Join The Team!

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Joined: December 15th, 2018, 3:25 am
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Join The Team!

Post by Arayas » September 19th, 2024, 12:32 am

Hello ETS community!
Roextended Project is looking for mappers for our main projects:
Roextended Map and Aussie Map.
We will need a hand in updating areas we already have, or to expand to new areas.
Areas forgotten by SCS or other maps as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary
or a developement in countries like Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey and Australia.
If you have some skills in map editor, please contact us.

Things we can tell you for sure:
-you will have freedom to decide the area you want to develop/update
-you will have freedom to work in your pace and available time
-you will have full support with technical details
-you don't need to care about road connections or compatibility in a map combo
-your work will be visible in free version in day one of the release

If you already own a project, feel free to talk with us about a Roextended integration.
We will provide compatibility and support in any map combo and visibility in the free version of our maps.
No more arguments about "this cannot be used or is not compatible".

Feel free to contact me (Arayas):
-on our discord server (
-in private on Roextended Forum and SCS Forum
-in email at

All details can be established in a private talk.

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