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ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA by Clube Rotas

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 12:53 pm
by Tapir
Fullscreen World Map
ETS AllWorld Map 2.55 +EAA
Original Loading Screen
Clear Map View
Realistic Brutal Weather 8.2
Minimal Route Adviser Top Corner and Small Mirrors
Universal English Localization
Scale Hack Disable
E6 Replacement Ferry
Swedish Islands Wombat Edition 1.10
Paris Rebuild 3.2
SibirMap Timezone Fix
Project Caucasus Caps Fix
Project Caucasus
ROEX English names
AZGE add on 1.45
Rhodes 1.0
Maghreb Def
Maghreb Map
Maghreb Models 1
Maghreb Models 2
Maghreb Models 3
Kirov Caps + Sign Fix
Kirov Map
Bulgaria in Focus
Shetland-Promods Addon
Jan Mayen Caps Fix
Jan Mayen Promods Addon 2.0
Mediterranean Expansion 1.3
Project Greenland Ferry Connection with PM
Project Greenland
Project E6 Map
Promods Addon Emden (V7)
FinMark for 1.45
Bourges Updated
Sud de France
Itarevamp 0.5
Santiago Caps + Signs Fix
Santiago de Compostela
Trigger Fixer Promods
MK Rework/PL Rebuilding Fix
0 Poland Rebuilding Fix1
Poland Rebuilding Special Transport
1 Poland Rebuilding Def
2 Poland Rebuilding Map
3 Poland Rebuilding Models
4 Poland Rebuilding Assets
Macedonia Reworks Definitions (ST)
Macedonia Reworks Map
Macedonia Reworks Materials +Assets
RedSea Promods Middle East Fix
Israel Lebanon Open Borders
Promods Middle East Addon Map +Def
Promods Middle East Addon Assets
EAA Promods Fix
Promods Definitions
Promods Map
Promods Media
Promods Models 1
Promods Models 2
Promods Models 3
Promods Assets
Corfu Promods fix
Corfu and the Greek Islands Def/Map
Corfu and the Greek Islands Models
EAA Caps Fix
EAA RusMap Fix
EAA Map Combo Fix
Mapa EAA p01
Base 1 Mapa EAA 1.45
Base 2 Mapa EAA 1.45
Mapa EAA p04
Turkmenbashi Baku Ferry Connection
Road to Asia by TerraMaps Def map
Road to Asia Models 1
Road to Asia Assets
Road Connection SibirMap 1.45
VolgaMap locale
Southern Region English City Names
SRMap [DefandMap] 1.44
SRMap Models 1
SRMap Models 2
SibirMap2 Caps Fix
SibirMap 2.0_UE MapDefModel
The Great Steppe English City Names
The Great Steppe def
The Great Steppe map
The Great Steppe models 1
Java Road Revolution Def+map A
Java Road Revolution Assets Models 2
Java Road Revolution Assets Models 1
South East Asia Def ver0.1 def
South East Asia map ver01
prefabs packed
models 2
Indonesia New Prefabs Part 4_1.38-Newest
Indonesia New Road Buildings v2 1.35-Newest
Indonesia New Signs and Navigation v1 1.38-Newest
Indonesia New Tollgate Prefabs Part4 1.38 Newest
Indonesia New Roads Pt3_1.35-1.38

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 3:09 pm
by bimboroby
Sorry Tapir but Southeast Asia map ver0.1 should not be used?

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 3:13 pm
by Tapir
I still use Southeast Asia without problems.

Edit: MXTrucker and bogdac use this map also in their latest combos.
GMC used this also a few days ago.

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 8:10 pm
by bimboroby
Sorry Tapir but maybe I explained myself badly, I use the translator for English (I'm Italian) and then it comes as it comes, I meant that I saw that you put in the combo the Southeast Asia def ver0.1 but not the Southeast Asia map ver0 .1, I use them both (in the def file there is no map) together with Thailand (Indonesia) and JRR obviously for this I was asking.

in my combo I put it like this (don't pay attention to the images of the files, I modified them myself)


Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 19th, 2022, 8:15 pm
by Tapir
Doesn`t matter bimboroby. (a little bug hidden in my text: Now there is also the South East Asia map ver01.)

For me it looks so:


Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 20th, 2022, 1:19 am
by bimboroby
Yes Tapir right, I hadn't thought of a bug, sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 20th, 2022, 1:22 am
by Tapir
Doesn`t matter, bimboroby.

My maps works fine!

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 20th, 2022, 9:56 am
by rakiboy
Has Indonesia Map updated???

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 20th, 2022, 9:58 am
by Tapir
Not now......thanks for the hint.

Indonesia map updated!

Re: ETS2 1.45 Big Map Combo +EAA

Posted: September 20th, 2022, 11:11 am
by bogdac
Do you have a link?