That game log shows that you started it in OpenGL mode, DON'T do that,
as you obviously is on Windows and able to run in DirectX mode! Instead,
in Steam Launch Options, add these startup arguments.
Code: Select all
-64bit -nointro -unlimitedlog -mm_pool_size 4000 -mm_max_resource_size 32 -mm_max_tmp_buffers_size 1000
Also, in your config.cfg file edit as follows.
Code: Select all
uset r_buffer_page_size "10"
uset r_buffer_page_size "30"
Further, you DON'T use the Project Turkey map at all, you use the road connection to Promods Middle East addon.
Remove that and add the map instead! AND put the REXFREE25 mods in opposite order.
Then test and report back!