This one, but in def/world/trigger_action.yourmap.sii you can create your own and use it in triggers as anything else.
Code: Select all
trigger_action : trig_action.toll_03
name: "toll Norway big pay_01"
command: "_pay_toll"
num_params[]: 7
Code: Select all
trigger_action : trig_action.toll_03
name: "toll Norway big pay_01"
command: "_pay_toll"
num_params[]: 7
Code: Select all
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] File '<C:/Users/Eraser/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/YKSRSK22RTP.scs | >/def/country/syria/traffic.sii':
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.291.d24f.ffb0' of type 'country_traffic_info' has dangling pointer (to 'traffic.bmw5.n') in the attribute named 'object'.
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] File '<C:/Users/Eraser/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/YKSRSK22RTP.scs | >/def/country/syria/traffic.sii':
00:08:05.031 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'traffic.bmw5.n' looks like dangling pointer.
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] File '<C:/Users/Eraser/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/YKSRSK22RTP.scs | >/def/country/syria/traffic.sii':
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] The unit '_nameless.291.d24f.fd70' of type 'country_traffic_info' has dangling pointer (to 'traffic.vw_touran.police') in the attribute named 'object'.
00:08:05.031 : <ERROR> [unit] File '<C:/Users/Eraser/Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/YKSRSK22RTP.scs | >/def/country/syria/traffic.sii':
00:08:05.031 : <WARNING> [unit] The pointer to 'traffic.vw_touran.police' looks like dangling pointer.