Normal Map Combo crash and bugs Reports

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Normal Map Combo crash and bugs Reports

Post by Arayas » December 11th, 2020, 5:30 pm

You can report in this topic ONLY if you use official Normal Map Combo.
If you use a load order recommended by someone else, use the topic "Help!Troubleshooting/My game crashed" for that.

You can find the Normal Map Combo load order and file links in this topic

Universal RULES for map combos:
1. the place you have the crash is irelevant. Example: a bad file from a turkish map can crash your game in Spain.
2. road connections MUST be placed above the maps it connects. In mod manager the road connection must be very close above both maps, not placed above ALL the maps from mod manager.
3.most common reason for crashing are non-map mods.
When you make a new map combo or test a combo, USE just maps and connections, not other mods. That includes STEAM mods.
4.recomended Normal Map Combo is not MANDATORY.
You can use it as guidance, and if you dont want to use the map X, extract from the combo all files related to that map (map+connections for that map).
Example: don't use Turkey's road connections if you dont use Turkey!
5.Some maps are ADD-ONS, or are based on other maps to work.
Those must be placed above the main map.
If you dont use the main map, you cannot use the add-ons for that map also.

BEFORE reporting a crash:
1. BE SURE you use the corect load order, don't forget something.
2.BE SURE you replaced all the files from download links who have the specification: "FIX (replace original file)"
3.Be SURE you tested your combo without MODS

HOW to report a crash:
1. go to My documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 folder and find the "game.log.txt" file.
Make sure that "game.log.txt" was created after crash, not last year.
In Steam, game settings, game quick commands is better to have the line "-unlimitedlog" activated, to have a full log. that "game.log.txt" file in a ZIP archive
3.attach the ZIP in the forum post like this:


We will delete posts containing:
1. load order pictures instead of game.log.txt
2. text copied from the game log
3. game log files created by a cracked/illegal game
4. edited game log
5. not related to Normal Map Combo (use the topic "Help!Troubleshooting/My game crashed" for that).

Good Luck!
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by fisi78 » January 3rd, 2021, 5:44 am

Hello Arayas, please help, I am new to mods, I was playing with RoExtended and everything was ok,
just downloaded ProMods 2.51 + RC - ROEXallPM251RUS231RCfullv2.scs.
Put them in exact order like your normal map combo but they won't load. Attached is the game log. Thanks

Edit: I eliminated the Road connection file and the game started with Pro Mods and RoExtended, but I have no names on the Pro Mods cities (for ex. no names on Spain cities, the cities in former Yugoslavia or Greek cities).
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by Arayas » January 3rd, 2021, 6:44 am

The road connection is made for the use of 3 maps, Promods, RusMap and Roex. You have only 2.
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by fisi78 » January 6th, 2021, 2:21 am

Thank you very much, now it works great.
One more question. I also inserted Road to Balears, SZM Addon and Pitter for RusMap. Can you please tell me what are these useful for? Seems that I don't spot their roles in the game. Thanks.
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by ItzHonzula » January 12th, 2021, 6:22 pm

I think Balears add some Spanish roads to ProMods. SZM is an addon for RusMap adding some cities in Leningrad Oblast and Piter adds old RusMap version of Saint Petersburg.
EuRoadNet and Projekt Česko developer.

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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by Cyberman » January 12th, 2021, 9:55 pm

ItzHonzula wrote:
January 12th, 2021, 6:22 pm
Piter adds old RusMap version of Saint Petersburg.
Well piter actually merges the old rusmap versions of st. petersburg and Vyborg into the versions made by SCS. I use it myself but it doesn't really blend in that well.
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by fisi78 » January 17th, 2021, 12:04 am

Arayas, pls help, when I zoom in at the max, the game crashes. What do I do wrong with the addons?
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by BenganJ » January 17th, 2021, 12:21 am


Edit the following in your config.cfg file,

Code: Select all

uset r_buffer_page_size "10"
uset r_buffer_page_size "30"
and also, use one of the Ultimate World Map BGs from the top of this topic.

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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by Arayas » January 17th, 2021, 6:21 am

fisi78 wrote:
January 17th, 2021, 12:04 am
Arayas, pls help, when I zoom in at the max, the game crashes. What do I do wrong with the addons?
...and that means you didnt follow the load order, because that first mod is not there to be fancy, it has a purpose (to fix SCS great DX11 implementation and the crashes who are follow).
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Re: Normal Map Combo Crash Reports

Post by fisi78 » January 17th, 2021, 12:38 pm

Thank you, kind sir. So where do I put the BG Map? Above all mods, below all?

BenganJ wrote:
January 17th, 2021, 12:21 am

Edit the following in your config.cfg file,

Code: Select all

uset r_buffer_page_size "10"
uset r_buffer_page_size "30"
and also, use one of the Ultimate World Map BGs from the top of this topic.

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