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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by Stilgar » August 10th, 2020, 9:47 pm


With this behavior the king will be sooner or later dead :grin:
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by MXTrucker » August 10th, 2020, 9:50 pm

psychoszoku wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 7:11 pm
MXTrucker wrote:
August 10th, 2020, 6:43 pm
I'm using MHAPro ATS + ETS2 for months now and these are really quality maps.
Could you please tell me how many cities are being added there for Poland? I saw on a video from Wombat, dated a year ago that it was 5 cities in a free version and about 8 in the premium one. Is it still valid?
I will be checking free version within days, but can not do it right now, so I am wobdering ;)

Pictures will talk more than words : you can compare SCS map with MHApro map here : ... sp=sharing
This doesn't detract promods value ;)
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by psychoszoku » August 10th, 2020, 10:55 pm

Thank you very much for that!
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by Bartula » August 11th, 2020, 9:08 am

I just saw what those fools from Promods did to You AGAIN, I'm really mad because instead cooperating with You they want to destroy You and Your work as well. I really appreciate that You won't remove Your Ukraine in favor of Promods version. I remember when you did that to Balkans, after that I thought You and Promods have a truce but unfortunately that was just a foolish hope. I can say only one thing - Yes, I will use Promods because even though they are arseholes they make quality work but I beg Arayas and his team - keep on working, because Your maps are getting better and better. I remember how it used to look like and how it is today. I am supporting You and if it'll be better I can support You by a subscription or how is it called. A bit of a longie from me but I am disgusted how 'the best community ever' is sometimes showing its' real face.

P. S. - For other map makers like Rusmap or SO, when Arayas will fall you will be next in line. Promods can't get monopoly for maps.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by Arayas » August 11th, 2020, 10:39 pm

Let's place an end to this subject here.

A conclusion:
They are gonna invade all maps taking advantage of the fanboys support.
SCS in the last 3 DLCs got them out of Europe (Iberia included) and, (i told this before: all BlackSea DLC materials are labeled "blke"-balkan east) a west Balakan is expected to close the disscution about Greece and former Yugoslavia.
Maybe a Road to Moscow DLC will be released next and western Ukraine, Belarus and the rest of western Russia will be also off limits.
This cannot be ignored because Promods always had info about SCS plans.
Remember their rush to fill the area around Black Sea DLC? They had inside info about how much to build and where to enter and where not. Now they are rushing to fill the area south of RusMap, an area SCS will not go pretty soon because of politics.
Maybe this sudden discovery of Ukraine should raise some questions inside RusMap team about the future DLC.

So lets end here.
I will never cut any part of my map for any other map and the choice lays in the hands of the users.
The common sense is rare this days, a normal reaction will be to choose your map combo with no offence for anyone. I've offered...WE offered support for people who are using or not Roextended or a certain map.
In the oposite side are the people who are agressively reject any talk or use of a certain map or people trashing a map without even using it....because someone told them is bad.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by BenganJ » August 11th, 2020, 10:42 pm

As a user I know what my choice always will be! PERIOD!
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by MG Mike » August 12th, 2020, 12:31 am

Yeah too bad this development.. The first Videos I saw showed a real good quality. And this is what they need to survive. Since the PM gets smaller doe to SCS expanding DLCs they have to focus on improve the given things and expand where still it is possible.

But it is still possible to expand in north of Norway, Sweden. Enhance and rebuild older parts from north germany or bring back or enhance Italy.

But no, they also started to enhance Romania and bring back their own Moldowa.. That was the first clues I had that said to me, oh oh. against Roex again..

Now Ukraine and even Georgia so Project Turkey gets also an assault..

Unlucky developments in my eyes.. I like Promods cause they were grounds for me to buy and play Ets2. But I also like Roex. And it is a shame what was going on in the past as it was said Roex is bad quality and can't be compatible cause it overwrites our sectors, now you had the plan to stay at the new Romania and extend it and stay at Ukraine in order to have some sort of borderline to PM and what happens now? They still don't accept you, some people still rate Roex as bad quality although it has much improved and they expand anyway within Romania and even into Ukraine..

As my foreman wrote, maybe Russmap is next to be affected.. I think there were new builds in north Russia which could give the idea PM will also go southwards towards central Russia..

Mhm they don't make it easy for friends of map combos. Wombat will have a struggle.. If he further uses Roex he won't be able to explore PMs Ukraine. Unless he deletes the specific sectors, but I doubt that the road network will still fit.. So less Promods for staying at Roex.. And if you want. To explore these Areas from PM you have to do a new profile without Roex..

Na, we will see to where this is all leading..

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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by sbym5333 » August 12th, 2020, 1:04 am

@MG Mike

Yeah, in fact, I'm building another 'secondary profile' for future PM-Rusmap-only combo now because Roex will overwrite PM's Ukraine. lol
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by Arayas » August 12th, 2020, 1:20 am

I will place a disclaimer to the people. Any third party alteration to Roextended to fit Promods is NOT accepted and the file will be removed fast.
For 2 months people will have to accept that or make a choice, after that is easy, Promods will be adjusted to new DLC in february, like usual.

And i am happy to see users starting to notice 50 people attacking one guy's work.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.7 [1.38]

Post by BenganJ » August 12th, 2020, 1:24 am

From what I've seen so far, I pity those that doesn't place RoEx above PM!
I call their work a placeholder, nothing more!
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