Heart of...Russia?

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Do you think SCS should release a DLC called The Heart of Russia?

Poll ended at March 12th, 2022, 2:00 am

Maybe next year
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by f*red » March 3rd, 2022, 12:00 pm

Sorry you pretend you don't understand me... I was asking if you think those five countries are the only right ones in the UN assembly.
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by hafnix » March 3rd, 2022, 2:38 pm

What Nazis is he talking of? I think Selenskyj is Jewish...?
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by xela1961 » March 3rd, 2022, 2:50 pm

:scenic: Sergey is still OUR Sergey, our friend, and all the regular people on this forum are. We Know who are the BAD GUYS !!! :read: :paladin:
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by sbym5333 » March 3rd, 2022, 4:40 pm

Arayas wrote:
March 3rd, 2022, 2:05 am
Its a game, yes...but its a war also.
Just asking, do you think SCS will delete Russian territories which are included in Baltic Sea DLC? (i.e. St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad etc...)
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by baneorthodox » March 3rd, 2022, 5:04 pm

Sergey061 wrote:
March 3rd, 2022, 11:07 am
f*red wrote:
March 3rd, 2022, 10:49 am
So, Sergey, do you really mean to tell me that, beside yours, these are the only countries on the planet against nazis and drug-addicts? C'mon, mate, I was thinking you're a smart one...


Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/un-genera ... 022-03-02/
I never said anywhere that we are the only ones who oppose the Nazis ..

Я никогда и нигде не говорил что мы единственные выступаем против нацистов..
Sergey, you are not alone. Serbian people are with you. We had our share of Nato Nazi bombs an we are not falling for Nato Nazi propaganda. Hail to the Russian Czar (not Putin) which will come and free the world of Nato Nazis and other satans followers. Jesus saves.
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by Arayas » March 3rd, 2022, 6:18 pm

sbym5333 wrote:
March 3rd, 2022, 4:40 pm
Arayas wrote:
March 3rd, 2022, 2:05 am
Its a game, yes...but its a war also.
Just asking, do you think SCS will delete Russian territories which are included in Baltic Sea DLC? (i.e. St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad etc...)
No, they need even this DLC, getting payed once a year for ETS...hard economy.

Is nice to see people who are very happy because ukraineans nazi's (or NATO?) invaded Russia. And how russian civilians are running and going with small kids in subways stations. No? Maybe is the other way around. No offence, but Putin excuse for this war, even thou is widely supported by most of russians, its a joke who even a 8 year old kid will laugh about. I mean...
US is not far different, but atleast they blow up their own buildings to find a reason to go to war against everyone.
Its funny how all people with guns insist to make me and others free by killing us, invade us, destroying our houses (yes, like Serbia also).
And how some brainwashed people are supporting this in the name of the holly freedom. I am hardly wait the red button to give us all the freedom we need.
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by LudoModding » March 4th, 2022, 9:55 am

I deleted the Russian Map from my profile, but not because of the war, I deleted it because of the little war between Russian Map and Promods, as I've been playing Promods for years I didn't want to continue to couple it with RussMap.

But that doesn't mean I won't respect the work of the RussMap, or even the person who made this map, for me he will always remain my equal, a human being, whatever the circumstances.

For the real war, I won't say a word about it, too sensitive subject ... just that you shouldn't mix life and video game, but that since a long time it's not possible anymore ...
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by kreti » March 4th, 2022, 2:47 pm

The saddest thing is that because of a lunatic who wants to be in the history books, even as a villain, he is condemning the Russian people to the more than probable collapse of its economy and misery of its citizens for decades.
  • Hundreds of companies that stop importing, exporting or manufacturing products in Russia
Many citizens still don't notice this, but believe me they will. I guess most of them either don't access this information, or don't want to, thinking it's foreign lies.

Only an internal rebellion (many try but it is very difficult to oppose the regime https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/poli ... 947053001/) will be able to stop Putin.
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by Arayas » March 4th, 2022, 3:15 pm

From what they say on social media (both West and russian sources) more than 2/3 of russians support this genocide. In their movie, they are fighting nazi's and drug addicts. Probably ET and global worming. The new russian law voted this days gives rusians 15 years of prison for talking against the Putin's genocide in Ukraine. THIS are the people who are talking about democracy and FREEDOM. Imposed by missiles.
I lived 18 years under a dictatorship, i know all the signs, i don't need russian "freedom". Sience my first day at school my parents had private talks with me weekly (i was 7 years old first time) to be VERY patient not to reveal our family disscutions at shool or to say something bad about the regime. I had coleagues in school who had their parents arested because their kids revealed at school something bad their parents said about Ceausescu regime.
Very refreshing to know you are living with your grandparents because you have placed your parents in prison.
People who live in West have no clue about stuff like this, thay see this in movies, so, they dont give a fuck. "Lets play the game! Nothing hapened, lets move on!" UNTIL ITS ON YOUR HOUSE. Idiots from so called russian army fired live ammunition against the biggest WORKING NUCLEAR PLANT.

On the oposite part we have the biggest idiots from the history of the world called US, NATO and EU. "we are gonna take russian yachts from russian millioners!" Yes, please do that, enbark all your "leaders" on it and go sink next to Titanic. They dont touch oil, gas and banks from Russia.
Putin can do whatever. I see idiots from my country, from Moldova, Baltic republics or Poland believing they are safe because of NATO. If Putin will go over this countries, the NATO officials will go on TV to say they are offended and sad, THAT'S IT!

Ukrainean people are kissing their kids in a remote place in another country, in bunckers or dead. If this escalate to WW3 you will have the same experience, the people who are staying comfortable miles away and say: "oooh, war is bad, but lets just play the game!" THEN you will realise your life and your family life is not worthing more than a mighty dollar bill.
The war started and we still act sad in front of a TV. Covid dindt worked, is time for big guns. THINK.
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Re: Heart of...Russia?

Post by Hex_526f62657274 » March 5th, 2022, 3:10 pm

Yes, praise to the heroic liberators who, on September 17 in 1939 "fraternally" crossed the line of the Bug River, helping their neighbors, and after the end of the war, for almost half a century, occupied half of Europe. I am full of admiration how, from February 24, they heroically save this rotten piece of Europe from a repeat from the 20th century.
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