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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 19th, 2019, 12:19 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just for fun, remove the previous fix and try this for roads and terrains. ... x.scs.html

If next i hear something else is flickering, i shoot it myself :D
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by BenganJ » June 19th, 2019, 12:22 am


Are thoses fixes all about removing mipmaps in DDS files, or what?
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 19th, 2019, 12:36 am

Are road and terrain textures from 1.34. Funny, no?

but i still stand on my ideea some settings/updates are to blame here. Do you have this problems?
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by BenganJ » June 19th, 2019, 12:42 am

To some extent I think I have! When running in DX11 I've had some
odd white reflections type of effect from the road surface ahead,
but as you put it earlier, I think that I even in DX9 get grainy road
surfaces ahead. I don't know if it is the same cause, but interpreted
different in DX9 than in DX11. Would you say this is ONLY a DX11
phenomena or could it be overall, just displayed a bit different
in the two versions of DirectX?

EDIT: So, you say the fix is to use 1.34 DDS's instead, probably then
also the proper TOBJ and MAT files to match, but that means that
most of the DDS files have the mipmaps left! Or?
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 19th, 2019, 1:07 am

I dont know. I dont have this problem. I have seen this before in graphic mods with overedited textures. I dont use them sience.
For some reason roads and terrain have no problem with mipmaps, model mipmaps crash the game. For some people. For some no. My game looks normal. I have teleported all over the map. Nothing.
Honestly is the worst period to release a map and i regret it deeeeeeeeeeeply. 3 months of work, 6-8h/day, stained by this x and y problem i know it has exterior reasons. Off course, editing dds in mass way, it could hit in some places. I have seen a tractor with bad shadow. But all this?
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by BenganJ » June 19th, 2019, 1:26 am

Well, I'm just asking questions to eventually learn something new here.
I also had a thought that SCS had to make a compromise with some
elements in order for them to be able to offer both DX9 and DX11,
but it's just a hunch. It might be as you say, it's all about external, to
the game, parameters. Or mods. Let's leave this now, hopefully we will
learn later what was the real problem!
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 19th, 2019, 1:31 am

The problem is in the last year we dont get to grasp what we learn and everything is changing again. I'm curious when Promods will be out for 1.35. About TSM i have no expectations. Poland Rebuilding probably even worst. RusMap....and so on.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by id777 » June 19th, 2019, 3:10 am

Thank you for developing my home country~!

greetings from Ukraine
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by id777 » June 19th, 2019, 6:14 am

I noticed wrong road signs. Чернiвецька область. It is not placed near Kiev. You need to write Чернiгiвська область. I found it on road Kiev - Chernigiv.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by CAPLV » June 19th, 2019, 9:29 am


found guilty one... its YKSRSK... when added to ROEX its make again grass flicker...

ROEX+RUSMAP+Swedish island+North map and even Next Gen 1.7+Grimes New Summer = no problems...

+ yours road flicker fix = superb!

- - - - - - - - -

its seems not related to DX version.. launched game in DX9 mode.. the same grass texture flickering... as in DX11 even w/this latest fix. Ok.. its not your fault Arayas.. so dont stress, map is beautiful.

i have max settings.. newest driver and so on... so 99% probality.. its SCS bug... or feature :D

picture snapped in DX0 mode w/o any graphic mod..

grass ;[19/06/2019 09:29] (sec+0017-0003);69689.8;48.6133;-9944.42;-3.06322;-0.0833904

hmm.. as i supposed... its not in your map.. i will research further..

the same location only w/ROEX 2.2. 1.35 DX11, no grass flickering, even grass looks different..

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