[DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » March 27th, 2021, 1:28 am

@mgysgtdev - I use 2x because 4x dips me below 30 enough times to be annoying. That's with a gtx760 3840x1024.
But your 1070 can't do 30 at 4x on 3x1920x1080? Are you using ultra shadows / ultra mirrors or something gpu heavy?

I know nothing really about Foxman's setup... he was just someone that thanked me for getting AA on multi's to work and i just remember his 1080ti 3x1920x1200 @ 60fps as it's useful for others to get an idea of what to expect from their setup.
If you do upgrade your gpu check your psu is good enough first!!!
Try, as a test, this triple with reduced side width: viewtopic.php?p=17727#p17727
Triple.AAv5.WR no advisor.zip

@BenganJ - At the top of the log where it states cpu / memory / buffers... is there a gpubuffer line there? Just wondering.
Last edited by JHTrucker on March 27th, 2021, 1:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by BenganJ » March 27th, 2021, 1:31 am


Short answer, NO, the header of the game log is exactly the same as before!
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by mgysgtdev » March 27th, 2021, 11:41 am


here is my config file. i do use my mirrors at ultra else i can't see anything in them (mirror scale is medium). shadows are 4096.
i also use map mods and a graphics mod (only one at a time)
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » March 27th, 2021, 2:51 pm

Mirrors in these games are basically small rendered screens. You have 3 screens plus mirror screens and so you could be rendering up to 8 screens if you can see 5 mirrors within your 3 screens.
Mirror distance ultra is nice to have so they look good for a long distance behind but medium is all you need for driving/reversing.

If you want to test what impact the mirrors have on fps then turn them off:
uset r_mirror_group "3" <-- "0" all mirrors off

Try with no AA on the mirrors:
uset r_mirror_scale_y "0.99"
uset r_mirror_scale_x "0.99"

As a test to see if you get better fps try these:

uset r_dof "0"
uset r_hdr "0" <-- this will boost your fps but i guess you won't like it (mine has been off for years).
uset r_sun_shadow_quality "3"
uset r_mirror_view_distance "100"

I know you don't want to lower the above but it's just to see if you then get what you want fps wise and then you can decide... better gpu or accept lower settings to get 4xAA quality.

As you are still on 1.39 (like me) then i'd expect similar problems with 1.40. For me 1.40 can't turn off hdr and so that will impact on my current smooth stable stutter free 30fps...

If I could think of away to only apply AA to the centre screen, that would help a lot...
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by mgysgtdev » March 27th, 2021, 4:34 pm

I think i do need a better gpu, tested these settings you suggested. Without the mirrors i get almost 60 fps. When i activated them i get my stable 37 fps. Even if i lowered some settings. And where i got 25 fps with higher settings i get 29 fps. But i do use 2x with 4s instead of 2sgss. Only using 2x with 2sgss doesn't give me AA at all. Might just buy a new gpu

EDIT: Oh and i turned on my thingy to measure my gpu cpu and ram. Seems my gpu is only working at 70% while getting a lower fps than my 1/2 refresh rate

Please, avoid double posting mate, edit the previous post instead! //BenganJ (Moderator)

EDIT 2: trying 4x AA with just hdr off and sun shadows to 3. Gives me 31 fps. Seems stable. But my gpu is 100% and i don't think it will be happy with the hours i play ets2.
Have to try cities where my fps drops as usual. And note this is still 1.39, don't think i will get a stable 30 fps on 1.40
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » March 27th, 2021, 6:24 pm


I use 2xmsaa & 2xsgss and it works ok on close up stuff, dash & close objects. Middle distance stuff, lamp posts etc requires 4x to stop them flickering.

When I tested 4xs & 2xsgss (April last year? and added to first post AA options section) I found that the fps increase was too high (almost like 4x) compared with the small image quality increase I got, so 2x is best for me.

I don't use NPI 'texture high quality', just 'quality' and no sharpening or -ve LOD. The sharper things are the more you notice the lack of AA on them when using 2x or my old eyes don't care too much!

So gpu is ok... it's waiting to be fed by cpu at those times of low fps and low gpu usage.

Did you lower 'render ahead' ? or was that someone else?
Anyway, lowering it is good to reduce sluggish controller response but if it's too low '1' then you can get times where you are preventing your cpu creating extra frames to give to the gpu to render, then gpu is waiting for something to do and it's usage drops.
Or the cpu is just too busy using it's one core of your multicore cpu.

If you get 31 @ 100% now then set hz in game to 60 then your vsync=2 will be stable 30 and gpu won't try to get to 37 all the time. Worth a try.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by mgysgtdev » March 27th, 2021, 6:57 pm

Did that the second i noticed my fps were stable arround 30-32fps so i drove a while to see what my fps would do in diff situations. In high dense vegitation areas it drops to 28 fps so ill decrease veg detail from high to med. As for the pre rendered frame it is at 3 but will try 1 to see what impact that has on my gpu load. And at last lod bios. I prefer to keep that at -1.5 since that makes road signes better readable but i never thought of that it would make the AA at distance worse. That explains why at close range the AA works at 2x and longer distances it wouldn't.

Thank you very much for your advice and help :)
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by JHTrucker » March 27th, 2021, 9:13 pm

@mgysgtdev - Glad you're getting there.
I'd just drop your mirror distance from 400 to 350 or 300 to help lower gpu load and keep at 30 fps.

Ideally you want to have 80 ish gpu load so that there's an extra 20 to boost in difficult areas without, hopefully, causing fps drops as that 'spare' should keep things going smooth when it's needed.

I use medium veg as the newer dlcs have too high detail trees compared to older areas. SCS should have added veg ultra so people could keep their settings across the whole map and only those that can use the new ultra can do so...

LOD bias won't change fps it'll just blur/sharpen the image.

EDIT: Just set a button for 'zoom' and you'll read those signs a lot easier from a distance!
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by tantalus » March 28th, 2021, 5:36 am

mgysgtdev wrote:
March 26th, 2021, 7:19 pm
s but for a 1070 that is pretty hard.
Sorry to quote this old post but im seeing too many people believeing that with certain cards they are not able to run the game at 60fps.

In 1.39 with a 660gtx im pretty sure you could achieve 60fps all the time, i know it because i did it back in the days before i changed to the 1660 in 1.33-1.36. Even after the introduction of DX11.
What i mean by this is, with even a 1050, you should have waaaaaay more than enough to run 1.40.

With a 1070, dude you should not have any problems at all.
If you cant get 60fps stable in 1.40, and you followed every single step here and beyond, the problem is the game itself, nothing we can do about it with this new
dusty cheap 1.40.

I pretty doubt that the step from 1.39 to 1.40 is so big that people with these cards can no longer get 60fps stable.
If that was the case, then, the game is ruined, basically, and i dont understand the excitement about a new lightning system that the only thing it does is to slow the performance even more.
Of course im talking about all the sheeps at the official forums and fanboys will always say its amazing no matter what addition SCS does, even if its for the worst.
Why people cant understand that, you cant keep adding fancy features to a game engine that is already obsolete, and that is going to create
amazing bottlenecks with today's gpus???

If SCS cant understand this, i dont know what to think.

Im still on 1.39 and i think that just for avoiding all mod-placement all over again i will stick with it.
If 1.40 would throw any actual good improvement i would jump to 1.40 but its not the case.

Btw people, remember that the thing that decreases the fps more is reflections.
If you dont care to have not-detailed reflections, you can lower this option and this is going to
boost your fps to the roof.
Last edited by tantalus on March 28th, 2021, 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [DX11] Help regarding Nvidia Profile Inspector (NPI)

Post by Lou511 » March 28th, 2021, 7:13 am

Hi everyone. I'm working with a new system I just purchased with a 3070RTX card. I followed steps from the first page in this thread, using NPI and adding a multi monitor file. I am trying to figure out why certain objects, such as roadway line, and shadows appear blurry or jagged, after modifying my card settings through NPI. I am adding a screenshot of my gameplay, with the areas of interest circled. I am also attaching my NPI settings, and confg file, in case that would help. My monitor is actually an older TV 55" samsung 1080p native resolution is 1920x1080.

I've tried using a multi-monitor config file for this tv - the setup that makes the monitor work as if I were running 3 displays. I feel like the issues I'm seeing got a little better with that setup (in the middle display), but the side displays suffered from the same issues I highlight in the attached picture. I feel like I'm overlooking something very simple. I would greatly appreciate any guidance, if possible. I've also notice a bunch of people reference frame rates, and the lowest I'm seeing while driving is 70 at night, and highest is about 120 (I believe). Without knowing anymore about my setup, it almost sounds like I'm not taxing the GPU enough??? Which leads me to believe I'm missing something in the setup.



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