I don't have ALL the Packs they have but, i'm following the order written in the Official ProMods page, with the exception that in the place of Maghreb i have Road to Africa
I have ProMods, RusMap, Road to Africa, & RoExtended along-side with their respective road connection and load order... I'm assuming it might be the fact i don't have the *exact* same load order as GMC has, which may be the reason why i'm crashing, but if that were to be the case, the others would crash aswell no? I'm currently doing a Integrity File Check on Steam hoping that it's just my old drive causing this issue, because i can't seem to find any other reason for the game to just crash.
I have around 5GB of RAM Available before crashing, all the temperatures both cpu and gpu are on the houses or 62 ~ 70ºC, fps are above 60... the game just closes, the only "logical" solution to this is a corrupt file trying to load????
I've been rounding up on this the last 2 days