TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 21/12/2020

Post by JHTrucker » January 20th, 2021, 6:46 pm

A new version of Option 1 is currently being tested/tweaked.
This version provides a seamless transition through the open window when CAM1 switches off and CAM5 is switched on.
For the few that have downloaded option 1 and enjoy using it? keep an eye on this thread for the next update.
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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 21/12/2020

Post by JHTrucker » January 29th, 2021, 3:06 am

TrackIR Option 1 Window Block v4.4 & v3.5

What's new?
Re-worked the head movement code for 'moving out of the window' to remove a noticeable 'jump' when very close to objects (parked trailers / boxes etc).
New menu mods: v4.4 For all current SCS trucks & mod trucks when set correctly to 'unsupported' - added 'Pitch view down' slider (top right of menu), re-worked interior cam files and added an exterior cam file for all trucks to help provide a seamless transition through the window.
v3.5 Reduced features to work when you only drive mod trucks.
Controls.sii - Lines 67 & 252 added, 173, 177, 251, 254 & 256 amended.

IMPORTANT - For best results with v4.4 and SCS trucks only:
Use the menu mod that best matches your in game FOV. All SCS truck interior camera files in each mod now have the FOV set to that mod's specified FOV value instead of the random ones SCS uses.
You'll now need to reset your driving view for each new SCS truck you drive. It'll still be set as you left it the next time you drive each truck again, so no need to reset every time, just like how the standard game works.
In game F4 menu for seat position, click "reset to defaults".
Don't change the head pitch or FOV value. If the FOV isn't what you want then use the menu mod with the FOV you require.
You can move the seat up/down/left/right/forward/backwards as required.
If you really want a constant downward pitch then use the menu mod 'Pitch view down' slider 0 to 10 degrees. This slider value applies to CAM1 and CAM5 to keep the change point smooth. Note: changing SCS pitch in F4 menu will cause a slight vertical "jump" when looking out of the window as that pitch only works on CAM1.

Why do that for v4.4 only?
When your head moves out of the open window CAM1 is switched off and CAM5 is switched on. Doing the above will give a seamless transition through the window.
Note: If you use a multi-monitor setup file or config.cfg FOV changes then you should also use the menu mod with a matching value. I only use FOV 60, so if the extra options of 50, 55, 65 & 70 don't match your preferred FOV then you're out of luck. Use v3.5 for any FOV.

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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 29/01/2021

Post by alonzam99 » February 5th, 2021, 8:53 pm

Is the g_cam_window_block 1 works officially for trackir users in 1.40 ?
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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 29/01/2021

Post by JHTrucker » February 6th, 2021, 2:05 am

alonzam99 wrote:
February 5th, 2021, 8:53 pm
Is the g_cam_window_block 1 works officially for trackir users in 1.40 ?
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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 29/01/2021

Post by JHTrucker » March 6th, 2021, 7:02 pm

TrackIR Option 1 Window Block update.

What's new?

New Menu Mod V4.5 (Default SCS trucks) - Mod V3.5 (Mod trucks) unchanged from previous release.

Lines 254 & 256 amended and still apply to both Mod's v4.5 & v3.5.

For Mod v4.5 - Improvements to TIR z (forward & backward movement in seat).
When looking to the passenger side both forward and backward TIR z limits are increased the further you turn, up to about 45 degrees. This helps you to look around that blind spot, passenger side mirror, whilst preventing you from leaning too far forward that your head passes through the windscreen or you pass through your seat whilst leaning back when looking straight ahead or towards the driver side window.

For Mod v4.5 & v3.5 - Reworked 'small auto movement to passenger side' option.
When TIR x slider (how far you can move to passenger side) is:-
0% = no auto or manual sideways movement.
1%, 2%, 3% & 4% are all for menu option 'Dynamic (Auto) Mode' only:
1% = extra lean (0.1) when turning to passenger side to help get 'a bit' closer to the mirror, if required.
2% = extra lean (0.2) when turning to passenger side to help get 'a bit' closer to the mirror, if required.
3% = extra lean (0.3) when turning to passenger side to help get 'a bit' closer to the mirror, if required.
4% = extra lean (0.4) when turning to passenger side to help get 'a bit' closer to the mirror, if required.
5% to 100% = No auto movement. All TIR x movement is manual. For both 'Dynamic (Auto) & Direct (Manual) Modes.

The driver model for v4.5 has been removed. When stood outside refueling you can no longer see someone sat in your seat!

Option 1 setup post: viewtopic.php?p=25876#p25876

EDIT: Another update will follow soon.
Extra lean back added when looking to driver side mirror, like how it now works for passenger side mirror.
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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39. Updated 06/03/2021

Post by JHTrucker » March 28th, 2021, 6:02 pm

TrackIR Option 1 Window Block update. ** Still for 1.38/1.39 - I don't have 1.40 yet ***

What's new?

New Menu Mod V4.6 (current default SCS trucks) & Menu Mod V3.6 (Unsupported / Mod trucks).
Controls.sii - Lines 251, 252, 254, 255 & 256 amended. Line 60 added.

V4.6 - Improvements to TIR z (lean back movement in seat for driver side window).
When looking to the driver side window the lean back TIR z limit is increased the further you turn, up to about 45 degrees. This helps you to look around that blind spot, driver side mirror, whilst preventing you from leaning too far back that you clip through your seat.

v4.6 - Seat 'extra lean back' slider added to menu currently for 'Dynamic mode' only. This is an extra to the above optimally set lean back limits for all supported trucks. You can lean further back in your seat with this slider but your head will clip through your seat in some trucks and for them you should reduce this slider value to suit. Default 0.0

V4.6 - Reworked all current supported SCS truck interior camera files. You no longer need to adjust 'distance to window' slider for these trucks as they are now all set correctly. But when driving unsupported / Mod trucks (with v3.6 options set) you still have to use this slider for optimal window view. Also, your head with 'auto lean when looking back' slider set to 100% won't pass through the windscreen on any supported SCS truck. Again, mod trucks will still need to adjust this per truck.

V4.6 & V3.6 - Increased head height slightly when refueling and enabled TIR y so you can squat or stand on tip toes whilst you wait.

V4.6 - Corrected 'head pitch slider' to be actually max 10 degrees in the code instead of wrongly calculated as 20.

V4.6 - TIR 'pitch' should now be seamless when your head passes through the open window. I have pitch disabled in cab as i don't like that movement whilst driving and therefore didn't realise it wasn't working correctly.

Q & A Section updated. Supported trucks and Unsupported trucks now don't share the same head movement code. You should be aware of these new q & a's.
Q - Using v4 - My head won't go through the open window.
A - You are using a supported SCS truck but have 'v3.6 UNSUPPORTED' ticked - Untick to fix.

Q - Using v3 - My head always goes through the window when it's open or closed.
A - You need to tick 'v3.6 THIS BOX MUST BE TICKED AT ALL TIMES'.

Q - It doesn't work as I expected it too.
A - Always use Menu v4.x and an SCS game standard truck (LHD) to test first. All my default settings will work with this combination without making menu changes.

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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39/1.40. Updated 01/04/2021

Post by JHTrucker » April 1st, 2021, 6:42 pm

Don't be 'fooled', Option 1 & Option 7 both work with game version 1.40 whilst using their current v1.39 menu mod and control.sii line edits.

1.40 mod versions may be added once I can think of something to add to them other than just a name change.

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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39/1.40. Updated 01/04/2021

Post by JHTrucker » April 11th, 2021, 4:02 pm

TrackIR Option 1 Window Block update.

What's new?

New Menu Mod for game version 1.40 V4.7 (all current default SCS trucks) & Menu Mod V3.7 (Unsupported / Mod trucks).
Requires all the current line edit changes in the main post, but there are no lines edit changes between v4.6 and this v4.7, so just replace the mod if you are running game version 1.40.

V4.7 & V3.7 - Minor fix to refueling head turning limits. Previously head turned 150 degrees left & 180 degrees right. The limits are now 180 degrees for both left and right.

v4.7 - Fixed an issue with v4.6 and the new SCS Renault T Evo truck. Because this is an updated existing truck rather than a new truck, v4.7 can now only be used with game version 1.40, errors or CTD may occur on 1.38/1.39 (untested).
The mod download zip, however, still contains the old 1.39v4.6 mod if you are still running game version 1.38/1.39.

Q & A Section updated to include this:
Q - Using v4.x my truck tuning pack DLC doesn't work or I get a CTD, what's wrong?
A - I don't have any SCS Truck tuning pack DLC's, they may cause an error or CTD when using v4.x. In that case use v3.x instead.

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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39/1.40. Updated 11/04/2021

Post by JHTrucker » May 18th, 2021, 4:55 pm

TrackIR Window Block Option 1
How to setup the menu mod for v4.x or v3.x for it's correct operation.

v4.x when driving current SCS trucks only (provides the best experience).
ATS - Freightliner Cascadia 2019, International Lonestar, Kenworth T680 & W900, Mack Anthem, Peterbilt 389 & 579, Volvo VNL & Westernstar 49x.
ETS2 - Daf XF & XF Euro 6, Iveco Hiway & Stralis, Man TGX & TGX Euro 6, Mercedes Actros 2009 & 2014, Renault Magnum 2009, Premium & T, Scania R 2009, R 2016, Streamline & S 2016, Volvo FH16 2009 & 2012.
v4.8 scs.png
v4.x when driving mod/unsupported trucks (works the same as v3.x).
v4.8 unsupported.png
v3.x when driving any truck.
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Re: TRACKIR Closed window block solutions 1.38/1.39/1.40. Updated 11/04/2021

Post by JHTrucker » May 25th, 2021, 6:04 pm

TrackIR Option 1 Window Block update.

What's new?

New menu mods v3.8 (1.38/1.39/1.40 mod Trucks), v4.61 (1.38/1.39 SCS Trucks) & v4.8 (1.40 SCS Trucks).
Added line 57 and amended lines 252, 254 & 256.

v3.8 - Added code and menu slider for "Window extra lean out". Previously only for v4.x.
You can lean further out of the window to look around large exhaust pipes, for example. Default 0.0 (disabled).

v3.8 - Added code and menu slider for "Seat extra lean back". Previously only for v4.x.
You can lean further back in your seat, when your head is turning, but your head will clip through your seat in some trucks and for them you should reduce this slider value to suit. Default 0.0 (disabled).

v3.8 - Added "No Driver" version. The driver model is not displayed (like v4.x) so you won't see it when looking over your shoulder with the window closed or when stood outside refueling. Don't use this version if you like taking outside screenshots as your truck won't have a driver.

v4.61, v4.8 & v3.8 - Added new slider 'Lean Zone'. Works in conjunction with 'Move to passenger side' slider.
By increasing 'Lean Zone' while 'Move to passenger side' is 100%, for example, then you can't slide sideways when looking straight ahead. Instead you must turn to passenger side before you can move. Then you will lean towards the passenger side mirror in a more realistic way.

'Lean Zone' 0.0 = Disabled - You can slide sideways up to the limit set by 'Move to passenger side' slider.
'Lean Zone' 2.5 = You must turn your head >45 degrees to passenger side before you can lean over to the limit set by 'Move to passenger side' slider.
'Lean Zone' 5.0 = You must turn your head >90 degrees to passenger side before you can lean over to the limit set by 'Move to passenger side' slider.
Just set the 'Move to passenger side' slider & 'Lean Zone' slider to what feels right for you.

Note: v4.61 is supplied for use with game version 1.38 & 1.39 only and has all the same menu options as v4.8 to be compatible with the current controls.sii code changes.

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