[TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by Iceviper35 » September 30th, 2023, 6:40 pm


I'm not sure whats wrong. I've attempted it twice with the calculator First time using all cm and the second using inches and got the same result of a messed up view. It seems the 2 side monitors are rendering way to close or something. Am I missing something or have a setting wrong. The visualization in the calculator looks correct for my monitor positions and angles.

UPDATE: Found my issue. I had put both the Left and Right Monitor angle to 37 instead of -37 and 37.
Last edited by Iceviper35 on October 2nd, 2023, 7:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by a1337cookie » September 30th, 2023, 9:08 pm

@Iceviper35 - Set horizontal_fov_relative_offset to 0 for all monitors.
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by Wolf68k » November 28th, 2023, 11:55 pm

I've tried using your tool and I got horrible results and I have no idea why and what I'm going wrong.

I have 2 monitors 1920x1080. Doing LHD. Far as I can tell I followed the guide. Not this matters because I tested it both ways but, I'm primarily Resize Racoon but I had originally tried with Nvidia Surround enabled and there is no difference same results.
Here you'll see the settings I used in the calculator (below are the settings in multimon) and in-game screen shots of the result. https://imgur.com/a/HOtnT6c

Code: Select all

multimon_config : _nameless.04A6.56A8 {
 normalized_ui_x: 0.0000
 normalized_ui_width: 0.5000
 monitors: 2
 monitors[0]: _nameless.0714.5590
 monitors[1]: _nameless.0714.5618

monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5590 {
 name: center
 normalized_x: 0.000000
 normalized_y: 0.000000
 normalized_width: 0.500000
 normalized_height: 1.000000
 horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 heading_offset: 0.000000
 pitch_offset: 0.000000
 roll_offset: 0.000000
 camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
 horizontal_fov_override: 31.678395
 vertical_fov_override: 17.852562
 frustum_subrect_x: 0.011594
 frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_width: 0.976811
 frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
 render_interior: true
 render_exterior: true

monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5618 {
 name: right
 normalized_x: 0.500000
 normalized_y: 0.000000
 normalized_width: 0.500000
 normalized_height: 1.000000
 horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 heading_offset: -90.000000
 pitch_offset: 0.000000
 roll_offset: 0.000000
 camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
 horizontal_fov_override: 48.321605
 vertical_fov_override: 18.806765
 frustum_subrect_x: 0.007732
 frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_width: 0.65138
 frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
 render_interior: true
 render_exterior: true

The second result is from a second set of settings. This is doable but I would like to see less of the back window and more of the passenger window but the real issue is that it seems like it's not accounting for my total of a 0.5 inch bezel, if I can at least work that out then I'd be fine.
I should also note that I got these settings from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktYWmsI9jY

Code: Select all

multimon_config : _nameless.04A6.56A8 {
 normalized_ui_x: 0.0000
 normalized_ui_width: 0.5000
 monitors: 2
 monitors[0]: _nameless.0714.5590
 monitors[1]: _nameless.0714.5618

monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5590 {
 name: center
 normalized_x: 0.000000
 normalized_y: 0.000000
 normalized_width: 0.500000
 normalized_height: 1.000000
 horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 heading_offset: 0.000000
 pitch_offset: 0.000000
 roll_offset: 0.000000
 camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
 horizontal_fov_override: 0.000000
 vertical_fov_override: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_x: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_width: 1.000000
 frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
 render_interior: true
 render_exterior: true

monitor_config : _nameless.0714.5618 {
 name: right
 normalized_x: 0.500000
 normalized_y: 0.000000
 normalized_width: 0.500000
 normalized_height: 1.000000
 horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
 heading_offset: -90.000000
 pitch_offset: 0.000000
 roll_offset: 0.000000
 camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
 horizontal_fov_override: 90.000000
 vertical_fov_override: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_x: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
 frustum_subrect_width: 1.000000
 frustum_subrect_height: 1.000000
 render_interior: true
 render_exterior: true

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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by a1337cookie » November 29th, 2023, 12:17 am

@Wolf68k - Seems like you just forgot to change heading offset to -40 for the right monitor. The alignment should be good once you fix that.

The result will still be quite zoomed though, you'll have to decrease eye distance in the calculator if you want more FOV.
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by Wolf68k » November 29th, 2023, 8:25 am

Ok yes, fair point on the head offset. My bad. I did have the correct setting before in one of my many other attempts to make this work and it wasn't any better with the rest of the settings.

But in order to decrease the eye distance then I would need the monitors to be closer which isn't an option. That eye distance is the actual distance. Both of my monitors are separate swing arms. While I can move the center monitor closer to me the right monitor is at it's maximum reach. I do plan to buy an extra arm to allow the right one to have a further reach but this is what I have for now.

I've got a new set of images to look at. https://imgur.com/a/FD0xxvb And this time I did double check I entered everything correctly.

By the way, I do want to thank you for the key element I was missing when working with Resize Raccoon after reading your thread with SRWE. I would have never thought before to make a change to the Graphic settings (VSync) to make the image height get corrected. Kind of annoying I have to do that with dual monitors.

One other question, is this calculator yours as well as the one in at the start of these thread https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... =595000771
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by a1337cookie » November 29th, 2023, 2:56 pm

@Wolf68k - Unfortunately, the only ways to increase FOV (while maintaining mathematical accuracy) are to move closer to your screens or get bigger screens. If you've done all you can and it's still not practical to play, then you'll have to give up some realism and use an arbitrary eye distance.

As for the Vsync thing, I just stumbled into it while trying to get it to work. It seems like unintended behaviour to be honest, hopefully it doesn't get patched out randomly. They should really just allow normal window resizing like some other games do.

And yes, the calculator you linked is also mine, just an older version. The only place I still have it posted is on Reddit, haven't got around to updating it yet. Did you find the link reposted somewhere else?
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by Wolf68k » November 30th, 2023, 12:56 am

I started thinking. Is it normal for this calculator to be set up so you don't see the dash? I went back at looked at a video that I got that link from, and yes I did find it on reddit as well. And sure enough the video didn't show a dash either. Then Is started looking through the thread here and found you mentioning that to someone not being able to see the dashboard. That my main problem. I want to see the dash and the CB (in modded trucks and while in TruckersMP). I want to be able to see my left mirror on my center monitor since I don't have a left monitor. I can only move the seat back and then I'm behind it, which might be partly to blame on the truck mod I'm using.

What I'm really after is making this https://i.imgur.com/WnCI19p.png look seamless. I completely understand if you can't help with that since that's not what this thread is about but if you can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Left side is perfect, it's just getting that right side to line up and I have no idea what I need to change.
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by a1337cookie » November 30th, 2023, 1:54 am

@Wolf68k - It's not that the calculator specifically makes the dash not visible, it just depends on how low the calculated FOV is. For many common setups, the FOV is indeed too low to see the dash. That's why I suggest adjusting the vertical offset/eye level in the calculator to help you see it better, my guide explains how to do it. Not much you can do about not seeing the left mirror though, unless you want to try sitting off-center.

But that's only if you care about maintaining mathematical accuracy. If you want it to look like that picture, you might as well not use the calculator. Just download the basic dual monitor multimon file from the NPI AA post, and follow the instructions for tweaking the bezels and FOV.
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by JHTrucker » November 30th, 2023, 2:06 am

@Wolf68k - As a1337cookie said or try this multimon I made years ago which gives visible dash & left/right mirrors for dual setups...

Dual monitor AA setup with offset driving position and second monitor angle reduced to 22.5 degrees. (New 19/05/2020)
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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Re: [TOOL] Custom ATS/ETS2 FOV & Multimon Settings Calculator

Post by Wolf68k » November 30th, 2023, 9:05 am

Ok, I get it now. I'm slow sometimes but I get there. Sorry to waste your time. I look a damn old fool
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