I currently use four 27-inch monitors, set up like this:

The front left monitor corresponds to the driver's seat, and the front right monitor corresponds to the passenger seat. The side monitors are located at a 65-degree angle and correspond to the side windows.
The problem is that on the "Right" monitor the image appears very stretched and deformed:

I've used the different calculators and it's always the same. I have seen several videos on Youtube with this configuration and it does not seem that this effect appears, the image looks more or less the same on all screens.
In the calculator I have to use a shorter distance between my eyes and the monitor, because if I use the real one the monitors do not match the limits of the cabin.
This calculator that I'm using now I downloaded it from a youtube video (I guess you get it from this page), where whoever recorded it had this same configuration with 27 inch monitors and it looked correct, I tried with the same multimon file that he used but the limits of the monitors didn't match the cabin either, something he had achieved. (I can't get it even using the seat settings)
I would very much appreciate any kind of help to try to solve the problem as with the stretching of the image the feeling is unrealistic.
I also put the settings and files I use.

And this is the multimon file that I'm using:
multimon_config : _nameless.0000.00A4.4C53.67A0 {
normalized_ui_x: 0.250000
normalized_ui_width: 0.250000
monitors: 4
monitors[0]: _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.CFD0
monitors[1]: _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.D2F0
monitors[2]: _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.DCF0
monitors[3]: _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.D430
monitor_config : _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.CFD0 {
name: center
normalized_x: 0.250000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.250000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: 0
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 76.755845
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 0.778646
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
monitor_config : _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.D2F0 {
name: left
normalized_x: 0.000000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.250000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.00000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: 65.0
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 61.023837
vertical_fov_override: 46.114393
frustum_subrect_x: 0
frustum_subrect_y: 0
frustum_subrect_height: 0.770642
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
monitor_config : _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.DCF0 {
name: right
normalized_x: 0.500000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.250000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: 0
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 132.692718
vertical_fov_override: 48.41775
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 0.270099
frustum_subrect_height: 0.770642
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true
monitor_config : _nameless.0000.00A4.4C10.D430 {
name: right2
normalized_x: 0.750000
normalized_y: 0.000000
normalized_width: 0.250000
normalized_height: 1.000000
horizontal_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
vertical_fov_relative_offset: 0.000000
heading_offset: -65.0
pitch_offset: 0.000000
roll_offset: 0.000000
camera_space_offset: (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
horizontal_fov_override: 54.809384
vertical_fov_override: 20.456114
frustum_subrect_x: 0.522666
frustum_subrect_y: 0.000000
frustum_subrect_width: 0.477334
frustum_subrect_height: 0.770642
render_interior: true
render_exterior: true