Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by Arayas » April 12th, 2020, 12:12 am

I didnt forget about Athens, or how the greek people think it's ok to place a warehouse in any place, doesnt matter.
I wasnt inspired to open the camera but i will show you on Google Streets where i had to go with my truck filled with 20 tones of 15m pipes.

Exiting the highway i was forced to navigate in this kind of TWO WAYS streets.


On the left street is my destination. Remember when i passed there was a crane-truck parked on the right side.The forward TWO WAYS!!! street leads also to some warehouses.


On the right is the client where i had to unload the pipes.
"-Park the truck with the back in our warehouse.
-Dude, HOW?! The street has 8 meters!
-No biggy, enter in our neighbor yard and back it up in ours!"
So, it worked.

This is the real picture of the place where you can see that deserted trailer left in the street

This is the exit road, also two ways, i didnt had the guts to go back the way i arrived, but it didnt make no difference whatsoever.


When i was back on the highway i was happy like a kid in a toy store :lol:
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by BenganJ » April 12th, 2020, 12:19 am


How nice that you have had the opportunity to practice on your own gravel forest roads
before that delivery in Greece! 😂😂😂
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by Arayas » April 12th, 2020, 12:29 am

I'm laughing now but then i was on the verge of crying like a todler. When i saw this bridge ....OMG! :lol:

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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by BenganJ » April 12th, 2020, 1:01 am

Well, wasn't that job to be considered as a Quick Job in ETS2 language?
Then all damage would be paid by the company, so, pedal to the metal! 😂😂😂
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by MG Mike » April 12th, 2020, 2:20 am

Hi Arayas,

Nice to see you by the way. And interesting to see your job from your point of view....

That ferry from the first video is crazy... You have to enter on port side, then turn over and leave the ferry at starboard?! Wow.. The ferries I know have always two ramps, one ahead and one astern.

Like the ferry on the River "Elbe" in germany

That issue at the boarder to Bulgaria is a big shame.. What a long waiting line.. And as you say, not enough food with you or not having a toilet.. Horrible.. Just horrible. But the circumstances here in germany are also going down for truck drivers... Resting places with restaurants and bath rooms and so on has closed for trucks almost overall... And at the most of companies where to deliver the drivers are also not allowed to use their toilets.. Instead they build up "Dixie - toilets" that are little plastic toilet boxes..

But you drivers are our heroes, according our politicians and our newspapers.. So why are you complaining? Sorry. Just irony..

I am also still working. I work in a hardware store with a gardeningcenter as a reseller and purchaser for gardening goods. I am selling, have to give advices to our customers what lawn mower would be good for them for example. Or sell, potting soil an planters as well as garden decorations.. And also have to purchase these goods... And I even drive the forklift truck to bring the goods from our storage area to the selling areas..
I see the trucks I am driving in ETS2 only when they deliver to us.. I have less contact to drivers like you cause unloading is job from other colleagues. But also watch YouTube videos from German drivers and get some informations from there.

I wish you all the best, keep your healthy and don't use this covid-mod. At least try to avoid it.. I also do. 2 meters distance to the costumers.. Is not always possible. But our store is re opened by the politics for the public and so I have to work and I don't have many other choices.. Probably like you I am married. I am 39 years old and also have 4 kids.. So I need the money and can't take the risk to earn less than now. I don't have a own house I rent one, the gasoline for my car costs as well as anything else..

If I get sick, in germany you have insurance so you get 6 weeks your normal money from your employer. After that the insurance takes over and you get only 80 percent.. If your employer has to close and you are not allowed to open your store we have something called "short work" where you are only a few hours per day at work and get only 60 percent of your normal money.. Luckily I didn't have to take this. Not yet at least.

So that is my situation. Surely still better than you I can imagine but me I am looking also for what will happen in the future.. Let's hope for the best.. A figure of speach says, hope dies last..

So all the best for you, thanks for the quick road connections.. And always have a good trip!

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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by Tapir » April 12th, 2020, 4:21 am

Hi Arayas,
I wish you all the best for your next tripes. :D

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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by Arayas » April 12th, 2020, 9:57 am

Mike glad to hear you are on a stable point regarding job. 4 kids? That's huge. I'm 49, i have two kids but my son is 21 and he's working in England. My dauther, 11, is home and hates every bit of this "stay home" policy. :D
To understand my perspective, i was a guy working in sales and logistics management for over 20 years, sometimes beeing responsable for company branches from south half of Romania. You know? The guy with a suit, car, phone, briefcase and unlimited hotel acomodations.
So the trucking experience was not about money, more likely about the experience itself. I'm already use to missing home for weeks, that's not a problem.
Probably i will do this again, but not soon. Even the owner of the trucks, a friend of mine, is taking in consideration to restrict his deliveries for that matter.
He's loosing way less money if he's keeping trucks in the parking lot than spending money because a 3 days delivery often transform into a 7-10 days delivery.
Add this to the atrocious state of bulgarian roads and you will have a picture about costs.

We will see next year, because i think this year it's already lost for us. Atleast.

Thank you Tapir, but for the moment my laptop is my friend. The truck its on a break for the moment.
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by bogdac » April 12th, 2020, 11:53 am

Thank you Arayas. You really are an amazing guy! You have my total respect and admiration for the amount of things that you seem to achieve on a daily basis. Thank you Sir.
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by Arayas » April 12th, 2020, 12:32 pm

Thank you Sir. I dont have the time to do what i always wanted to do, trucking was one of the bucket list. :D
Sadly when we are young we spend our time doing things to built our home and family, not necessary things we like.
I was fortunate to have active jobs over time, some of them i enjoyed, some of them not.
I was a policeman until 28, :lol: but i didnt like the job, i was there just because that was a way to avoid the 1 year mandatory term (back then) in the army. So i did the police school, so i know how to handle almost all hand guns from a pistol to a Kalashnikov. (did you hear this Kaperios? :lol: )

I can write a book about all this 49 years: comunism, Ceausescu, Cernobyl, Securitate, 89 Revolution, muddy times after that.....there is plenty of material :lol:
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Re: Trucking Diaries - TRL Map

Post by MG Mike » April 12th, 2020, 1:41 pm

Indeed... I had always a peaceful time here in germany.. During the cold War I was a kid.. Not much to report from this time.. We had the Americans playing orientation walksnin our village from time to time, we had low flying jets when I was a child.. And I remember at a military radar base with AA rocket launchers a few villages from my home away. I saw it during a bicycle tour with my parents..
My grandfather visited his Brother and sister every Easter and one year I went with my grandparents. His brother and sister lived near the city "Wolfsburg" (where the Volkswagen come from) and the inner german border was also close to there.. We visited this border.. In a village called Zicharie was a closed road, many fences watch towers and warning signs.. Warning for mines as well as self firing machine guns and so on...

Horrible and unimaginable now... Chernobyl there I was 5 years old and I was for some days not allowed to play outside.. But northern Germany was not hard affected by the radioactive cloud.. In south Germany in Bavaria are still some woods where you should not collect and eat mushrooms. They are still full of radiation from Chernobyl..
But all in all no really serious things here.. 2015 we got lots of refugees.. Thanks to Mrs Merkel.. We still not know who exactly we have here. Sure most of them needed help, but You don't know if there are some IS guys here planing terroristic things..
And now we are facing this Corona shit.. I never thought it would ever come such serious things to us..

Stay healthy everyone, stay at home until they have some medicals for it.. But as written we also need money to live so, work goes on.. At my home areas there are still low Corona cases.. Only ca. 70 people with it.. And all In quarantine or in hospital.. Here it is still quiet.. But the issues to take care of it are still running.
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