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Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 1:15 am
by paokkerkir
Is anyone running triple screens with ets2?

I have -sort of- configured the view but it's not at my liking.

The problem I have is the angle of the side monitors. I'm guessing the game expects them to be at 45 degrees, but I have mine slightly less angled, and I have a bit of distortion at the sides. Is there a way to change the monitor angle? not fov, not positioning etc.

I'm using multimon mode 4, and I cannot seem to find in any of the options something that helps.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 1:21 am
by BenganJ

I would recommend you to post in the following topic instead, because there you will
find an expert on Multimonitor setups. And in that very topic you can also, at the same
time, get a very nice looking graphics with a very good antialiasing method. Here's that


The guy that know all about Multimonitors are called JHTrucker here in the forum!

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 4:42 pm
by JHTrucker
I'm by no means an expert, i just wanted to get AA working on multis and developed a knack for it!

I don't use mutli setup so the files are for people that do and they transfer their settings into them.

Look at my multimon files with notepad, you'll see this at the top:

// Adjust bezels to suit your setup (my example 10mm bezels).
// monitor_config : _Left.AA {
// heading_offset: 3.500000 <- My Bezel (4.0 moves closer
// to center / 3.0 away)
// monitor_config : _Right.AA {
// heading_offset: -3.500000 <- My Bezel (-4.0 moves closer
// to center / -3.0 away)

So heading_offset turns the display through x degrees +/-.

Or use:

monitor_config : _nameless.Left.AA
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 1.000000 <-- 1.5 turns view further round to the left.

monitor_config : _nameless.Right.AA
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: -1.000000 <-- -1.5 turns view further round to the right.

You then have to use heading_offset to line up as required, i'd suspect.

Other than that, just play with the values.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 6:44 pm
by paokkerkir
Thanks for the advice mate. I tried this before, but as it seems nothing helps to what I want to achieve. If I mess with one setting, then the view might be ok for one truck and one in game camera setting, but as long as you move or change something the view gets distorted again. The first command is the bezel correction, and the second command is a shift to the FOV relative to the center screen. In theory it could help, but in practice it does not. Seems like for triples the game is hardcoded for a certain angle, hope I'm wrong though.

I'm not complaining, I can play well, but the enemy of good is the better, ain't it?

I'm using the bezel corrected res from nvidia surround, so I would not need any bezel correction in-game (in theory)

Maybe I should try another multimon mode? The thing is, I would really like to keep the UI in the center screen.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 6:54 pm
by BenganJ

I'm definitely NOT an expert on this, but there's a multimon FOV setting in config.cfg,
another ones in multimon_config.sii and also one in game for the truck. Should all these
FOV settings correspond in any way?

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 7:54 pm
by paokkerkir
When you have multimon mode 4 enabled, the in-game fov is not doing anything. I think that also the one in the config.cfg is not taken into account, and the game registers the fov through multimon_config.sii only.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: April 13th, 2020, 8:52 pm
by JHTrucker
@paokkerkir - If FOV's in multimon_config.sii file are all 0.00000 then in game FOV will work and zoom feature will also work.
My files all have this info detailed in them.
Config.cfg FOV works only for multimon mode 2 & 3.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: May 8th, 2020, 8:13 pm
by JHTrucker
@paokkerkir - If you haven't fixed your problem... try this link.

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: May 8th, 2020, 8:33 pm
by paokkerkir

Can you please tell me which specific values alter the angle that is rendered in this multimon_config.sii??
I believe it is something to do with

So if you want a different angle you can adjust these?

Also, what the hell?? Was it supposed to be hidden?? Somebody from scs could say that this is how you change the angle in triple screens. :roll:

Re: Triple Screens

Posted: May 8th, 2020, 8:53 pm
by JHTrucker
@paokkerkir - Hope it works well for you, i've spent far too much time messing with this over the last couple of days until it all clicked into place today.
I'll try to give a bit more setup info on that page if i can make it sound logical to people reading it!
I'll let you know when.