Hi Arayas,
Nice to see you by the way. And interesting to see your job from your point of view....
That ferry from the first video is crazy... You have to enter on port side, then turn over and leave the ferry at starboard?! Wow.. The ferries I know have always two ramps, one ahead and one astern.
Like the ferry on the River "Elbe" in germany
That issue at the boarder to Bulgaria is a big shame.. What a long waiting line.. And as you say, not enough food with you or not having a toilet.. Horrible.. Just horrible. But the circumstances here in germany are also going down for truck drivers... Resting places with restaurants and bath rooms and so on has closed for trucks almost overall... And at the most of companies where to deliver the drivers are also not allowed to use their toilets.. Instead they build up "Dixie - toilets" that are little plastic toilet boxes..
But you drivers are our heroes, according our politicians and our newspapers.. So why are you complaining? Sorry. Just irony..
I am also still working. I work in a hardware store with a gardeningcenter as a reseller and purchaser for gardening goods. I am selling, have to give advices to our customers what lawn mower would be good for them for example. Or sell, potting soil an planters as well as garden decorations.. And also have to purchase these goods... And I even drive the forklift truck to bring the goods from our storage area to the selling areas..
I see the trucks I am driving in ETS2 only when they deliver to us.. I have less contact to drivers like you cause unloading is job from other colleagues. But also watch YouTube videos from German drivers and get some informations from there.
I wish you all the best, keep your healthy and don't use this covid-mod. At least try to avoid it.. I also do. 2 meters distance to the costumers.. Is not always possible. But our store is re opened by the politics for the public and so I have to work and I don't have many other choices.. Probably like you I am married. I am 39 years old and also have 4 kids.. So I need the money and can't take the risk to earn less than now. I don't have a own house I rent one, the gasoline for my car costs as well as anything else..
If I get sick, in germany you have insurance so you get 6 weeks your normal money from your employer. After that the insurance takes over and you get only 80 percent.. If your employer has to close and you are not allowed to open your store we have something called "short work" where you are only a few hours per day at work and get only 60 percent of your normal money.. Luckily I didn't have to take this. Not yet at least.
So that is my situation. Surely still better than you I can imagine but me I am looking also for what will happen in the future.. Let's hope for the best.. A figure of speach says, hope dies last..
So all the best for you, thanks for the quick road connections.. And always have a good trip!
MG Mike