just traffic...but based on your PC power!
Place the mod in your MOD folder and activate it from mod manager.
Remove any other traffic density mod, real or fake
(crap ratio and things - viewtopic.php?f=9&t=694&p=8477).
Supertraffic its JUST creating traffic, but based on hour of the day and the vehicle type.
Is not like g_traffic 10 when you increase ALL traffic. Recommended is the default g_traffic 1.
Is not so real to see 15 cranes and empty dumpers in the middle of the night, no?
We have 6 hours to make the difference: 7, 12, 16, 19, 23 and 2 AM.
We set a limit (editable) for all vehicles on road. Not everybody has a NASA PC.
NOTE: vehicle traffic spawn is the main reason for loosing FPS. There is a reason why original game has empty streets = "optimization" :)
Based on your PC performance you can edit this mod to suit your PC power, it doesn't have FIXED values like other mods.
Open the mod with any unpacker (7Zip, WinRAR and so on) => => open "def" folder => => open "traffic_data.sii" with any text editor.
Find this line:
max_vehicle_count: 60 # Total AI vehicle count limit (including trucks)
and change the value by steps of 10 and test your game.
If your PC has less power you can use 20 or 30, if you have a strong PC you can use 80 or 100. You got the point.
Enjoy the game!
https://sharemods.com/7chmohuw4138/UNZI ... 3.zip.html
https://sharemods.com/zf4rw37zhyw1/Supe ... p.zip.html