Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 20/10/2024

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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 26/11/2020

Post by alonzam99 » December 18th, 2020, 8:51 pm

@JHTrucker I didn't say that I doesn't like option 7, and I still use it until SCS will wake up and add G_cam support for trackir.

Can I only use the "get out of the truck" mod without the G_cam for trackir option 7 ?
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 26/11/2020

Post by JHTrucker » December 18th, 2020, 11:04 pm

@alonzam99 At the top of the post i wrote this:
"Consider this as an experimental work in progress"
"It's feels a bit like riding a unicycle, practice is required"

So if you're expecting to walk around like you can in the garage, then you'll be disappointed.

If you're going to try this you should atleast think about using the latest option 7 update 14/12/2020 first. Check and replace all lines if you haven't been keeping up to date.

And then backup your controls file!!!

Then you apply the option 7 parts from the walk post.
The post has 4 options, standard game, vr LHD, vr RHD & option 7.
You do the option 7 part:

Required camera view edits for all: lines 173 & 177.

My TRACKIR Window block Option 7 for 1.38 lines 250, 254 & 256.

But you should read the whole post so you understand it before trying.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 26/11/2020

Post by JHTrucker » April 1st, 2021, 7:05 pm

One press access to mirror, light & seat adjustments for game version 1.40+

Instead of pressing F4 and then pressing 1/2/3 or clicking the 3 icons to access their adjustments. With the below edits you can just go straight to each option with one press of the button of your choice.

This is how I have mine setup, I don't use F2 mirrors and F3 isn't used to access advisor (I use a g27 wheel button for that). So I use F2/F3/F4 for fast access here.

Press F2 and you get the mirror adjustments UI.
Press F3 and you get the lights adjustments UI.
Press F4 and you get the seat adjustments UI.
Press ESC twice to finish adjustments.

config_lines[329]: "mix showmirrors `semantical.showmirrors?0`"
config_lines[330]: "mix showhud `joy.pov1_left?0 | semantical.showhud?0`"
config_lines[427]: "mix adjuster `keyboard.f2?0 | keyboard.f3?0 | keyboard.f4?0 | semantical.adjuster?0`"
config_lines[449]: "mix adj_seats `keyboard.f4?0 | semantical.adj_seats?0`"
config_lines[450]: "mix adj_mirrors `keyboard.f2?0 | semantical.adj_mirrors?0`"
config_lines[451]: "mix adj_lights `keyboard.f3?0 | semantical.adj_lights?0`"

You can use what ever keys or buttons you like for those 3 tasks.
Use the in game keys menu to unassign original F2 (line 329) & F3 (line 330) and then add a new advisor button/key.
In that menu, do this:
Show/Hide Side Mirrors On-Screen <-- Unassign F2 (line 329)
Route Advisor Modes <-- Unassign F3 and pick another button/key instead. (line 330)
Truck Adjustment <-- Leave as COMPLEX (line 427)

Example using keys a/b/c (pick your own to suit) so you can still use original F2/F3/F4:
config_lines[427]: "mix adjuster `keyboard.a?0 | keyboard.b?0 | keyboard.c?0 | keyboard.f4?0 | semantical.adjuster?0`"
config_lines[449]: "mix adj_seats `keyboard.c?0 | semantical.adj_seats?0`"
config_lines[450]: "mix adj_mirrors `keyboard.a?0 | semantical.adj_mirrors?0`"
config_lines[451]: "mix adj_lights `keyboard.b?0 | semantical.adj_lights?0`"

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: ... 744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 01/04/2021

Post by JHTrucker » June 24th, 2021, 6:11 pm

In cab view 'look down at the dash button' when not using head tracking or mouse. 1.38/1.39/1.40.

If you have a low FOV for a more realistic feel then you probably can't see the dash. If you use head tracking then you can simply look down as and when required or you can fiddle about with the mouse.

Here is a simple way for non-head tracking users to quickly look down in cab (cam 1) by pressing the button/key of your choice.

In the 'keys & buttons menu' scroll to the bottom and assign a key/button to:
'Apply Extended View Preset 1' - Look left and down.
'Apply Extended View Preset 2' - Look centre and down (dash).
'Apply Extended View Preset 3' - Look right and down.

I used numpad 1, 2 & 3 as they are below game defaults: 4 (look left), 5 (centre) & 6 (look right).

In your control.sii file edit the following (line numbers correct for 1.38/1.39/1.40):

Replace this line:
config_lines[250]: "mix headtron `c_ht_on & (trackiron | hmdon | eyeposon)`"
With this line:
config_lines[250]: "mix headtron `eyepreset1?0 | eyepreset2?0 | eyepreset3?0`"

Replace this line:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0)`"
With this line:
config_lines[251]: "mix headtryaw `(0.4 * eyepreset1?0) + (-0.4 * eyepreset3?0)`"

Replace this line:
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0)`"
With this line:
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.111 * eyepreset1?0) + (-0.055 * eyepreset2?0) + (-0.111 * eyepreset3?0)`"
---------------------------------------------- Look left pitch ------------ Look centre pitch -------- Look right pitch

Just edit the pitch values to suit your view requirement:
-0.055 = 10 degrees down
-0.111 = 20 degrees down
-0.500 = 90 degrees down
Note: Each truck camera file determines how far you can actually look down, so max limit may only be ~45 degrees.

Update 08/07/2021 - If you also want to 'zoom' the dash at the same time for easy reading:
I used 'Z' for 'Zoom interior camera' and added "| eyepreset2?0" to line 187, like this:
config_lines[187]: "mix camzoom `keyboard.z?0 | eyepreset2?0`"
Note: Keep whatever key you have already assigned to 'zoom' and just add "| eyepreset2?0".

Change centre -0.55 value to -0.111.
config_lines[252]: "mix headtrpitch `(-0.111 * eyepreset1?0) + (-0.111 * eyepreset2?0) + (-0.111 * eyepreset3?0)`"

I can now 'zoom' as normal with the 'Z' key and then when I press and hold 'numpad 2' (or whatever key you have assigned) I get a zoomed in dash.

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 08/07/2021

Post by JHTrucker » July 15th, 2021, 11:21 pm

CAM 1 Instant look left, right & down (dash) and re-centre with just 2 buttons. 1.38+
Makes driving much easier when pulling out of junctions etc.

Assign keys/buttons to 'Look Left' & 'Look Right' in the keys menu.

Press and hold 'Look Left' button to look left.
Press and hold 'Look Right' button to look right.
Press and hold both 'Look Left' & 'Look Right' to look down at dash.
When you stop pressing the buttons it'll instant centre the view.

You can still:
Look around with the mouse.
Use the 'Interior Look buttons' for the fixed look views.

Note: Line numbers are different between game versions, just match the "mix name".

config_lines[278]: "mix headtron `c_ht_on`"

config_lines[279]: "mix headtryaw `(0.35 * lookleft?0) + (-0.35 * lookright?0)`"

config_lines[280]: "mix headtrpitch `-0.1 * lookleft?0 * lookright?0`"

config_lines[284]: "mix headtrz `-0.2 * lookleft?0 * lookright?0`"

config_lines[507]: "mix headtren `(lookleft?0 | lookright?0) * ! c_ht_on | (sign(abs(mouse.rel_position.x?0)) | lookpos1?0 | lookpos2?0 | lookpos3?0 | lookpos4?0 | lookpos5?0 | lookpos6?0 ) * c_ht_on`"

That's it.

Extra option:
Toggle between default look left/right slow movement & instant look left/right and re-centre view.

Press 'CAM 1' to toggle look left/right control.

Use this line instead with the above line edits:

config_lines[507]: "mix headtren `(lookleft?0 * lookright?0) * ! c_ht_on | cam1?0 | (cam5?0 | sign(abs(mouse.rel_position.x?0)) | lookpos1?0 | lookpos2?0 | lookpos3?0 | lookpos4?0 | lookpos5?0 | lookpos6?0 ) * c_ht_on`"

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Last edited by JHTrucker on June 9th, 2022, 1:40 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 15/07/2021

Post by JHTrucker » September 13th, 2021, 1:38 pm

Reduced Head Tracking Movement When Using Interior Zoom - 1.41

YAW & PITCH movement reduced by 50% when you press the interior zoom button.

config_lines[242]: "mix headtryaw `((0.5 * camzoom) + ! camzoom) * (sel(trackiron, trackiryaw, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdyaw, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyeposyaw, 0))`"

config_lines[243]: "mix headtrpitch `((0.5 * camzoom) + ! camzoom) * (sel(trackiron, trackirpitch, 0) + sel(hmdon, hmdpitch, 0) + sel(eyeposon, eyepospitch, 0))`"

You can change the highlighted value to better suit how much movement you want when you press the interior zoom button.

1.00 = Full movement.
0.75 = 75% movement.
0.50 = 50% movement.
0.25 = 25% movement.
0.00 = Disable YAW & PITCH only when you press the interior zoom button.

Go back to the first post for the full list of what's available: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 13/09/2021

Post by Zuim » December 14th, 2021, 9:51 am

How to set on one button StartElectr.+StartEngine
In Controll.sii:

Code: Select all

 config_lines[274]: "mix engine `keyboard.e?0 | joy.b2?0 | semantical.engine?0`"
 config_lines[275]: "mix engineelect `keyboard.r?0 | joy.b2?0 | semantical.engineelect?0`"
 config_lines[276]: "mix ignitionoff `semantical.ignitionoff?0`"
 config_lines[277]: "mix ignitionon `semantical.ignitionon?0`"
 config_lines[278]: "mix ignitionstrt `semantical.ignitionstrt?0`"
Thank You!
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 13/09/2021

Post by JHTrucker » December 14th, 2021, 6:36 pm

@Zuim - Using my G27 shifter button, I do this:
Press button to turn on electric.
Press button again to start engine.
Press button again to switch off.

You only need 'engine' to have the button assigned.

"mix engine `joy.b4?0 | semantical.engine?0`"
"mix engineelect `semantical.engineelect?0`"
"mix ignitionoff `semantical.ignitionoff?0`"
"mix ignitionon `semantical.ignitionon?0`"
"mix ignitionstrt `semantical.ignitionstrt?0`"

Is that what you wanted?

EDIT: Or this?

Press button to turn on electric and start engine.
Press button again to switch off.

"mix engine `joy.b4?0 | semantical.engine?0`"
"mix engineelect `semantical.engineelect?0`"
"mix ignitionoff `semantical.ignitionoff?0`"
"mix ignitionon `semantical.ignitionon?0`"
"mix ignitionstrt `joy.b4?0 | semantical.ignitionstrt?0`"

That's all with "auto start engine" unticked in 'game play' menu.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 13/09/2021

Post by Zuim » December 15th, 2021, 9:32 am

Hi @JHTrucker!

It's more than i asked ))) Brilliant!

Thank You!

JHTrucker wrote:
December 14th, 2021, 6:36 pm
@Zuim - Using my G27 shifter button, I do this:
Press button to turn on electric.
Press button again to start engine.
Press button again to switch off.

You only need 'engine' to have the button assigned.

"mix engine `joy.b4?0 | semantical.engine?0`"
"mix engineelect `semantical.engineelect?0`"
"mix ignitionoff `semantical.ignitionoff?0`"
"mix ignitionon `semantical.ignitionon?0`"
"mix ignitionstrt `semantical.ignitionstrt?0`"

Is that what you wanted?

That's all with "auto start engine" unticked in 'game play' menu.
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Re: Controls.sii file changes to enhance the trucking experience. First post Updated 13/09/2021

Post by JHTrucker » December 15th, 2021, 4:17 pm

@Zuim - You're welcome
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