normalize(abs(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)), c_steer_dz), (1.0 + c_steer_func * 0.5)) * sign(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0))) - semantical.steering?0)) * (c_ht_on + (c_et_gv_res * ! c_ht_on))`"

config_lines[292]: "mix dforward `eyepause?0 * c_ht_on`"

config_lines[294]: "mix aforward `((eyepause?0 | normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz)) * ! c_ht_on * sign(! c_et_pos + ! c_et_hv_ac) * c_et_hv_res) + ((sign(c_et_pos + c_et_hv_ac)) * ! c_ht_on * c_et_hv_res) + ((eyepause?0 | normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz)) * ! c_ht_on * sign(c_et_pos + c_et_hv_ac) * (1.0 - c_et_hv_res)) + (normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz) * c_ht_on)`"

config_lines[316]: "mix trailerbrake `abs(sign(-mouse.rel_position.x?0 + 2)) * cruiectrl?0 * sign(c_et_pos + c_et_hv_ac) * ! c_ht_on`"

config_lines[496]: "mix headtren `keyboard.caps?0`"

config_lines[503]: "mix eyepreset5 `(sign(abackward?0) | dbackward?0 | aforward?0 * ! c_et_hv_ac) * ! c_ht_on * sign(c_et_pos + c_et_hv_ac)`"

Close & Save.

Required line edit for config_local.cfg file (same location as your controls.sii file):

uset g_eye_preset_5 "g:steer100_throttle100"

Close & Save.

That's it, go try it in game.



If you already use the 'Trailer Brake' with an assigned key, then you can combine it, just replace with your key:
config_lines[316]: "mix trailerbrake ` | abs(sign(-mouse.rel_position.x?0 + 2)) * cruiectrl?0 * sign(c_et_pos + c_et_hv_ac) * ! c_ht_on`"

If you can't use 'Shift + Numlock' to open the menu then change this line to add your preferred key:
config_lines[368]: "mix eyecfg ``" <--- Example using TAB key

If you don't have enough spare keys to allocate to 'Mode 1/2/3' then you can double up with Cam 1/2/3 by using shift:
config_lines[185]: "mix cam1 `modifier(! shift_only, keyboard.key1?0)`" <--- Cam 1 = press '1' without pressing 'shift'
config_lines[186]: "mix cam2 `modifier(! shift_only, keyboard.key2?0)`"
config_lines[187]: "mix cam3 `modifier(! shift_only, keyboard.key3?0)`"
config_lines[499]: "mix eyepreset1 `modifier(shift_only, keyboard.key1?0)`" <--- Mode 1 = press 'shift' + '1' at the same time.
config_lines[500]: "mix eyepreset2 `modifier(shift_only, keyboard.key2?0)`"
config_lines[501]: "mix eyepreset3 `modifier(shift_only, keyboard.key3?0)`"

Or if you already use 'shift' & 'ctrl' for gears then try 'alt key' instead. Replace 'shift_only' with 'alt_only' in the above 6 lines.
Note: Those key bindings will now show as 'complex' in the game menus.

If your game thinks you have head tracking software installed, but don't use it, then you may get a locked cam 1, unable to move it with mouse etc.
You can prevent headtracking from working by changing this in the config.cfg file:
uset g_trackir "0" <-- 1 is default 'on'


Tobii Eye hard coded line edits or anyone who can't use the menu mod:

Press CAPSLOCK key while driving to toggle between default steering & throttle and the hard coded values within the below line edits.

Required line edits (1.43) for controls.sii file (Always match the "mix name" as the line number may be different):

config_lines[272]: "mix headtron `(trackiron | hmdon | eyeposon)`"

config_lines[279]: "mix headtrwmon `(trackiron | hmdon | eyeposon)`"

Change 1.0 (Steering Speed 100%) to 0.1 (10%) up to 0.9 (90%) as required.
config_lines[289]: "mix steering `(dsteering - ((pow(normalize(abs(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0)), c_steer_dz), (1.0 + c_steer_func * 0.5)) * sign(sel(c_jisteer, -j_steer?0, j_steer?0))) - semantical.steering?0)) * (c_ht_on + (1.0 * ! c_ht_on))`"

Keep your assigned throttle key in here if it's different from keyboard.uarrow?0 - It'll now display as 'complex' in the games keys menu.
config_lines[292]: "mix dforward `keyboard.uarrow?0 * c_ht_on`"

Change 1.0 (Throttle 100%) to 0.1 (10%) up to 0.9 (90%) as required.
Keep your assigned throttle key in here if its different from keyboard.uarrow?0.
config_lines[294]: "mix aforward `(normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz) * c_ht_on) + ((keyboard.uarrow?0 | normalize(sel(c_jzthrottle, sel(c_jithrottle, -j_throttle?0, j_throttle?0), sel(c_jithrottle, j_throttle?1 * -0.5 + 0.5, j_throttle?-1 * 0.5 + 0.5)), c_throt_dz)) * ! c_ht_on * 1.0)`"

Change the toggle on/off key if CAPSLOCK isn't suitable.
config_lines[496]: "mix headtren `keyboard.caps?0`"

That's it, go try it in game.

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: ... 744#p24744
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Last edited by JHTrucker on February 5th, 2023, 8:04 pm, edited 12 times in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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