Quick look back view for head tracking or my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution - ATS & ETS2 1.38.
No need to change to cam 2 and move the mouse around to get a better look at your surroundings when reversing etc, just use this new view instead.
When driving with cam 1 (interior view) you can now have a quick look back whilst pressing and holding the button of your choice or pressing and holding the cam 1 button.
Once you let go of that button your driving view ,cam 1, is restored.
This rear view is fixed above your truck, so no mouse or head tracking movement needed, just instant look back.
Details given so you can tweak the view to suit yourself.
You can use this with the standard game head tracking configuration.
Or with my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.
Or with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block.
Or with my TRACKIR closed window block option 1.
Or with my TRACKIR closed window block option 7.
Or with the above when combined with my walk around edits.
You need to use the correct line edits to suit the trucks you drive, left hand drive or right hand drive. Options 1 & 7 takes care of LHD/RHD for you.
This is still cam 1 and therefore the view is restricted by the truck camera files. The ATS W900 can't look out of the window as far as other trucks, for example, so the rear view won't be straight back on all trucks for this reason, but a non-issue as far as i'm concerned as it's just a quick look back.
If you see your truck isn't drawn correctly, then you have the wrong LHD/RHD edits for the truck you are using.
Here are the required controls.sii file edits.
Line numbers correct for game version 1.38 - Tested with ATS & ETS2.
Backup your
controls.sii file first, just in case you don't like this.
Choose a button for "
LOOK BACK". I use the spacebar
keyboard.space?0 but you can use any key or controller button as required or just use cam 1 button.
If you don't know the name of the button you want to use, set that button to "
horn" in game and then look in
controls.sii for
config_lines[286]: "mix
horn `
keyboard.space?0 | semantical.horn?0`"
You can now copy your button name (
keyboard.space?0) to line 173 as i've
highlighted mine.
Then, in game, set your actual
horn button back as you had it or you'll keep hearing it when looking back!
Required edit for all configurations (just add the
highlighted part only to your existing line) or you can keep as is and just press and hold cam 1 button instead:
config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 |
keyboard.space?0 | EXISTING LINE HERE`"
For standard game head tracking only (LHD Trucks only):
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `
(1.0 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `
(-0.1 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `
(4.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0), -0.1, 0.1) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `
(3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `
(-3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0), -0.2, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
For standard game head tracking only (RHD Trucks only):
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `
(-1.0 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `
(-0.1 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `
(-4.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0), -0.1, 0.1) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `
(3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `
(-3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0), -0.2, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)
) * ! cam1)`"
Head tracking window block versions & my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.
Just copy exactly the
hightlighted parts into your existing lines (at the start and end):
Example: config_lines[999]: "mix example `
highlighted partEXISTING LINE
highlighted part`"
Used with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block (LHD Trucks only).
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.
Used also for my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `
(1.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `
(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `
(4.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `
(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `
(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
Used with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block (RHD Trucks only).
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.
Used also for my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `
(-1.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `
(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `
(-4.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `
(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `
(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
Used with my TRACKIR closed window block option 1 or option 7.
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `
(-sign((c_et_pos - 0.5) + c_et_pos) * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `
(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `
((-sign((c_et_pos - 0.5) + c_et_pos) * 4.0) * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `
(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `
(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! cam1)`"
That's it, go try it.
If it doesn't work, open the console, if you see one of the above lines in red text, you need to check that line again for a typo or a bad copy/paste.
Tweaking the look back view to suit how you'd prefer it:
Just edit the
highlighted values for
y &
YAW should always be "1.0" for LHD or "-1.0" for RHD otherwise your truck cab will not be drawn correctly.
Here's an example for a drone view:
headtrpitch =
headtrx =
headtry =
headtrz =
headtrpitch =
headtrx =
headtry =
headtrz =
Here's an example for a truck hitch view - DAF XF105 - You may need to tweak the values to suit your truck.
Positioned behind the cab giving a view for reversing into trailer to hookup.
headtrpitch =
headtrx =
headtry =
headtrz =
headtrpitch =
headtrx =
headtry =
headtrz =
Now add your "
LOOK BACK" button to line 187, this straightens up the view whilst lowering the FOV.
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `
keyboard.space?0 | EXISTING LINE IN HERE`"
Window block Option 1 & 7 as above but here headtrx doesn't need to be changed for LHD/RHD as the menu mod takes care of it.
Extra info:
If you use my walk around edits with this quick view then it's better to use a different button than cam 1 otherwise everytime you look up to get into the cab you'll see this look back view first.
To fix that, just replace all 10 "
cam1"'s with the button of your choice in lines 251, 252, 254, 255 & 256.
Example only using space bar:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 *
cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 *
cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 *
cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 *
cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 *
cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 *
keyboard.space?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 *
keyboard.space?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 *
keyboard.space?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 *
keyboard.space?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 *
keyboard.space?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !
config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 |
keyboard.space?0 | EXISTING LINE HERE`"
If you'd like multiple extra views, then you can just keep combining the edits at the start and end of each line and choosing a different look button for each.
Example only, pressing "z" will show the look back view & pressing "x" the drone view:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * keyboard.x?0) + ((
(1.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * keyboard.x?0) + ((
(-0.1 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * keyboard.x?0) + ((
(4.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(30.0 * keyboard.x?0) + ((
(3.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-20.0 * keyboard.x?0) + ((
(-3.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE
) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 |
keyboard.x?0 | keyboard.z?0 | EXISTING LINE HERE`"
Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744