I've tried using your tool and I got horrible results and I have no idea why and what I'm going wrong.
I have 2 monitors 1920x1080. Doing LHD. Far as I can tell I followed the guide. Not this matters because I tested it both ways but, I'm primarily Resize Racoon but I had originally tried with Nvidia Surround enabled and there is no difference same results.
Here you'll see the settings I used in the calculator (below are the settings in multimon) and in-game screen shots of the result.
Code: Select all
multimon_config : _nameless.04A6.56A8 {
normalized_ui_x: 0.0000
normalized_ui_width: 0.5000
monitors: 2
monitors[0]: _nameless.0714.5590
monitors[1]: _nameless.0714.5618
monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5590 {
name: center
normalized_x: 0.000000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.500000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: 0.000000
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 31.678395
vertical_fov_override: 17.852562
frustum_subrect_x: 0.011594
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 0.976811
frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5618 {
name: right
normalized_x: 0.500000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.500000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: -90.000000
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 48.321605
vertical_fov_override: 18.806765
frustum_subrect_x: 0.007732
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 0.65138
frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
The second result is from a second set of settings. This is doable but I would like to see less of the back window and more of the passenger window but the real issue is that it seems like it's not accounting for my total of a 0.5 inch bezel, if I can at least work that out then I'd be fine.
I should also note that I got these settings from
Code: Select all
multimon_config : _nameless.04A6.56A8 {
normalized_ui_x: 0.0000
normalized_ui_width: 0.5000
monitors: 2
monitors[0]: _nameless.0714.5590
monitors[1]: _nameless.0714.5618
monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5590 {
name: center
normalized_x: 0.000000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.500000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: 0.000000
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 0.000000
vertical_fov_override: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_x: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 1.000000
frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5618 {
name: right
normalized_x: 0.500000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.500000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: -90.000000
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 90.000000
vertical_fov_override: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_x: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 1.000000
frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true