Of course, try to relocate all your trucks/trailers/drivers to garages in any of the vanilla ETS2 cities is advised to avoid losing your precious fleet and hard-earned Euros in game!
Do you guys experience the rotation of Background map after updated to recent Halloween event edition of ETS2? Now the European contitent is rotated approx. 90 degree clockwise vs vanilla settings.
Look at the funny lying British Isles.
It is not affecting actual access to any of the cities.
It just make the view 'weird'.
This seem to affect both Euroasia version and Global version(Euroasia+EAA). And it affects worldmap, world view of garage manager and quick travel view.
However, vanilla ETS2 with no map or background map modification seem to be unaffected.
Is it just me or a known issue to recent minor version update of ETS2? Any hot-fix for this? Thx!