by Shiriru94 » June 8th, 2021, 8:56 pm
I'm pretty young compared with you
(I think this is gonna be too OT here

Last edited by
Shiriru94 on June 8th, 2021, 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Maps: PM+ME 2.56, Red Sea 1.3.1, Greenland 0.20, Balkans 5.1, MedExp 1.3, Malta 1.0, MKR 1.4.2, RM 2.4.2 + SZM 2.4.2 - SibirMap 2.1.2, TGS 2.0 + Aral 2.0 - SR 10.5, Volga 1.2, RoEx 3.1 + AzGe, Caucasus 1.0a, SE-Isl. 1.10, Asia 1.1, Rhodes 1.0