Roextended FAQ or problems

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Roextended FAQ or problems

Post by Arayas » December 6th, 2020, 5:02 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: i want to send you an email asking for assistance, can i send it in my own native language?
A: No, we don't have time to translate all mails, use english or romanian.

Q2: in my country PayPal is not available, is there any alternative to PayPal?
A: Use Patreon.

Q3: i have payed/donated for Permanent Premium Member (PPM), why i am not receiveing any updates in my mail?
A: Because the only way to download future updates is from PPM Area, updates-by-mail program was terminated.
Solution 1:


Q4: i am having problems downloading files, seeing links or i have a broken download, what can i do?
A: the download system is tested so the problem is on your side.
Use another browser, no download manager or other add-ons (as pop-up killers and so on).

Q5: I have the map but i dont know how to use it with other maps, can you help?
A: You can go as a simple visitor in forum and look for Mod Manager Order topic.

Q6: I bought the premium link but i can't download the file, i did something wrong?
A: Yes, once the payment is finished you are redirected to a page with the download link.
Also, the PAYHIP STORE sends you an mail containing the initial link (if you want to re-download it later).
If you missed those two options, write to
If you make a report on Paypal, your access to our platform will be forever terminated.

Q7: I bought the latest version but meanwhile a new version was released. I need to buy that also?
A: If you want it, yes. The payed link is for one version only. If you want free updates, be a PPM.

Q8: I have the map but when i start the game, the game crashes. The map is broken?
A: No, the map was tested and its working fine.
Present your problem in troubleshooting topic.

Q9: I have downloaded the map from another site and is not working, can i do something?
A: Yes, get the original map from us. The uploads on other sites are fake or incomplete to eliminate piracy.

Q10: can i use your map or your additional files for YouTube videos?
A: yes, as long as you add in your video description a link to Roextended site, otherwise, no.
If we decide you are hurting the image of our project, we can demand you to stop using them and we can use our copyright property to take down your future videos.

Q11: I have payed/donated for PPM and i didnt received a fast confirmation mail, is that normal?
A: the confirmation mail and links are sent within 24 hours, you mail and payment/donation must be validated first by someone from the team. It may take few minutes, it may take few hours.

Q12: I am a PPM but i cannot access the PPM Area on Forum, why?
A: Because if you are a PPM you are not included automatically on Forum PPM Area.This are two different things (info on site page PPM Forum Area).

Q13: can i use your map and files to create add-ons or road connections as a mapper?
A: No, we will take down this kind of files. We cannot take the blame for the work of third party people without our consent.
The map and the additional files we provide for the community are our property and the only way you can edit those is beeing a member of Roextended Team.

Q14: I want to use older versions of Roextended+additional files, but i cannot find them, can you help me?
A: No, we offer support for the latest version only. We cannot do it for older versions of the game or older versions of the map.

Q15: I want to be a part of the team, is there something i need to know?
A: You can be a begginer or experienced mapper and you can contact us at
We will give you a chance to prove yourself by mapping a test area at your choice.
We will guide you if needed and we will see your final result as a test, if you are ready or not to take part in this project.
As a team member you can have independent decisions, but in the direction this project needs to develop, not as a personal project.

Q16: Some areas from the game are in your map but also in other maps. Can you do something to eliminate your parts and let us use what is in other maps?
A: No, we respect our work as a full package and we don't destroy our work for any other map sake.

For other problems contact us at:
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