And about those pedestrians. I fix it already in 3.0 version

But thanks for reporting

Code: Select all
building_scheme : bld_scheme.scan306 {
name: "!! DO NOT USE !! Replace with curve: wooden_powerline_03_pm_crv"
models[]: bld_model.scan006
category: "x_OLD_REMOVE"
building_scheme : bld_scheme.scan307 {
name: "!! DO NOT USE !! Replace with curve: conc_powerline_01_pm_crv"
models[]: bld_model.scan007
category: "x_OLD_REMOVE"
Thank you very much for sending this map combo ! Found my problem: MKrework_PLRebuild_fix was missing.Tapir wrote: ↑September 16th, 2022, 6:43 pm <-----look here!
And here you see bogdac`s combo with PR:
EDIT: Make sure you load no other Rc`s for the maps , which are provided by the HybridPlus!