Lambert Conic Conformal map projection taken from ETS2 v1.37 definition files:
Code: Select all
map_projection: lambert_conic
standard_paralel_1: 37
standard_paralel_2: 65
map_origin: (50, 15)
EDIT: If you also want formulas to convert game map coordinates to LAT/LONG
on the globe, use there together with the extra parameters:
Code: Select all
latitude = map_origin[0] + (map_z - map_offset[0]) * map_factor[0]
longitude = map_origin[1] + (map_x - map_offset[1]) * map_factor[1]
map_offset: (16660.0, 4150.0)
map_factor: (-1.71570875e-4, 1.729241463e-4)