ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 9th, 2021, 2:21 am

Cookie - brilliant - thank you very much

I need toi do some tweaking on the side views, as they dont line up at all. Not even by moving the monitors, but I will get to that after a few hours shut eye.

Thank you again!!

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by a1337cookie » September 9th, 2021, 3:13 am


I'm pretty sure I know the problem; the game is actually rendering in a 5120x1440 window. You've likely stretched it to 8960x1440 using SRWE, so that it covers all your monitors. However, that does not change the game's actual resolution, which is why the screenshots are in 32:9 aspect ratio, the same as 5120x1440. If done correctly, screenshots should be in 56:9 ratio instead, just like your PC2 screenshot.

This post will show you how to actually set the game to the correct resolution. Tricks For Unconventional/Mismatched Multi-Monitor Setups (Bypass Surround): viewtopic.php?f=23&t=2163

To summarize the key points:
  • In config.cfg, you need to set r_fullscreen to 0 and r_mode_width and height to 8960 and 1440 respectively
  • After starting the game, you need to change a graphics setting (do Vsync or fullscreen), press apply, then revert by pressing Esc
  • Now you can use SRWE to resize and reposition the window to cover your monitors, and the game will be at the correct resolution
EDIT: I edited your screenshot to show how it's actually supposed to look. If your game window is 8960x1440, taking a screenshot should look something like this:


Adjusting for monitor size, here is what you should see in real life:


Hope that helps.
Last edited by a1337cookie on September 9th, 2021, 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 9th, 2021, 1:05 pm

@Widdowmaker101 - From that PC2 pic, you sit in the middle of the centre screen... I thought you meant you actually sit to the left of centre in pc2 (with your wheel) so that's why I made mine like that. No wonder it felt odd when driving being sat in the middle.
At least you now have 2 workable solutions? when you came here wanting just 1! Enjoy.

EDIT: Updated file if you or others want it.
Looking at the pic's you posted of my file I thought the left mirror looked a little "chubby"... not any more.
Just apply 'your adjustments' to it.

For reference: 4 images 20%/30%/30%/20% probably should have been 21%/29%/29%/21% to better match your resolution widths.
Left/right images are angled at 85 degrees.

If you see a vertical black line on your ultra wide centre monitor where the 2 CentreL/R images join then just slightly overlap them:

monitor_config : _nameless.CenterL.AA {
normalized_width: 0.3 <-- increase a small amount 0.3001 / 0.3002 / 0.3003 etc
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 9th, 2021, 7:35 pm

@JHTrucker - ref PC2 - Sorry no just a centre seating position due to the fact I race single seaters and that would feel a bit weird in a racing game to be left or right sided.

Awesome job on the revisions - I am just in the door from work, and Ill check and update later - although, I believe there will be very little checking, just playing.

@ Cookie - Great stuff, I will get into that resolution checking and sort it.

@ Both - thank you both so very very much. I genuinely only wanted assistance/guidance, and I got so much more from you both. You are both superstars and great sports. I hope I have not been too much of a pain, and that this has helped you both also.

I mainly drive a LHD rig, and I have my desk set up, in a way, that I can now do that, having my gear stick positioned accordingly, and the centre position was just a bonus. I presume I can apply the LHD 4 screen to AMS also?

While giving it a full test last night, the left seating position has actually slowed me down, driving wise, because the feeling of speed is so much greater. I do feel that I am sat over the front wheels, which you essentially are in a euro cab, and the wheel is quite sensitive now. I might just give that a tweak and reduce the response.

I really appreciate what you've both done, and Ill continue to feedback. If you have any questions, just to improve on your data for the library of views you have worked hard on.

I have only just found and tried ETS2/AMS2 so I only have around 3 months of experience in the game, so now I will fully engross myself accordingly and test out the other products on offer, looking into the greater projects on the forum and contribute further where I can.

Thanks and cheers
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by a1337cookie » September 9th, 2021, 10:27 pm


Hey no worries, I'm sure we both enjoy helping people out, otherwise we wouldn't be doing this.

Here's a bonus file for a LHD setup, try it out if you'd like.
Calculations were made based off of this diagram:

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 10th, 2021, 1:11 am

@a1337cookie - Finally having someone in this forum that understands all those numbers is a real help even if I still just fiddle about until it looks like what I wanted!
Also, did you mean to use the Triple.AAv5.200 (Increase images to 200% width) file to make that last file?
There'll be no AA @100% for anyone using it.

@Widdowmaker101 - What is AMS ? or do you mean ATS? If so then it's the same setup and file.
You said "the wheel is quite sensitive now" that might be the fact that the file has a different FOV than you normally use and so turns feel tighter. Slow down, these are trucks not racecars.
I've raced sims since 2001 LFS GTR GTL GTR2 RBR PC PC2 but these pointless truck driving games, drag a trailer from here to there and repeat over and over and over again, somehow stop me racing!

Had ETS2 since 2013 and ATS on release. I didn't mess with any of this stuff until I joined this forum to help get the AA working...
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by a1337cookie » September 10th, 2021, 1:54 am


I just took the file that Widdowmaker101 uploaded and edited the numbers, he was using that file as the base. Didn't want to mess with whatever setup he had before.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 10th, 2021, 1:56 am

@ JH trucker - I have all those racing games in my steam library, and LFS. If your OG, and you were quite into it back inthe day, I was part of ATC (60 lap gp's), CRC (clean racing club) and 500 Servers (franky500), if any of those names ring a bell ll!! Yes, I meant ATS2... sorry. I built thjis setup to MSFS2020, and it hasnt met my requirements yet in turns of multiple views.... single stretched front view only at the mo. I dont actually race on this rig, I have a full cockpit on a 42 in single for the racing games. But I get your point about how this is changing my online driving. I used to work for Scania back in the 90's and learnt to drive a truck, by reversing round and round the yard, and over the inspection pit, with out stopping, but I havent been near an actual truck since 1998... long time away frrom them. I found ETS by accident and its totally gripped me. Its just good to chill out with, taking my brain off work.

@Both - After extensive testing of mainly the 4 view Multimon, the conclusion as follows -

The side windows are both out of sync size wise (even the slightly adjusted one posted above) . 100% caused by the differing sizes of the side screens. I have made the alterations as advised by Cookie, and actually, the settings were already as directed, as I had followed that particular page before. I think its because, the image posted, above, by Cookie, has the bigger screen on the left. The bigger side screen is on the right.

The front view on both multimons, give a slightly compressed view, (cars and trucks need a little more height, and every thing is a little too wide) meaning graphically every things just slighlty out of whack. I have then of course, started to try and do it myself, and blown it. Got my self so confused!! Like I was last week...

First on JHTruckers multimon, I tried to re-adjust the front screen to fit my actually monitors (your right - its 21,29,29,21, it actually a little more, more like 21.5,28.5,28.5,21.5) , and I cant get that screen merge anywhere near as good as the origional. Then both side screens needed a 5 degree roll to get them back in line. The right window then needed to be pushed a whole full step away to get the aspect correct and suddenly the passsenger seat came into view and blocked the view... duh!!! So I went back to the origional multimon, for 4 screens... I can live with it. No Panic!!

Tis led to Cookies, where I discovered the swapped monitor size issue and I have jacked up the right monitor, to align with the 4 screen, so I havent progressed your version any further. Its late again, and hot and its time for some shut eye. Ill take a further study over the weekend. Friday night is going to bebeer.... (edit but now ive looked again..... IM not sure. Im tired.. old.... etc etc.

I appreciatte your time, I am definatly learning!!!. Thank you
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by a1337cookie » September 10th, 2021, 5:48 am

Widdowmaker101 wrote:
September 10th, 2021, 1:56 am
The side windows are both out of sync size wise (even the slightly adjusted one posted above) . 100% caused by the differing sizes of the side screens. I have made the alterations as advised by Cookie, and actually, the settings were already as directed, as I had followed that particular page before. I think its because, the image posted, above, by Cookie, has the bigger screen on the left. The bigger side screen is on the right.
In all of my pictures, the left screen is the smaller one. Measure it yourself if you want, the proportions are to scale.
Widdowmaker101 wrote:
September 10th, 2021, 1:56 am
The front view on both multimons, give a slightly compressed view, (cars and trucks need a little more height, and every thing is a little too wide) meaning graphically every things just slighlty out of whack.
If your view is stretched, then there is a problem with the aspect ratio. That is indicative of the problem I noted before, where the game is running at 5120x1440, and is stretched to 8960x1440 to cover the screens. Are you sure the settings in config.cfg are correct (don't know if it matters, but try setting r_scale_x and y back to 1 if you changed it)? And when launching the game, you followed the steps properly?

It should be very obvious whether it is the correct resolution or not; if it's wrong, everything will be stretched and blurry, including the menus. Another surefire way to tell is by taking a screenshot in-game; the screenshot will always be the size of the game window, ignoring any stretching. Does your screenshot look like what you see in-game?

I have edited my last two multimon files to force the aspect ratio on the center monitor. It should look consistent regardless of if your game is being stretched or not. Try them out, see if it looks better. Remember to rename them to multimon_config.sii before using them.
I applied the settings to my own game, here is what a screenshot looks like.



And here is how it should look on your monitors (obviously, I don't have your setup, so this is just a photo edit).



If there is any error in the measurements here, let me know and I can fix it.

A final note about editing the multimon file yourself, you should focus on the FOV overrides and frustum subrect settings. You generally don't want to adjust the position or rotation of the camera, as it will make alignment much harder. Overall though, I don't recommend trying to edit the files I've posted here, except for what I said before about adjusting frustum_subrect_y on the side monitors if they don't quite align.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 10th, 2021, 1:34 pm

@Widdowmaker101 - All my racing has been offline. Despite my forum name i'm not a trucker, just needed a name to register, so I won't try and tell you about trucks!
Cookies LHD image looks the best to me for your setup.
EDIT: My 'listed' multimon files are basically for same size & resolution monitors and nvidia surround for bezel compensation and will therefore just work for anyone. Hopefully!
Cookies files are tailor made to match your exact setup. So others that have downloaded them won't see what you see.

People buy a nice new ultra wide screen and are disappointed by how these games don't compensate for that aspect ratio. SCS forum always has someone pointing this out but it's never been addressed.
I created the ultra wide curved file to help reduce the stretch by splitting the screen into 3 with a slight angle for left/right image.
But here having the centre of projection on the left of centre for LHD just means that stretch is even more visible to the right.
The best solution would be 5 equal sized monitors, 1 in the centre and 2 either side at 45 and 90 degrees for a proper 180 degree wrap around... But the game only renders a max of 4 images, the fifth is always blank, which is handy for me as I use it for enabling AA in my files, but limiting for monitor setups.

LFS as you know is 20+ years old now but the in games multi monitor settings are perfectly simple to use and you can have 5 or more monitors. Here's an example of 7 as it just splits the main resolution into 7 images.
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