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Force AMD Crossfire

Posted: August 9th, 2020, 1:54 am
by Parcero
Hello Folks

Someone has some idee, how to force ETS2 to support Crossfire (Crossfire/DX11) in 1.37/1.38 (Latest Adrenalin Drivers) ?

I know, that this story is old but not obsolete, because there is no information about, knowhere... ;)

Please let me know
Sincerely Parcero (Old Man)

Re: Force AMD Crossfire

Posted: August 9th, 2020, 2:18 am
by BenganJ

Have you read this documentation? Further, can you be a bit more specific about
what it is you want to accomplish? Which hardware do you have?

Is this the reason you put this question here? ... gpu-gaming