World Background Maps

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Re: World Background Maps

Post by BenganJ » June 3rd, 2020, 1:36 am


Lambert Conic Conformal map projection taken from ETS2 v1.37 definition files:

Code: Select all

	map_projection: lambert_conic
	standard_paralel_1: 37
	standard_paralel_2: 65
	map_origin: (50, 15)
Generatae a map from that and then you tell me if Promods uses that!

EDIT: If you also want formulas to convert game map coordinates to LAT/LONG
on the globe, use there together with the extra parameters:

Code: Select all

latitude = map_origin[0] + (map_z - map_offset[0]) * map_factor[0]
longitude = map_origin[1] + (map_x - map_offset[1]) * map_factor[1]

map_offset: (16660.0, 4150.0)
map_factor: (-1.71570875e-4, 1.729241463e-4)
Good Luck!
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by 3rik » June 3rd, 2020, 1:42 am

this does not matter. stop bringing up promods, this hasnt got anything to do with them. if promods dosent match with scs's map thats their problem.

you see the differences with your map and SCS's map though right? i think that image shows it clearly enough. those parameters are clearly incorrect.
all im asking is that you follow SCS's parameters. the ones you are using right now are outdated, or something like that. How do i know? because comparing the latest scs map and your map shows it.
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by BenganJ » June 3rd, 2020, 1:44 am


You just lost me there totally mate. It has everything to do with Promods!
Run the SCS Vanilla map together with my BG, do you see HUGE differences?

EDIT: And that map is older than Promods one, created in large parts even
before SCS changed map projection!
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by 3rik » June 3rd, 2020, 1:50 am

no it dosent. forget promods. ignore promods completely. imagine they dont exist. done?
ok now look at this photo.
look at this photo ^^
none of it has anything to do with promods.
the red map is SCS
the gray map is yours.
is promods there? no.
now, we agree that SCS uses the right projection, correct?
now look at that and notice that the projections dont allign :angry2:
this means one of them must be wrong!
we already agreed that SCS is correct. this means your map is wrong.
now lets grow up and fix our mistakes! :cool:
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by BenganJ » June 3rd, 2020, 1:53 am


And where in the area where Middle-East or Cyprus is located in the red map has SCS ANY data?
That's where the differences start. You really have to study mate! Bye for now!
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by 3rik » June 3rd, 2020, 2:03 am

this is on a profile with NO mods WHATSOEVER.
you can clearly see the outline of the middle east on the bottom right. you cant zoom out further because scs blocks it, but the image is obviously there. give me a couple minutes and i will find a mod that lets you scroll further, then i can show you the rest of it.
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by 3rik » June 3rd, 2020, 2:11 am

Update: i have now added a mod that lets you zoom further away. it is still the same background image.
here you can clearly see the middle east on SCS's default map.
did you not look at the SCS map? how didnt you know this?
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by BenganJ » June 3rd, 2020, 2:12 am


You should be grateful that I have the patience I have, but do you see any bad placement of Istanbul there?
Run that modless profile with my PLAIN BG and you'll see that Istanbul is still in place! Don't mention the
Middle-East in SCS context, they are NOT there yet!
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by 3rik » June 3rd, 2020, 2:16 am

ok, i have loaded the DEFAULT MAP with NO MODS apart from your background map and....
oh look it dosent match :dash1:
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Re: World Background Maps

Post by BenganJ » June 3rd, 2020, 2:21 am


In the vertical direction, YES, because SCS doesn't use their own map projection, as they
don't need that yet. It's probably an old Mercator projection from ancient times they still
use! And that is the real reason that Promods is out of line too!

BTW, are you here to set a new record for most posts during one single night?
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