Headtracking information

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Re: Headtracking information

Post by BenganJ » February 28th, 2020, 6:01 pm


Welcome to the forum! It's me who have created the compilation of information
in the first post! I'm not using TrackIR myself so I can't help out on that, but I know
there's other people here on the forum who do. In the first post you can watch a
video I made to illustrate how my solution worked, the Aruco pattern mounted on
a cap and a webcam. Could you possibly do such a video to show your problem?
And another thing, have you tested if you get the same behavior in other games?
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by Jouwert » February 28th, 2020, 6:20 pm

Thnx for your quick answer.
Only tested it with ATS.
The stutters are minimal but notable when playing. Dont think u will see it in a video.

U just feel that the panning isnt smooth. (Btw i use Trackir with a trackclip pro. no hat.)

maybe other members have an solution, maybe changes in config..?
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by BenganJ » February 28th, 2020, 6:32 pm


Okay, a video wouldn't hurt though, but it's up to you! As I'm using Opentrack software
to do the job of sending the "TrackIR" commands, actually the Freetrack protocol, which
IS an implementation of the TrackIR protocol, I will look a bit more thorough how my
solution acts regarding stutters when moving. Just some info regarding movements of
the head, stutters might be caused by other things, as e.g. bad mapping giving objects
re-rendered as you move the head back and forth, so therefor I ask you if this problem
is independent of where on the map you are driving?
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by Jouwert » February 28th, 2020, 6:48 pm

No place particular.
In ATS and ETS2 i need to cap the framelimit at 60fps to run the viewing smoother.
Can it be that the game engine is giving too much framedrops so that the viewing is lagging?
Or is the Trackir not build for higher framerate?

That Opentrack software can be used with the Trackir?

Just dont understand that it also happens with just mouse view (uncapped)...
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by BenganJ » February 28th, 2020, 6:54 pm


The fact that it happens even in mouse view make me think this is not caused
by the TrackIR itself, could be something else. May I ask, it is not a case of screen
tearing you see? If so, it may well have to do with the method of frame rate limit
and syncing method you use! How do you cap the FPS now and how do you sync?
Does your monitor support the sync you use?
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by Jouwert » February 28th, 2020, 7:21 pm

Thats true..maybe it isnt Trackir.

The monitor supports G-sync.
I have g-sync on in control panel and v-sync off in game.
I dont see tearing in game.
Only stutter when i pan left/right..
Of i set v-sync on in game of stutters more.

I cap it with RTSS..
When i dont cap it i get app.120fps and no stutter. When it goes below 100fps (f.e. cities or busy areas) stutters more at panning.

How can framedrops relate to mouseview stutter?

Sorry for all the questions
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by BenganJ » February 28th, 2020, 7:59 pm


In general, frame drops are a sign of the game engine, GPU or CPU getting too much work to do
and the view move due to headtracking or other method of movement will probably suffer too!
But I'll check on my side and hopefully will someone else chime in and have some opinions!
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by Jouwert » February 28th, 2020, 8:11 pm

Thanks for your effort. Really appreciate It!!
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by BenganJ » May 25th, 2020, 12:50 pm

=============== Folks! ===============

Some new information about facial landmark tracking, facetracking for short, has
been added to the first post. One Open Source and one Nvidia GPU accelerated
one for RTX based cards. Both are totally free, and will only need a webcam to work.
So why buying expensive gears to get it when it only will cost you a cheap webcam
if you don't already have one!
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Re: Headtracking information

Post by JHTrucker » June 2nd, 2020, 2:06 am

@BenganJ - Is my "TRACKIR Open/Close window block (possible) solutions."
Considered worthy of a first post mention?
multimon_config.sii files: viewtopic.php?p=17658#p17658
controls.sii edits: viewtopic.php?p=24744#p24744
Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=67254#p67254
TrackIR Driving Enhancements: viewtopic.php?p=46613#p46613
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