Don't place youtubers in a funny position to make a video about "real mods for ETS" making people laugh, i am sure that was not the intention
I decided to offer a technical brief about this mod and if you are ok with it, good for you.
Once you activate the mod, the speed limits for every country from the planet (contained in the mod) are fake, not "real".
Don't trust me, trust your eyes: check for yourself, open the mod, go in def/country/YOURCOUNTRY/speed_limits.sii and speed_limits.high.sii, and see for yourself. For Romania for example:
ONLY the trucks are by the rule because you will see it in the game and get suspicious.
BUT wait! it gets better! Altering the vehicle type he transformed all cars in SPORT cars. And, in his mod what is the limit for those?
Unlimited and 100km/h in cities? WOW!
So....every car, emergency and moto can break the light speed limit based on this dude rules.
You want more? He doesnt know how to create traffic (after all this years of taking game codes from other people).
Check the def/traffic_data.sii file, he has a limit of 10.000 vehicles spawned by the game?
Do you ask yourself why your PC is burning?
max_vehicle_count: 10000 # Total AI vehicle count limit (including trucks)
I am not gonna go even further with conflicts created by this mod with traffic areas speed limits from ANY map, established by mappers to match the definition for certain speed limits for a country. Working as it should, until this mod comes up and mess that up with FAKE speed limits.
So, enjoy
The cheat fake ratio and cip