[DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by NeoChozo » September 4th, 2021, 2:52 pm

JHTrucker wrote:
September 4th, 2021, 2:11 pm
@NeoChozo - If you haven't already seen this on SCS forum then have a look as it explains those values.
Hi-End Configuration Optimization - https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=261451
My pc is from 2009 Q6600@3.3 8gb ram now running win 7 and GTX760 since about 2015 - it's not 'high end'!

I use LOW shadows as well for the same reasons but ULTRA doesn't add more shadows (I don't think) it adds an edge smoothing effect to the close up shadows.

The gsync info by RoadRunner states to set limiter to 3 frames below monitor Hz, set in game monitor to 60Hz and set limiter to 57 instead of 60. I'll stop helping now as I said I can't really help without actually having a gsync monitor.

Back when we got AA working forum member ClearF1 had a 1070 and gfx maxed out on 1920x1080xDSR x1.78 = 2560x1440 & 4xAA. He couldn't maintain 60fps on standard vsync monitor and so changed to my vsync=2 30 fps way.
I'm not saying you should change to 30, i'm just saying based on that I assume a 1070 @ 4xAA and native 2560x1440 can't run a constant 60fps without lowering a lot of the gfx settings.

Hopefully soon you can start to enjoy the drive and forget about tweaking.
Thanks, the forum explained a lot about those values, it's always good to know why we are doing something!
For the shadows I think that from low to high, it only change the number of shadows present in the world, and the ultra setting indeed smoother them.
For my G-SYNC, I have a 2560x1440 monitor with a refresh rate of 144Hz (160 if I overclock it), so I think that keeping it at 144Hz and setting the fps lock to 60 respect what RoadRunner said, but I'll try to lower my monitor refresh rate in game directly, who knows, mayber it'll change something! (On the good side hopefully)

Again thanks a lot for the help, I won't lie, it was easier to play at first when I wasn't looking for the most optimized settings, once you begin to learn about them, it's really diffcult to just ignore it, and I can't stop myself from looking at my fps and getting trigger when there is huge drops...
But I'm sure that with time, I'll get over it!

Thanks again, and have a good day!

Edit: I'm doing some tests regarding the GSync settings, if it's conclusive, I'll add the settings here just in case someone has the same problems as me.

Edit 2: So, after further testings, I have the best result by forcing VSync on. I just set the framerate limiter V3 to the desired value in the NPI or even in NCP (60 for me), max pre rendered framerate to 1 (I see absolutely no diff between 1, 3 or even 8, so it let it to 1), and setting uset t_averaging_window_length to 120 in the config ini seems to give me the best result (double the value of your framerate limiter, for me 60x2).

Edit 3: I can now play with a really smooth 60 fps, completely disabling light visibility ranges (this is the most important one if you need a fps boost), traffic headlight and secondary vehicle lights give a HUGE boost performance, mostly at night (make sense since most of the light sources are here during the night). The game will of course be way darker, but honeslty, I love the atmosphere that it gives to it. But not everyone will like it.

A huge thanks to @JHTrucker for the help, as well as @BenganJ and @clear F1 on the other forum topics, thanks to there posts I was able to set my GSync monitor properly.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » September 5th, 2021, 1:19 pm

@NeoChozo - Glad you've got to the point where you are happy with image & fps... now turn off that fps indicator and enjoy!

Regarding 'secondary vehicle lights' yes huge boost but I don't like that my indicator/brake lights/reverse lights all don't illuminate the surroundings. When overtaking a truck at night you can't see in your mirror where the end of your trailer is as the indicator doesn't light it up and so pulling back in front is tricky. It needs 2 options disable for AI or AI & player.

Regarding 'max pre-rendered'. If you don't see a difference and it doesn't cause fps issues i'd leave it at 2 or 3. Why? because when you drive into a higher detailed area that will either reduce fps because gpu is already at 100% and therefore can't work harder or reduce fps because they are taking much longer to generate/render... the 'pre-render' is helpful to smooth out that transition. But perhaps with gsync it's a non issue? You decide.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by clear F1 » September 5th, 2021, 6:10 pm


I'm also using an RTX2070Super and a G-Sync compatible monitor right now, and it's running well at native 1440p and 60fps limit.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by NeoChozo » September 6th, 2021, 4:31 am

@JHTrucker Yeah, I was so much triggered by those settings for the past few days than I wasn't even able to enjoy the game like I was use too... With all my tests, and thanks to the wonderful work of @clear F1, I was able to see that I had way less micro stutters while running the game with a refresh rate of 120Hz instead of 144Hz, and then setting the VSync to "1/2 refresh rate". In the long run it looks way smoother than applying the recommended settings by Road Runner for GSync user.
Now the game handle a little better those little fps drops!
I don't have those micro stutters at all when I completely revert to default the npi settings and use the in game one, so I guess that the stutters come from the NPI settings. I could try to test those settings one by one to see which one is doing that to me, I already have some ideas, but for now I'm a litte too lazy to do it, I just want to play the game and chill
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Olivier » September 6th, 2021, 4:29 pm

Hello everybody,
I am new to this forum, actually back as last time I have played Ets2 was 2014...lot of things have changed..sorry in advance for my english which is far from perfect.
I would like to first of all thank everybody on this forum, you do an amazing job, one thing is sure is that Ets2 and Ats would not have this success without you!!

I am writing as I try to configure AA as good as possible. My specs are I7 3770 with 16Gb of ram, GTX 1650 4Go GPU.

I have followed instructions as good as I could, amending a few things, it is true that 600 pages are not easy to read and lot of things has been said, everybody has different configurations - but I think most important things are settled for my side;
At the beggining I had serious jerks sometimes with 4xantialaising, FPS were from 30 to 60 - so I have settled LOW Mirrors and limited FPS at 30 in NPI. I am now happy with that, quite fluid, the result is really much better than default but steel the results do not look as expected concerning AA (flickering/flashing textures especially far away, unprecised contour of the road map for exemple); Of course I am not talking about the mirrors which I know are very FPS using, I do not mind about their quality, most important is to see something arriving behind :)

I have tried to configure stronger setting and transparency AA, but no change...
The question is can I expect for better than that?
May I ask if you could please have a look to my settings? That would be so kind of you..Ets2 is an unbelievable experience and it helps my nights a lot :)
I try to give as much informations as possible, sorry for the place it takes..also the game is in french, just in case faible is LOW and elevé is HIGH...
Thank you again very much in advance and have a nice day,








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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Olivier » September 6th, 2021, 7:01 pm

Actually sorry I have posted the NPI of Ats, for Ets2 it is the same but I have only the SLI compability bits for Ets2 added
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by clear F1 » September 6th, 2021, 7:30 pm


I'm not very good at English, but of course I don't understand French, so I can't read the in-game settings.
Since 1.39? AA does not work well in the distance.
The NPI setting does not stop all flickering of building windows, white lines, etc.
If nearby power lines are displayed well, it is OK. (Also poles and street lights)
If you are using 1080p, the "Texture filtering lod bias (DX)" should be negative (-1.000 to -1.500), although my NPI and version are different.
If you are using 30fps with a limiter, rewrite "t_averaging_window_length" in config.cfg to 60, which is double the value of 30.
That's all I know.
Please wait for JHTrucker's reply, as BenganJ is currently unable to reply to comments.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Olivier » September 6th, 2021, 11:02 pm

@clear F1 Thank you very much for your advices I will apply those right away and wait for JHTrucker's reply :)) Have a nice day
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » September 6th, 2021, 11:54 pm

@Olivier - The first post has all the correct info and all the subsequent pages are just discussions that get their info added to the first post, if required, and the rest are people like you asking for help, so no need to read them all!

Your settings look ok apart from the LOD that ClearF1 stated, but you need to do 3 things:
From first post advance settings:
--- Texture filtering - Driver Controlled LOD Bias -- 'Off'
--- Texture filtering - LOD Bias (DX) ----------------- '-1.5000' or -2.0 etc not +ve values.
--- Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias ------------ 'Allow'

I said this on the last page:
2xAA applies to near distance.
4xAA applies to near and mid distance.
8xAA would go all the way to far distance if it worked... anything higher than 4x is just 4x regardless of what it states.

The HUD gps doesn't currently get AA applied to it, if that's what you as saying in the last pic.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by NeoChozo » September 7th, 2021, 8:15 am

@Olivier - Hi, I highly suggest you to at least set "Qualités des rétroviseurs" and "Résolutions des rétroviseurs" to at least medium, like said on the first post, otherwise the AA won't apply to them. The resolution can only be on Medium if you want the AA to work properly, and the quality can be set on High or Medium to work, tho I let it on medium cause I can honeslty don't see any difference between High and Medium in quality.
If you want to gain some preicous fps, I suggest you to lower the "Distance des rétroviseurs" to Ultra if your pc can handle it, or High, which still give a sufficient distance of view.
Also you can lower your "Niveau de visibilité des lumières" to medium, the new lightning system is what trully kill your fps with the new updates, I personally completely remove them, but medium is a good compromise, to go even further, you can disable "Lumières secondaires du véhicule" and "Phares du trafic" too, trust me, it'll give you a major boost in fps, specially at night.
Being French myself, if you need help regarding some translations or things that you don't entirely understand, I would gladly help you with them
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