Roextended 4.5 [1.53 only]

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MG Mike
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by MG Mike » June 18th, 2019, 1:24 pm

Hi there

Since yesterday evening I am also a ppm user. Finally I could solve my problems with PayPal and so I say thank you for the fast service. In less an hour after donation I got the mail that I am confirmed and my email address is now in your database. And I also received the links for download the new 2.2

So thanks again.

For now I took the 1.34 version in order to play along with promods 2.40. I noticed that a very important ferry line is missing. The Constanta - Novorossyrsk ferry.
I assume it is cause the southern region is still incompatible with 1.35?!

But that is no really problem. I still have an older ferry file to reinstall this connection again

So it is time for me to start the next tours towards east and heading for Ukraine especially.

I took a lite fly over the map and it looks all very nice.

One little criticism I have on Chernobyl. If I approach from Belarus and come towards Pripjat "the Zone" is really nice made.. All looks damn abandoned and like a very empty area.. This is very good made..
But as far as I know the power plant itself is in the middle of that zone. In your map if I reach the power plant the city Chernobyl is direct next to the plant within the contaminated area but looks like a normal city, traffic and people on the sidewalks as nothing happened at the other side.. As well as the buyable Gargae right next to the plant... A good place to get glowing ears after a while. Hahaha :)
A little more of "the zone" at the other side has also been a good idea.

But for the rest of the map what I have seen so far looks all very nice and I am looking forward to haul on it. The closest garage I have to it is Moscow or the city between Constanta and Bucuresti in Romania..
So I will take a quick travel ( likely by plane in the story of the game) and take one of my trucks that are stationed there for a Ukraine journey...

MG Mike
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by joker » June 18th, 2019, 1:50 pm

road texture flicker

the default map

what could be the problem, how to fix it
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Tapir » June 18th, 2019, 1:51 pm

MG Mike wrote:
June 18th, 2019, 1:24 pm
Hi there

For now I took the 1.34 version in order to play along with promods 2.40. I noticed that a very important ferry line is missing. The Constanta - Novorossyrsk ferry.
I assume it is cause the southern region is still incompatible with 1.35?!


MG Mike
Hi Mike,
Yes, SR map is with 1.35 still incompatible, but Arayas said, in acouple of days there will be a version of SR Map for 1.35. :D

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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 18th, 2019, 2:25 pm

MG Mike wrote:
June 18th, 2019, 1:24 pm
Hi there

Since yesterday evening I am also a ppm user. Finally I could solve my problems with PayPal and so I say thank you for the fast service. In less an hour after donation I got the mail that I am confirmed and my email address is now in your database. And I also received the links for download the new 2.2

So thanks again.

For now I took the 1.34 version in order to play along with promods 2.40. I noticed that a very important ferry line is missing. The Constanta - Novorossyrsk ferry.

MG Mike
The ferry is there, make sure you dont have the other PM-SR ferry, forbiden in ROEX use.
Welcome to the PPM club it's much easier for you and for me also.
The map is compresed to 1:19, when we talk about "how much space"....we will do it whit a pinch of salt.
joker wrote:
June 18th, 2019, 1:50 pm
road texture flicker
You dont need to post 3 time, read the few rules we have: first post needs approval.
Second: except black tarmac in some area i dont use other asphalt textures. So, the problem is elsewhere.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by hecatonchires » June 18th, 2019, 4:03 pm

@arayas, Roex 2.2 (dx11) works well for dx9 1.35. I am enjoying the scenery and drive around Romania. As always, your work is splendid........
The Set-Up :boast:
MG Mike
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by MG Mike » June 18th, 2019, 4:45 pm

Arayas wrote
"The map is compresed to 1:19, when we talk about "how much space"....we will do it whit a pinch of salt.
joker wrote: "

Yes I know. But as I took a flight over it there are some mountains between this chernob area and the other road connection to Russmap and there seems to be some space. So the" Zone " were possible to be bigger. Unless you have planned in this mentioned area something else.

Anyway I like to say Thank you for having the site in the map. Although it looks very different from the real place, you made it that the whole area has a frightened view always reminding what happend here and that this area wouldn't reusable for humans for the next decades....
(at our news there was a report that more and more youth people (Instagram influences) took a ride the zone and the power plant and made there selfies and other photos in a very repectless way. Posing half naked, or hold their hands at their throats and hold a dosimeter at the other hand...
That is very bad. Very ignorant and I really don't understand why people go there if not needed. For me the risks were much too great..

But... What ever..

To the ferry issue, no I have not the promods ferry in the load order. I am very aware of that Romania is from You so a promods ferry can't work. I have no other ferries installed there unless the no ferry for Italy.

But with your older ferry file it works. At least the line is at the map visible.

So I hope I find this evening or tomorrow time to haul there and enjoy your incredible work. A big thumbs up! From me.

Kindly regards
MG Mike
Euroadnet-Map - Senior tester and assistant developer
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by rubenelle » June 18th, 2019, 5:41 pm

joker wrote:
June 18th, 2019, 1:50 pm
road texture flicker

the default map

what could be the problem, how to fix it
i Have the same problem
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by Arayas » June 18th, 2019, 5:55 pm

I'm gonna close this subject now. I have seen this in my mail also without any detail, just 2 pictures. The game log from your mail contains tones of mods, another thing not helping me. I'm playing the game also, not that much, but i can't reproduce that problem.
So please stop spamming the forum and mail with "i have a problem, here's 2 pictures". It doesnt work this way.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by rubenelle » June 18th, 2019, 6:24 pm

Ho chiesto solo aiuto per un prodotto che ho pagato (1.40 sono pochi ma non ti regalo i soldi) di conseguenza pretendo che il prodotto che tu vendi, deve funzionare al 100%
Il problema è che con la tua mod la trama stradale sfarfalla...è chiaro il problema? Te lo sto dicendo in tutte le lingue.
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Re: ROEXTENDED 2.2 Premium [1.34.xx-1.35.xxDX11] - 17.06.2019

Post by BenganJ » June 18th, 2019, 6:29 pm


It will not help you at all to write in another language. If you want some
help, you should create a NEW profile with only the map you think is in
error, then if the error occur, post your game log, please! Otherwise we
can't do anything! A position where the error surface is a good thing too.
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