[ETS2/ATS] New Temporal Anti Aliasing - Properly Implemented - No More Aliasing, Flickering

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Re: [ETS2/ATS] New Temporal Anti Aliasing - Properly Implemented - No More Aliasing, Flickering

Post by Gabe777 » March 11th, 2024, 9:40 am

FreedomFries wrote:
March 2nd, 2024, 4:04 pm
Kinda necroing the thread, but in short, SnowyMoon has put this mod behind a paywall and has put intrusive DRM and spyware in it. So RIP I guess.
There's no spyware. Just a license key like many other software.

And his paywall is a dollar a month. How much did you pay for the Texas DLC ? 🤣
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Re: [ETS2/ATS] New Temporal Anti Aliasing - Properly Implemented - No More Aliasing, Flickering

Post by JHTrucker » March 13th, 2024, 2:12 pm

Gabe777 wrote:
March 11th, 2024, 9:37 am
JHTrucker wrote:
September 10th, 2023, 2:10 pm
@humpwheat - Perhaps your first post should have just been a link to the SCS forum post where the creator is providing help and updates to the feedback given.

@Tapir - From reading the above, it seems you need to ensure your game beta tab is set to "NONE" to be supported.

Anyway, I thought I'd try this on my cheap win 10 laptop with iGPU which has steam set to offline as I don't have an 'always on' internet connection.
On starting ATS I get to the launch pad and a box at the top left states "Snowymoon.io v3 Connection error!" which I assume prevents the TAA menu from appearing and so I couldn't test it. Pressing 'Home' toggles that error box on/off.

But, why would this "Properly Implemented" AA be "calling home" ?... Usage stats ? or ?

All wrong wrong and wrong.

It works perfectly and it currently supports 1.47 to 1.49 in ETS2 and 1.48 to 1..49 in ATS.

But it costs 1 dollar a month. Wow !

And it's doubled my framerate on a RTX 4080 vs using 4xMSSA + 4X SGSS.

But resolution needs to be at 200 percent in game, to get rid of jaggies.

Still a bit on overhead wires and some transparency issues with fencing.

Take your choice I guess.
You should really look at the date of my original post before making a snarky reply to it...

I wrote that SIX MONTHS AGO when TAA first came out and what I wrote was perfectly correct, at that time!
I'm happy that you prefer TAA and also happy for you to comment about it in this topic, just don't use my old posts, out of context, as a reason to make a comment.
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Re: [ETS2/ATS] New Temporal Anti Aliasing - Properly Implemented - No More Aliasing, Flickering

Post by Cinereous » March 20th, 2024, 5:47 pm

Something to think about if your using or considering using Snowymoon's TAA.

https://www.facebook.com/JabModshop/pos ... eK6ysmwWXl
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