by Cyberman » August 15th, 2020, 7:25 pm
Yep, putting EuRoadNet on the bottom works for me as well. No issues for me so far. I traveled a bit through Berlin to the german-poland border and then also checked out Rusmap and Project Turkey and I haven't seen any conflicts or messed up assets. My only issue is on the map I see a gap where the S.Region to Project turkey woad connection should be but Idk if that's caused by the SR 9.0 beta or this mod.
my load order:
Map Background
<truck mods here>
Swedish Islands Map addon Wombat Edition 1.02
The Great Steppe - YKSRSK Azerbaijan Road Connection
Turkey Map 1.0-S.Region 8 RC
Turkey Map 1.1 [1.38]
ROEX EN city names - universal
MedMap 0.1
RusMap_The Great Steppe_roadconnection
Piter For Rusmap_2.2.1
RusMap Def Package
RusMap Map Package
RusMap Model Package
RusMap Model 2 Package
Southern Region English City Names
Southern Region [Def and Map]
Southern Region [Model1]
Southern Region [Model2]
Road to Aral
The Great Steppe English City Names
The Great Steppe - def
The Great Steppe - map
The Great Steppe - model
North Map