Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 20/02/2025

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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 26/08/2020

Post by pinapari » August 29th, 2020, 9:02 am

thanks for the reply. Heres what I have currently.
as I mentioned, the view changed on key 5 press with no issue and i can look around with the tobii. Just no movement while holding SPACE.

The mod is installed and set to highest priority.

Code: Select all

 config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 | trackir.device.position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | eye_track.head_position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | hmd.device.position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | semantical.cam1?0`"

 config_lines[177]: "mix cam5 `keyboard.key5?0 | | semantical.cam5?0`" 

 config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `semantical.camzoom?0`"

 config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(((sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((pow(-0.975 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on, 2) + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0), -0.1 + (headtryaw * 0.1) * c_ht_on, 0.8)) * ! cam5)`"

 config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)`"

please note that I havent been using the zoom functions (lean forward to zoom the camera) - is that a requirement?

one more thing of note here is that I unbound the space key from the parking brake as well. I think it still might exist as bound for walk jump? I'll have to check on that too.

found the control to enable head position in the Tobii settings - its labeled as "Enable Position - Experimental"
With that turned on, I can move left - right while holding space and moving my head. No forward/back

so I tried to use the camera zoom setup you have posted as well. The zoom functions work fine with the tobii, I just have a hard time controlling it when zoom is active lol. Additionally, no change to the walk functionality when the zoom settings are enabled.

last thing - and this is a personal preference thing I think - is that I dont think I'll use the experimental head position functions with the tobii. It really makes the camera bounce around in the cabin and its pretty uncomfortable. Not in a VR like get motion sickness feeling - just more of an annoyance. haha.

At any rate, If it turns out this doesnt go smoothly for my setup, thats perfectly ok too. I'm pretty happy with fixed camera switching and I may borrow your mod to see if I can hack some of the other camera positions like the bumper and wheel cam. Again, I sincerely appreciate your efforts!
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 26/08/2020

Post by JHTrucker » August 29th, 2020, 1:42 pm

Head zoom isn't required for this to work but it must be turned off to make walking easier.

Looks like you edited 173, 177 & 254 (x movement) and forgot 256 (z movement). So i guess that's why you can't move forward.

Just copy the whole line here:

Replace your line:
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)`"

With this from instruction post, line for VR/Tobii for LHD:
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(((sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)) * ! cam5)`"

DON'T USE THIS... SEE MY NEXT POST FOR A PROPER WAY TO DO IT. viewtopic.php?p=27955#p27955
You can disable in cab movement so it's only used outside by setting clamp values to "0", try these 3 changes for VR/Tobii LHD:

config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(((sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((pow(-0.975 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on, 2) + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0), -0.0, 0.0)) * ! cam5)`"

config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.0, 0.0) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)`"

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(((sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.0, 0.0)) * ! cam5)`"

I only use yaw (left/right) in cab and head zoom as i don't like all the other movements at the same time either (used TIR for 15+ years).
Strangely, when i play "wings of prey" i like them all on, it feels right in a plane cockpit during a dog fight.

That should work.
I'll up date my post if your findings in regard to Tobii are useful for others.

Just thinking about your original reply to my VR/Tobii window block post, you said "working great with a tobii 4c. thank you."
You say that cabin movement only works with "Enable Position - Experimental". So as that wasn't enabled i guess your head wasn't being blocked at the window like it should have been?

config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx - This line counteracts the head yaw movement by moving your head in the opposite direction to keep it inside the window whereas scs just let it pass through the closed window.

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz - This line moves you head forwards slightly to keep your head in the window area as you turn your head otherwise your head ends up behind the seat.

When the window is open parts of those two lines are disabled so scs original edits take over.

Lots for you to try there, have fun.

I made this for myself as a test, if you and many others don't like it, that's fine.

I have another external "fixed" camera view option to post sometime soon...
Last edited by JHTrucker on August 29th, 2020, 4:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 26/08/2020

Post by pinapari » August 29th, 2020, 3:09 pm

Just thinking about your original reply to my VR/Tobii window block post, you said "working great with a tobii 4c. thank you."
You say that cabin movement only works with "Enable Position - Experimental". So as that wasn't enabled i guess your head wasn't being blocked at the window like it should have been?

config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx - This line counteracts the head yaw movement by moving your head in the opposite direction to keep it inside the window whereas scs just let it pass through the closed window.

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz - This line moves you head forwards slightly to keep your head in the window area as you turn your head otherwise your head ends up behind the seat.
the head blocking was working. When the window was closed, the view would stay inside and just start to look back at the wall to the left behind the seat.
when the window was open the view would look back like standard cam 5.

the experimental position setting enables slewing front/back side/side - so I'm guessing it enables the X Y Z coordinate movement away from the set center point where it usually stays.

I'll get back to you with results from changing the settings but it may be another day or so before i can sit down and try it out.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 26/08/2020

Post by JHTrucker » August 29th, 2020, 4:54 pm

Now that i've gave i bit more thought (after initial panic), the blocking should have worked for Tobii, like you say it does, as the movement is based off yaw and fed into x & z regardless of any other input. It's been a while since i made it!

"Enable Position - Experimental" uses this original scs line to enable it:
config_lines[237]: "mix eyeposon `c_et_head & eye_track.head_position_valid?0`"
So, i've modded line 254 & 256 so it doesn't required "Enable Position - Experimental" to be ticked at all rather than zero them.
Unticked will be like you had it in cab, only yaw & pitch. Outside yaw, pitch, x & z.
Ticked will be yaw, pitch, x, y & z inside and out.

Can you please use these lines and confirm if that works as i've just stated?
My VR-Tobii Eye-TIR Basic window block for 1.38 (LHD Trucks only)
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(((sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposx, 0, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((pow(-0.975 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on, 2) + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0), -0.1 + (headtryaw * 0.1) * c_ht_on, 0.8)) * ! cam5)`"

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(((sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposz, 0, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)) * ! cam5)`"

And if you edited line 255 (y) can you put that back to original as we don't need it outside.
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)`"


EDIT: Give "walking" a go first, with your head.
I've now added to the main post as an alternative to "walking", you can instead use this as a variable outside camera view by using your steering wheel to move forwards and backwards instead of your head.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 29/08/2020

Post by pinapari » August 30th, 2020, 3:45 pm

Gave the following another go, but no joy on moving around.
Am I being a dummy and forgot something perhaps?

I have not set anything to use camera zoom so I have not included the ! cam5 disable on line 187. is that a requirement?

Code: Select all

config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 | trackir.device.position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | eye_track.head_position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | hmd.device.position.pitch?0 * 1.5 & ! cam5 | semantical.cam1?0`"
config_lines[177]: "mix cam5 `keyboard.key5?0 | | semantical.cam5?0`"
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `semantical.camzoom?0`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(((sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposx, 0, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((pow(-0.975 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on, 2) + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0), -0.1 + (headtryaw * 0.1) * c_ht_on, 0.8)) * ! cam5)`"
 config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)`"
 config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(((sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposz, 0, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)) * ! cam5)`"
on the other hand..
the walk via the steering wheel works a treat. thats very smooth!

Code: Select all

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `((steering * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)) * ! cam5)`"

also a not quite related question if i may - i was experimenting with custom cameras and was able to position a camera on the 5th wheel hitch where I hope to simulate a hitch cam when backing into a trailer. Is there an easy way to disable head tracking in a camera def file or in the controls.sii?
in this case I'm borrowing cam7 so could I add & ! cam7 to lines 251 and 252 perhaps?
It would be so much easier to be able to use the fixed static camera setup, but i cant find a way to point those camera is the direction and angle I want.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 29/08/2020

Post by JHTrucker » August 30th, 2020, 7:59 pm

Thanks for testing steering wheel, yes smoooooth.
Zoom has nothing to do with this, it's just a button to zoom but i made that edit to use my head instead. So if used it should be disabled as i stated to stop that zoom function working when walking as it's annoying then.
No dummy... i'm the dummy for trying to make a Tobii work when i don't have one to test...
Copying your lines into a new controls.sii file works fine for me and my trackir3.
looking closer at controls.sii:

config_lines[55]: "constant c_et_pos 0.000000" <-- default, this is your "Enable Position - Experimental" - tick = "1.0"
I can tick it in the Tobii menu to see the changed value.

And so the following that i use, eyeposx & eyeposz, to move Tobii won't work as c_et_pos = 0 unless ticked!
config_lines[241]: "mix eyeposx `sel(c_et_pos, eye_track.head_position.x?0 * c_et_xscale, 0)`"
config_lines[243]: "mix eyeposz `sel(c_et_pos, eye_track.head_position.z?0 * c_et_zscale, 0)`"

So, Tobii requirement must be like this to ignore that tick box for walking only, i think:
My VR-Tobii Eye-TIR Basic window block for 1.38 (LHD Trucks only)
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(((sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + eye_track.head_position.x?0 + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((pow(-0.975 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on, 2) + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0), -0.1 + (headtryaw * 0.1) * c_ht_on, 0.8)) * ! cam5)`"

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(((sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + eye_track.head_position.z?0 + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * 20) * cam5) + ((0.1 * ((headtryaw - (headtryaw * 2) + -abs(headtryaw)) * 0.5) * c_ht_on + clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0), -0.35, 0.05)) * ! cam5)`"

So this should now work properly for Tobii users... hopefully!

In regard to camera files, i'll have a look to see if i can turn them to different views and let you know what i find out. Should be able to stop head tracking in them.

Sorry if you already know this stuff!
A quick lesson in "cam" and "! cam" usage:

cam is being pressed = 1
! cam isn't being pressed = 1

So, example line: (tracking input value(12)) * cam + (tracking input value(12) * 2) * ! cam
cam isn't pressed - example line: (tracking input value(12)) * 0 + (tracking input value(12) * 2) * 1 = game input 0+24=24
cam is pressed - example line: (tracking input value(12)) * 1 + (tracking input value(12) * 2) * 0 = game input 12+0=12

so i use "cam" and "! cam" to switch between the two types of inputs on that line. It's either pressed or not.

EDIT: Instruction post updated... awaiting your confirmation! Thanks.

EDIT: Here's a few untested ideas for you to help formulate what you want to achieve with your hitch view.

Just a thought as you use the NPI AA in here and therefore already use my multimon file, you could use one of my alternate screen configs (multimon). I made one with an on screen rear view which can be moved and sized to anywhere on your screen and the view changed to be exactly where you want it pointing. This is what i mean: viewtopic.php?p=18143#p18143
The rear view does move with your head movement though.
EDIT: Forget the multimon option, just remembered that the truck isn't drawn and you'll want to see it.
When in cam 1 the truck interior and a few outside parts are drawn. When you look out of the window the interior is changed to low quality and the rest of the truck is drawn (rear wheels etc). SCS optimisation that i haven't found a way around.

To go with your cam7 idea, fullscreen view, you can do this:

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(all of your existing line) * ! cam7`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(all of your existing line) * ! cam7`"

That will enable those lines only when cam7 isn't being pressed.
But you will have to press and hold cam7 to keep head tracking off.

If, like me, you use a manual H shifter for gears (G27 and all my trucks have 6 speed box) then you can use reverse to hold cam7 on and therefore keep head tracking off whilst reversing.

config_lines[179]: "mix cam7 `keyboard.key7?0 | gear1 | semantical.cam7?0`"
Last edited by JHTrucker on September 3rd, 2020, 4:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 30/08/2020

Post by JHTrucker » September 1st, 2020, 6:58 pm

Quick look back view for head tracking or my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution - ATS & ETS2 1.38.

No need to change to cam 2 and move the mouse around to get a better look at your surroundings when reversing etc, just use this new view instead.
When driving with cam 1 (interior view) you can now have a quick look back whilst pressing and holding the button of your choice or pressing and holding the cam 1 button.
Once you let go of that button your driving view ,cam 1, is restored.
This rear view is fixed above your truck, so no mouse or head tracking movement needed, just instant look back.
Details given so you can tweak the view to suit yourself.

You can use this with the standard game head tracking configuration.
Or with my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution. viewtopic.php?p=23739#p23739
Or with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block. viewtopic.php?p=25705#p25705
Or with my TRACKIR closed window block option 1. viewtopic.php?p=25876#p25876
Or with my TRACKIR closed window block option 7. viewtopic.php?p=19250#p19250
Or with the above when combined with my walk around edits. viewtopic.php?p=27506#p27506

You need to use the correct line edits to suit the trucks you drive, left hand drive or right hand drive. Options 1 & 7 takes care of LHD/RHD for you.
This is still cam 1 and therefore the view is restricted by the truck camera files. The ATS W900 can't look out of the window as far as other trucks, for example, so the rear view won't be straight back on all trucks for this reason, but a non-issue as far as i'm concerned as it's just a quick look back.
If you see your truck isn't drawn correctly, then you have the wrong LHD/RHD edits for the truck you are using.

Here are the required controls.sii file edits.
Line numbers correct for game version 1.38 - Tested with ATS & ETS2.

Backup your controls.sii file first, just in case you don't like this.

Choose a button for "LOOK BACK". I use the spacebar but you can use any key or controller button as required or just use cam 1 button.
If you don't know the name of the button you want to use, set that button to "horn" in game and then look in controls.sii for horn.
config_lines[286]: "mix horn ` | semantical.horn?0`"
You can now copy your button name ( to line 173 as i've highlighted mine.
Then, in game, set your actual horn button back as you had it or you'll keep hearing it when looking back!

Required edit for all configurations (just add the highlighted part only to your existing line) or you can keep as is and just press and hold cam 1 button instead:
config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 | | EXISTING LINE HERE`"


For standard game head tracking only (LHD Trucks only):

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0), -0.1, 0.1) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0), -0.2, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

For standard game head tracking only (RHD Trucks only):

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(-1.0 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(-4.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirx, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposx, 0), -0.1, 0.1) + sel(hmdon, hmdx, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackiry, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposy, 0), -0.05, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdy, 0)) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((clamp(sel(trackiron, trackirz, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposz, 0), -0.2, 0.05) + sel(hmdon, hmdz, 0)) * ! cam1)`"


Head tracking window block versions & my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.

Just copy exactly the hightlighted parts into your existing lines (at the start and end):
Example: config_lines[999]: "mix example `highlighted partEXISTING LINEhighlighted part`"


Used with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block (LHD Trucks only).
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.
Used also for my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"

Used with my VR/Tobii Eye/TIR basic window block (RHD Trucks only).
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.
Used also for my Analogue look left/right/up/down auto center solution.

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(-1.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(-4.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"


Used with my TRACKIR closed window block option 1 or option 7.
Also works when already combined with my walk around edits.

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(-sign((c_et_pos - 0.5) + c_et_pos) * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `((-sign((c_et_pos - 0.5) + c_et_pos) * 4.0) * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"


That's it, go try it.
If it doesn't work, open the console, if you see one of the above lines in red text, you need to check that line again for a typo or a bad copy/paste.

Tweaking the look back view to suit how you'd prefer it:

Just edit the highlighted values for pitch, x, y & z.
YAW should always be "1.0" for LHD or "-1.0" for RHD otherwise your truck cab will not be drawn correctly.

Here's an example for a drone view:

headtrpitch = -1.0
headtrx = 4.0
headtry = 30.0
headtrz = -20.0

headtrpitch = -1.0
headtrx = -4.0
headtry = 30.0
headtrz = -20.0

Here's an example for a truck hitch view - DAF XF105 - You may need to tweak the values to suit your truck.
Positioned behind the cab giving a view for reversing into trailer to hookup.

headtrpitch = 0.0
headtrx = 1.9
headtry = -0.85
headtrz = 1.25

headtrpitch = 0.0
headtrx = -1.9
headtry = -0.85
headtrz = 1.25

Now add your "LOOK BACK" button to line 187, this straightens up the view whilst lowering the FOV.
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `cam1 | EXISTING LINE IN HERE`"
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom ` | EXISTING LINE IN HERE`"

Window block Option 1 & 7 as above but here headtrx doesn't need to be changed for LHD/RHD as the menu mod takes care of it.


Extra info:
If you use my walk around edits with this quick view then it's better to use a different button than cam 1 otherwise everytime you look up to get into the cab you'll see this look back view first.
To fix that, just replace all 10 "cam1"'s with the button of your choice in lines 251, 252, 254, 255 & 256.
Example only using space bar:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * cam1) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! cam1)`"

config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(3.0 * + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-3.0 * + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * !`"

config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 | | EXISTING LINE HERE`"


If you'd like multiple extra views, then you can just keep combining the edits at the start and end of each line and choosing a different look button for each.
Example only, pressing "z" will show the look back view & pressing "x" the drone view:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(1.0 * keyboard.x?0) + (((1.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.1 * keyboard.x?0) + (((-0.1 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[254]: "mix headtrx `(4.0 * keyboard.x?0) + (((4.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[255]: "mix headtry `(30.0 * keyboard.x?0) + (((3.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"
config_lines[256]: "mix headtrz `(-20.0 * keyboard.x?0) + (((-3.0 * keyboard.z?0) + ((EXISTING LINE IN HERE) * ! keyboard.z?0)) * ! keyboard.x?0)`"

config_lines[173]: "mix cam1 `keyboard.key1?0 | keyboard.x?0 | keyboard.z?0 | EXISTING LINE HERE`"

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Last edited by JHTrucker on March 25th, 2022, 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 03/09/2020

Post by JHTrucker » September 7th, 2020, 3:53 pm

TRACKIR - Use all 6 DOF in game - Yaw, Pitch, Roll, x, y, & z.

By default the game has "roll" disabled.

Your head tracking device / software must have all 6 DOF enabled.

To enable "roll" in game, do this:

Open controls.sii and edit line 53 (line number correct for game version 1.38)

config_lines[53]: "constant c_ht_roll 0.000000" <-- Set to "1.0" for roll & "0.0" when you don't like it.

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Last edited by JHTrucker on March 25th, 2022, 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. Updated 02/08/2020

Post by alonzam99 » December 18th, 2020, 12:25 pm

//@alonzam99, PLEASE, stop quoting whole other posts for no reason at all! Arayas has to pay for used storage! //BenganJ (Moderator)

Will the "get out of the truck and walk around using Trackir" work in 1.39 ?
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 26/11/2020

Post by JHTrucker » December 18th, 2020, 8:01 pm

@alonzam99 - Yes but don't bother... you don't fully like option 7 because it's not perfect for you and so this isn't going to be good for you either.

Did you really have to quote the whole post? A simple question would have been fine.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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