ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 7th, 2021, 7:34 pm

ok.... I found the right file.... Apologies.. This has been my best attempt so far.

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 8th, 2021, 12:17 am

So it progresses.... left view is now spot on (It feels good). the front is... well.... not so good. THe left side is fine. the middle , to right side join is great, but how do you get that center view to be one image. Is there some kinnd of trick where you split the camera angle?
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 8th, 2021, 1:22 am

@Widdowmaker101 - I don't live on this forum all day. It's seems you have been busy while i've been away.
I'm happy to give you the file I made seeing as I got a response!

I'll just have a another go at it to increase the FOV so you can see the dash etc as you can't use the FOV slider as each image requires a different FOV. It all starts to get messy.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 8th, 2021, 2:16 am

Thank JHTrucker. I appreciatte any time you spend assisting. Ill try not to truble you further.

I have begun working back toawards a 3 screen set up, because I cant work out the dash cams. Im giving up for the night.

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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 8th, 2021, 2:25 am

@Widdowmaker101 - Here you go, it's the best I can do without having your setup to line it up as you have different res side monitors and so probably won't look like these?

This pic is 1366x219
This pic is 1280x720
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by a1337cookie » September 8th, 2021, 5:51 am


Hey, if you want, I can give it a shot too. I'm confident that I can calculate a mathematically correct view for your setup if your middle monitor is perpendicular to you. If you want the shifted view though, with the wheel on the left, that would be a bit trickier. Regardless, I would need a few measurements:
  1. The width of each screen (without bezels)
  2. The width of each monitor (with bezels)
  3. The distance you sit from the center screen (eye to monitor distance)
  4. The angle of the side monitors (which you stated to be 85­°)
I'm also assuming several things:
  • All of your screens are in landscape orientation
  • The center of all screens are at the same height
  • There is no significant gap between screens, they are all adjacent
Correct me if any of these are incorrect. Given the above information, I should be able to give you the correct multimon settings.

By the way, you mentioned that you are using SRWE to set the game window to 8960x1440. Here are the numbers needed to line up the game's camera views to your monitors.

  • normalized_x: 0
  • normalized_y: 0.125 <--- (This is assuming the center of all screens are at the same height in your display settings)
  • normalized_width: 0.214286
  • normalized_height: 0.75
  • normalized_x: 0.214286
  • normalized_y: 0
  • normalized_width: 0.571429
  • normalized_height: 1
  • normalized_x: 0.785714
  • normalized_y: 0.125 <--- (This is assuming the center of all screens are at the same height in your display settings)
  • normalized_width: 0.214286
  • normalized_height: 0.75
I see that you have similar numbers in your multimon file already, except for the normalized_y and normalized_height values. Setting those will cause the game to only render where your monitors actually are, which should improve game performance slightly. When taking a screen shot, there will be black space in the unseen areas.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 8th, 2021, 10:19 am

@jhtrucker. Thank you. I’ll get work out of the way and test.

@cookie. There are some variations, so I do need to confirm the values. Again, I need to go to the office today. Will add details on my return.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 8th, 2021, 7:39 pm


Thats pretty close , to being perfext. Just need to do some litle alterations for the screen heights, for the settings, which I think will resolve with cookies adjustments

Many many thanks - its great how you got that center alignment so right... THats what I couldnt get.

Now, when driving, I still get that left centre bias. The truck feels like its driving to the left all the time.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by Widdowmaker101 » September 8th, 2021, 7:48 pm

@ Cookie - I appreciiate this is a 3 screen set, 3 cameras, being different to JH's

The width of each screen (without bezels)
Center - 119 cm
Left = 48 cm
Right - 52 cm

The width of each monitor (with bezels)
Center - 121 cm
Left - 52 cm
Right - 54 cm

The distance you sit from the center screen (eye to monitor distance)
Center - 88 cm
LEft - 85 cm
Right 85 cm

The angle of the side monitors (which you stated to be 85­°)
Yes - as near as can be.

I'm also assuming several things:
All of your screens are in landscape orientation - yes

The center of all screens are at the same height - no
Left is inline with top of center
Right is 1 cm below (but consider it inline with the top - as Il put a cd case under it.

There is no significant gap between screens, they are all adjacent
I loose the bezel on the side monitor by pushing them back in line with the center screen.

Many many thanks for your help.
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Re: ATS/ETS2 Screen configs for Single, Dual, Triple or Quad screen setups.

Post by JHTrucker » September 8th, 2021, 9:47 pm

@Widdowmaker101 - I Guess there's 15 other people that wanted one of these aswell!

Glad you like it. I'd tried back in the UK lockdown days last year, when I made all the others, to create this but kept seeing images like you were showing and so gave up.

One thing to note, it'll only work for LHD because of the wheel offset.

I think Cookie will provide a new file with a real FOV.
If you want to move the left/right images up/down, if that's the only issue you have, then just do this:
monitor_config : _nameless.Left.AA {
frustum_subrect_y: 0.35 <-- increase for up and decrease for down. 0.0 to 0.7

monitor_config : _nameless.Right.AA {
frustum_subrect_y: 0.3 <-- and again here as required. 0.0 to 0.6

Or is it image size that needs increase/decrease? That's the harder bit.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
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TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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