TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.41 to 1.52 - Updated 27/09/2024

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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by northcoaster76 » October 10th, 2022, 5:12 am

I believe that's the way it's intended to work but it doesn't for me. I wonder if it has something to do with the way that I have my dual monitors set up? I had to create a custom preset to get the head rotation necessary but that's the only thing I've changed. Below is a video that I'm spamming the "action" key with the window closed to no effect, followed by it functioning perfectly with the window open. Now I couldn't care less about this as I think your mod here is absolutely incredible! Just wanted to show you.

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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 10th, 2022, 1:27 pm

Your problem was probably caused by having '-sysmouse' as a game launch option.
Apply TDE update 31/10/2022 to resolve it. ... 640#p54640

With the window open, your head moves out and turns further than when the window is closed (by default).
With the window closed you need to turn your real head to that same amount as you did when the window was open, always over your shoulder and not just looking at the window. So your real head may need to turn a bit further than the in game head to get to the trigger point.

It was done like that because if you sit in the passenger seat and look to drivers seat you'd actually jump straight through the drivers seat to outside.

Here's a crappy sketch to show the 'look action' trigger zones for drivers seat & passenger seat.
D = Drivers seat - look over shoulder to outside or look to passenger seat.
P = Passenger seat - look to drivers seat.

Note: If you use 'TDE gcam' mod your in game head stops turning at around 100 degrees but you still need to keep turning your real head to get to the trigger point for outside.

My demo videos:
TDE - Trailer Pickup - window open whilst reversing - window closed when getting out.
TDE - Refueling - window closed at all times.
TDE - Change to/from Drivers Seat, Passenger Seat, Sleeper & Outside - window closed when getting out.
TDE - Trailer delivered - window closed at all times.
TDE - Truck Service - window closed at all times.

Getting out with the window open feels too much like 'Dukes of Hazzard' style!
Last edited by JHTrucker on November 1st, 2022, 4:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 19th, 2022, 7:36 pm


What's new? - Nothing, if you're already setup and working.

Added - Post 04 - TDE - Quick start guide - ... 460#p46460

Added external links to mods so you don't need to register on here.
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by Aragwath » October 26th, 2022, 10:01 pm


Let me first of all thank you from the bottom of my heart for figuring out all this and sharing it with us. It has made my ETS2 and ATS truck life more immersive and fun.

It has been working great for a while, but since ETS2 updated the version to 1.45 I've been having a few graphical issues.

If I sit in the truck looking straight forward, and open the window, I can't see the sidewall nor the truck wheels when looking out and back. However if I look as far to the outside as I can and then open the window, I can suddenly see everything perfectly, but then I can't see the mirror or the front windshield clearly and the steering wheel and dashboard is non existing. Have you encountered it before and maybe know of a solution? The only mod I'm using is the TDE FOV 70 file.

I'll leave a video of me displaying how the game is now.

Everything else works very nice, and it doesn't bother me all too much since I know I can look all the way outside and then open the window.

Cheers again for this wonderful mod and tweak :D

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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 27th, 2022, 7:31 pm

@Aragwath - Thanks for being the second to admit to using TDE!

Problem was caused by having '-sysmouse' as a game launch option.
Applying TDE update 31/10/2022 resolved it. ... 640#p54640

"and it doesn't bother me all too much" - It should bother you, it bothers me, its wrong and needs to be fixed, but it's working ok for me.

Something at your end must be wrong, I think. I only ever drive with 'TDE FOV 60' but all 'TDE FOV xx' use the same code within the line edits and so I don't see this issue.

What should happen, when you open the window and turn your head out it switches to cam 5 so you can see the truck external and then switches back to cam 1 as you turn your head back into the cab so you see high detail interior again.
So you don't seem to be switching with your head. Perhaps some of the line edits have been reset to game default?

What I would do is rename your controls.sii file and then follow the 'quick start guide' on post 4 ... 460#p46460. Then just assign window buttons to test it in game.

I've just re-tested with 1.45 and game default MAN TGX and MAN TGX EURO 6.
TrackIR Driving Enhancements FOV 70 - v5.1 (1.44 & 1.45).scs
TDE controls v4.1 & v5.1 --> controls.sii
config_local.cfg --> uset g_eye_preset_1 "g:default"
Added my G27 wheel and assigned left window open/close to wheel buttons.
Pressed '1' to ensure the defaults (LHD ETS truck) are applied.
And it worked as intended.

I don't know how long you've been using TDE, you said it worked before 1.45 and so it must be awhile... have you been keeping up to date with all of the line edits I've posted as well as mod updates?

Anyway, I'm more than happy to fix problems, if any are found.

If you still can't get it working, PM me with your controls.sii and config_local.cfg files in case there's something else within them that is stopping it from working correctly.
Last edited by JHTrucker on November 1st, 2022, 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by Aragwath » October 27th, 2022, 9:51 pm

I remade the whole control.sii yesterday before posting it here, but I'll try again as you said with the quick guide. I did notice however while doing the control.sii tweaks that the line numbers in my control.sii was one number lower than your guides numbers.

For example your guide says: config_lines[192]: "mix cam2 `keyboard.key2?0 * sign(keyboard.lshift?0 + keyboard.rshift?0) * c_et_head | keyboard.key2?0 * ! c_et_head`"
While mine is: config_lines[191]: "mix cam2 `keyboard.key2?0 * sign(keyboard.lshift?0 + keyboard.rshift?0) * c_et_head | keyboard.key2?0 * ! c_et_head`"

But I'll try again as I said. I'd love for this to work. I've streamed a couple of times showing off the tweaks you've given us :D

I just double checked my profile against an old profile, and the line missing from my new one is:
config_lines[10]: "device ui_joy ``"

Edit 2: I've tested it with your quick setup, but still the same issue.

Edit 3: I've also found out that if I already have the window open and look all the way to the outside, the exterior wall and wheels pop up after a few seconds, and vice versa if I look all the way into the sleeper, It'll take a few seconds to load the interior of the truck again. With a few seconds I mean from 1 second to 10-15 seconds.
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 28th, 2022, 12:22 am

Always match the mix name, your game version will change the numbers to suit. If you look at the supplied controls.sii before and after using it, you'll see a lot more numbers as scs added more buttons.
It's actually a 1.38 file because then all game versions up to 1.45 can use it and they'll re-number it to suit.

I'll have to try and break mine to see why it's not working for you.
Are you using just 'TDE FOV 70' or other mods as well? If others, put TDE at the top so it loads last.

I have an old laptop with xbox 360 controller simulating TrackIR for my development work and once it's ready I road test it properly with my driving pc, G27 & TrackIR. Both setups just work as intended.

My tested game version is 1.45.1, in case you have a newer one and that's the issue?
I haven't bothered to update it since as I actually drive with 1.41 for better performance on my old system.
I will still test 1.46 when it's released but i'll be staying at 1.41 otherwise.

If you want to drive without that issue for the time being:
Use 'TDE (Unsupported) No Driver - v5.1 (1.44 & 1.45).scs'.
Set FOV to suit with F4 etc.
Set an appropriate CAM 1 preset 'CAM 1: Unsupported ETS LHD Truck - Defaults'.
Then adjust to suit how you like it.
The 'unsupported' mods don't switch cams through the window, but do everything else.
But loud outside noises through a closed window and the change to low quality over your shoulder when the window is closed.
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by Aragwath » October 28th, 2022, 1:18 am

Yeah, I checked thoroughly that the mix name were a match. I think the current version now is

Yeah, I am regularily using TDE FOV 70, as it suits me and my setup :)

I will test the TDE (Unsupported) No driver mod to see if it'll help me out.

I really appreciate all your help.

PS. I also love your rubberband tweak. :D

Edit: I can confirm now that I can see the exterior and wheels when turning my head. Thanks alot. :D I really love how you changed these games for me. You and Arayas are gods in my eyes :D
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 28th, 2022, 1:58 am

Ok, but i'll still fix your problem with 'supported' if I can reproduce it.
Unsupported mod is easier for allowing you to jump from standard trucks to mod trucks without changing mods.

I only have mobile dongle for internet, so I can't waste real money on gigabytes for game updates, otherwise i'd have updated it to check. But like I said I will check 1.46 when its out.

The only way I could sort of reproduce your problem was this:
In cab with window open.
Press and hold '1' and turn head out of window.
That prevents my code switching to cam 5 and therefore no external.
Letting go of '1' still won't switch with head still out of the window as the switch point is 106 degrees and head is at ~180 degrees.

So, keyboard issues? Any software running that automates key pressing etc?

I'll try to see if I can tweak the switch point, for you to test, so don't disappear, i'll let you know when in the next day or so.

EDIT: Please check your PM's, I've sent you a test file rather than litter this topic with random edits.

Your problem was caused by having '-sysmouse' as a game launch option.
Apply update 31/10/2022 to resolve it. ... 640#p54640
Last edited by JHTrucker on October 31st, 2022, 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TrackIR Driving Enhancements - ATS/ETS2 1.38 to 1.45 - Updated 12/08/2022

Post by JHTrucker » October 31st, 2022, 1:35 pm


Line edits updated to fix a problem caused by users having '-sysmouse' as a game launch option.
You now have full TDE functionality with '-sysmouse' or without it.

This fixes the issues reported by northcoaster76 & Aragwath.

Date highlighted line edits on post 2 for the following:
config_lines[191]: "mix cam1...
config_lines[195]: "mix cam5...
config_lines[205]: "mix camzoom...
config_lines[306]: "mix activate...
config_lines[313]: "mix attach...
config_lines[339]: "mix rwinopen...
config_lines[340]: "mix rwinclose...
config_lines[375]: "mix display...
config_lines[377]: "mix dashmapzoom...
config_lines[507]: "mix headtren...
config_lines[513]: "mix eyepreset4...
config_lines[514]: "mix eyepreset5...
Post 02 - Mods and required file edits - ... 458#p46458


Grab the new quick start 'TDE controls v4.1 & v5.1' file from post 4.
Post 04 - TDE - Quick start guide - ... 460#p46460

Updates are fully compatible with the existing mods 'TDE v4.1 (1.38-1.43) & v5.1 (1.44-1.45)'.

TDE - Optional controls.sii file line edits.
If you've used any of the below optional edits, then you'll also need to re-apply them.

2 - Control Devcam with wheel/pedals/shifter etc.
config_lines[200]: "mix camdbg...

6 - 'Head Zoom' when in driving seat only.
config_lines[199]: "mix camzoom...

9 - Alternate Window controls - #2 Manual
config_lines[507]: "mix headtren...
config_lines[339]: "mix rwinopen...
config_lines[340]: "mix rwinclose...

Post 06 - Optional controls.sii file line edits - ... 462#p46462
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
Extra Cameras: viewtopic.php?p=46034#p46034
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