My problem is that I have a model exported (custom, made in bledner), but it does not show in contect browser.

I believe my .sii file is correct, I have followed Miro's tutorial
Here is my .sii (definition) file.
#by Ronis_
model_def : model.leresti_mon {
model_desc: "/model/leresti_sign/leresti_mon.pmd"
category: "monument"
model_def has the same name as the mod and as the .sii file.
model_desc has the same name ^.
The sign is a monument (or a normal sign indicating a city/town) which greets drivers whenever they enter the area of said town.
.sii file is placed in def/world/model/
The model's texture is .tga and the .tobj was automatically generated by blender.
Hopefully there is a fix for this too.
PS: I tried moving the mod from the mod folder, it is indeed used by the Map Editor, but fails to show, and yes, i have -force_mods (or something along those lines).
Am facut un totem care saluta lumea cand intrii intr.o localitate/oras/sat.
Acesta este locat intre Campulung si Leresti, mai exact cel de la Str Valea Foii.
E, cu aceste spuse, am dat pack mod la model, este in mod folder ca .sii, problema este ca el nu apare in content browser cu:
.sii fisier valid.
model full texturat.
-force_mods activ ca parametru la editor.
Alte moduri nu sunt folosite.
Ce pot face in aceasta situatie?
PS: Am incercat pe o mapa noua goala sa vad daca se incarca, dar rezultatul este nu. Am mai incercat cu un model test, ceva minuscul facut de mine, la fel sa intamplat si aceleasi conditii de mai sus se aplica.
Multumesc anticipat.