Welcome and thank you very much for the kind words! Yes, the answers to both questions are YES!
The thing with almost all of my BGs are that they build on the different way of using the data in the
map_data.sii file by SCS. That file is broken up in parts of related data and by that scheme it is then
possible to make a small mod that changes one or more parts of that file data. The scheme is all
described in this topic,
and it all boils down to creating a mod with the following structure,
which e.g. for the zoom levels would be this,
which contains these parameter values, which one then can change as you like.
Code: Select all
zoom_uplift[0]: 50.0 // close zoom for 3d map
zoom_uplift[1]: 220.0 // far zoom for 3d map
zoom_uplift[2]: 900.0 // close zoom for minimap
zoom_uplift[3]: 4000.0 // far zoom for minimap
zoom_uplift[4]: 1000.0 // city detail zoom for world map
zoom_uplift[5]: 8000.0 // closest zoom for world map
zoom_uplift[6]: 35500.0 // middle zoom for world map
zoom_uplift[7]: 120000.0 // whole world map zoom
containing these parameters.
Code: Select all
road_color: 0xFF707070 //Advisor map undiscovered route
road_discovered_color: 0xFF4cc6ff //Advisor map discovered route
job_road_color: 0x50353535 //Job market map undiscoveder route
job_road_discovered_color: 0xFF2b3436 //Job market map discovered route
world_road_color: 0xFF707070 //Main map undiscovered route
world_road_discovered_color: 0xFF4cc6ff //Main map discovered route
fleet_manager_road_color: 0xff424242 //Fleet manager map undiscovered route
fleet_manager_road_discovered_color: 0xff424242 //Fleet manager map discovered route
prefab_color: 0xFF737373 //Undiscovered prefab driveable areas
prefab_obstacle_color: 0xFF333333 //Undiscovered prefab buildings
prefab_grass_color: 0xFF737373 //Undiscovered prefab grass areas
prefab_discovered_color: 0xFF98CAEB //Discovered prefab driveable areas
prefab_obstacle_discovered_color: 0xFF3ba2e0 //Discovered prefab buildings
prefab_grass_discovered_color: 0xFF95CAA9 //Discovered prefab grass
outline_color: 0xFF000000 //Route outline
navigation_color: 0xFF0C0CCF //Navigation path color
navigation_highlight_color: 0xFF0C42DF //Navigation path color, highligted segment
navigation_fade_color: 0xFF07077C //Navigation path color, faded segment
navigation_arrow_color: 0xFF06FB11 //Navigation crossroad arrows color
Sinagrit Baba has created small mods to chenge e.g. colors if you use his concept!