[DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by martinhf02 » October 31st, 2021, 4:44 pm

@JHTrucker thank you now its working:)
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Draftlight » October 31st, 2021, 5:06 pm

OK, I´ve no clue what happened, I didnt touch the nvidia drivers, all i did was setting everything up as i had before and suddenly i get kinda stable fps. :confused:
I don´t know if this is a temporary thing like before, but atm Im using the integerScaling method :thinking:
Ill still attach my game.log file, maybe you see sth that would make sense to change.
Last edited by Draftlight on October 31st, 2021, 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » October 31st, 2021, 5:40 pm

@Draftlight - I can't use that link... I see game.log.txt but can't click it.
You can just attach the zip to the forum post using full editor and not the quick reply box, scroll way down from text box and you'll see 'attachments tab' below the submit button.

@martinhf02 - Glad that worked. You can also export the profile settings for safe keeping as you'll loose them on next driver update. Then just import profile again for working AA.
Last edited by JHTrucker on November 1st, 2021, 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Draftlight » October 31st, 2021, 5:55 pm

Sorry my bad, now it should work
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » October 31st, 2021, 6:36 pm

@Draftlight - There's nothing too crazy in the game setting so at least you haven't just added all the 'first post' extras.
So issues could be 'heavy mod' related along with your resolution?

Turn off the stuff SCS add to config.cfg but you don't have, for example, set to "0":
00:00:01.801 : uset g_color_feedback "1"
00:00:01.803 : uset g_thrustmaster "1"
00:00:01.807 : uset g_tobii "1"
00:00:01.809 : uset cf_asus_aura "1"
00:00:01.809 : uset cf_razer_chroma "1"

Perhaps delete the 32 bit "FanaLEDsPluginETS2.dll" to remove that error as the 64 bit one loads anyway:
00:00:04.416 : loading 'FanaLEDsPluginETS2' 'E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/plugins/FanaLEDsPluginETS2.dll'
00:00:04.417 : <ERROR> unable to load: 000000C1
00:00:04.417 : loading 'FanaLEDsPluginETS2_x64' 'E:/Steam Games/steamapps/common/Euro Truck Simulator 2/bin/win_x64/plugins/FanaLEDsPluginETS2_x64.dll'

Update required for this?
00:00:06.994 : <ERROR> [sdk] prism::sdk::telemetry_register_for_channel: type 1 is not supported by channel 'truck.cruise_control' index 4294967295

You have your game folder in your onedrive, does that not cause issues when onedrive syncs? Just wondering as I play offline as I only have mobile data connection.
00:00:35.624 : [fs] device C:/Users/Kevin/OneDrive/Dokumente/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/promods-me-defmap-v257.scs mounted.
00:00:35.624 : [mod_package_manager] Mod "ProMods Middle-East Add-on (Def & Map Package)" has been mounted. (package_name: promods-me-defmap-v257, version: 2.57, source: User mods)

00:00:40.143 : <ERROR> [unit] File '<C:/Users/Kevin/OneDrive/Dokumente/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod/D.B Creation Traffic Environment.scs | >/unit/hookup/orange_blinking.db.sii', line 3:

One thing that helps at night or around traffic lights:
In config.cfg: uset g_light_distance_factor "1"

That enables lights (street lights, beacons etc) to illuminate their surroundings in the distance.
I have that set to '0.0' now (1.41) and so flashing beacons can be seen but only when you drive past them do they illuminate, you'll see what I mean. So lots of traffic waiting as the traffic lights with indicators on should be less of a fps drop.
Try values 0.0 to 1.0 to see how it looks for you. Perhaps 0.5?
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by martinhf02 » October 31st, 2021, 10:19 pm

@jHTrucker ohh Thanks for the tip man:)
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Draftlight » October 31st, 2021, 10:50 pm

Yeah I wanted to make sure first everything is running fine before adding "extras".
Thats why i also teste with no mods enabled, but didnt change much, was just about 5fps +/-

Ill do the config changes now and also remove the 32bit version of fanaled (i think fanaled mistakenly added both ddl´s)
Update required for this?
00:00:06.994 : <ERROR> [sdk] prism::sdk::telemetry_register_for_channel: type 1 is not supported by channel 'truck.cruise_control' index 4294967295
I actually have no clue what that is, all i could imagine it might being the SIMHUB plugin, I sadly cant update it though and it still works fine as far as I know.
You have your game folder in your onedrive, does that not cause issues when onedrive syncs? Just wondering as I play offline as I only have mobile data connection.
I wasnt sure at first either, but its all running fine and I enabled it on purpose since I didnt want to safe everything by hand anymore, its what I use for my revisions of file, especially config files by games and programs.
Didnt find any difference in it running while playing.

I guess ym GPU is just too weak to run AA on 1 QHD + 2 FHD and some kind of vsync :sad:
Just feels likes weird since its an 2080, its not like i have a 970 which is running on its limit at QHD
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » November 1st, 2021, 12:42 am

@Draftlight - I was just thinking onedrive might cause stutters if it starts to sync during your driving, that's all. The log file is constantly changing (unless you disable it) for example, does it constantly sync?
One other thing which isn't a fix.
I created a lot of multimon files on this forum and in particular 'Single Ultra wide curved' which uses 3 images on 1 screen to reduce the stretched effect and is therefore a mini triple file for a single monitor.
In the SCS forum a month or so ago I notice someone with a 2080 say to someone else that he stopped using it after 1.40 as it dropped his frames below 60 with the new lighting.
I assume the resolution there would be up to 5120x1440 and was using our 4xAA.
I'm not a member there, it just amuses me when I see people talking about stuff i've created.

EDIT: Found that post: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php ... 9#p1602489

As the AA isn't supported by the game and we therefore have to brute force it, it means the AA can't be optimised to ignore trees for example, which would help a lot around those tree lined roads and instead it's all or nothing.

SCS may add AA with DX12 as they can't do it with their engine using DX9/DX11 and instead require a new renderer that is not deferred. Time will tell...
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Draftlight » November 1st, 2021, 1:26 pm

Oh, don´t get me wrong please I highly appreciate the work you guys put into it.
Was just wondering if my dumbass did sth. entirely wrong the whole time which made my frames drop so much.

Regarding OneDrive it didnt seem to make a difference having it disabled or enabled framerate wise but I´m considering disabling it again anyway since my documents folder gets much bigger than first expected.

I mean i can probably get used to to the drops if they don´t happen too often.
Im using the integerscaling for the 2 FHD monitors and 1 QHD, 2xMSAA + 2xSGSSAA, I think thats fine for now.

I´d appreciate them implementing DX12 for sure but also feeling like the engine wont support it, so as you said time will tell.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » November 1st, 2021, 2:18 pm

@Draftlight - My DX12 comment was based on this:

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Re: ETS2 1.42 beta discussion thread
#31 Post by johnny_91 » 30 Sep 2021 17:07

Also there is no Antialiasing. There are guys like me outside, that are waiting since 1.36 for this. Six updates later still no word about it. The game is ugly as removed.

Re: ETS2 1.42 beta discussion thread
#32 Post by Max » 30 Sep 2021 17:14

well, its on the TODO list for some time already. but there is little reason to do it now if we plan to change renderer and throw significant parts of it out of the window (aka DX12 & comp. support).


I'm guessing based on your setup that you are a sim racer (pcars2 / AC etc?) who found these truck driving games and enjoy the different type of virtual driving, like me.
Because I can't maintain 60fps it was better to lock to 30 using vsync=2, that way the fps are stable and gpu can increase usage on demand without dropping fps.
You can see the difference between 30 and 60 easily, but after a while of driving at 30 you forget about it because it runs smooth instead of 'super smooth 60' with drops and stutters.
PCars2 has to be 60 fps for me, limit fps to 30 and it just feels totally wrong. That may be due to having a proper physics engine for tyre model etc compared to the much more basic one used here.
Anyway, what i'm saying is, don't apply the normal logic that you have to have 60fps and 30 is for consoles.
Being able to just apply AA to the centre monitor only would be a real help, but I haven't thought of a way to do it... yet!
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