Today we reached the magic number 300. No, not the movie.
300 people thinking using a pirated core file and our original MAIN's a good ideea. Roextended free was not enough for thise people.
Well, the access to our platform was terminated. In the future i am sure they will need some road connections, mods or maps from here.
(THIS was the reason we asked people not to share our Sharemods links to files.)
They can try to VPN their access, good luck with that.
We identified the uploaders, one from Belarus and the other from a small former URSS country in far east (we banned the entire country as an experiment). Probably Belarus will follow next.
As for those 300, they are flooding our mails with lame excuses.
In the process one or two LEGIT users were colateral victims, but we fixed the problem with our excuses for inconvenience.
We decided NOT to bring down the pirated content because in this way we can clean the house. So, the number will go up.
Take care.
Re: Announcements
Some info:
For Premium users - 3.8 version for 1.47 will not contain additional content. Personal situation is keeping me away from my regular schedule and this may continue for some time.
For FREE users - before upgrading the game to 1.47 please sell the garage in RmValcea if you have it owned. We are doing some changes in the romanian area (not a problem in Premium).
For all users - all releases for maps or other files (RC's and so) are gonna be delayed for some time, same reasons.
For Premium users - 3.8 version for 1.47 will not contain additional content. Personal situation is keeping me away from my regular schedule and this may continue for some time.
For FREE users - before upgrading the game to 1.47 please sell the garage in RmValcea if you have it owned. We are doing some changes in the romanian area (not a problem in Premium).
For all users - all releases for maps or other files (RC's and so) are gonna be delayed for some time, same reasons.
Re: Announcements

Today we have another surprise from SCS Forum.
I was already banned 3 times (!!!!!) because when a troll insulted me on their forum i was banned along with him! Nice.
They are keep attacking Roextended topic because they insist to post DIRECT SHAREMODS LINKS on their forum.
So, people with restricted acces to our platform (piracy, rude behaviour, dumb people) should download the map going around that block.
Is NOT gonna hapened!
This is my response to SCS people (sent by mail):
I have a single topic on your forum - Roextended.
I am not gonna talk how i was banned 3 times when people banned on our forum decided to troll me on YOUR forum.
I understand, you hardly wait for a reason.
Now, i am banned again.
Rule 3.1: Sharing your own mods on this forum must be done with direct links to the download or download page.
So when do you apply this rules? When it's about Roextended?
I had a direct link to our download page on forum, FREE map, free to use in 2 minutes (and we have there sharemods links not crappy ones with 40kb/s download).

As in any forum you are redirected to make an account to download freely
SAME AS PROMODS have selective rules?
More than that....the page for our map is the page where you get ONLY the free scs files to use with your game.
While in Promods forum you have on the same page THE PAID LINKS. Because a week after release the FREE map is there but it's impossible to download. We know why.
I don't consider Promods post abusive, it's normal to have users registering on a forum. But it's abusive when it comes to us.
Your administrator told me "you need to post direct links!"
Sure! DO YOU HAVE DIRECT LINKS IN PROMODS TOPIC???? Without an account??? No? RO-Rebuild? No? 50 % of maps? No?
Most maps redirects the user to a site, blog or forum. No problem there!
The problem is Roextended map should have direct links. Why??? Because reasons.
My contribution in the community: tutorials, technical support for a lot of mappers, mods, improvements to the nothing.
Just tell me: "dude, we dont like your face, get lost!"
Then i have a concrete reason why should i erase my presence in your forum.
You are following reports maded by a 14 years kid (stefan e) who has personal reasons to do that.
Until then, don't pretend you are following a "rule".
PS: Someone told me to erase my topic on your site because you are a secondary Promods forum.
LOOKS like is VERY true.
OFFICIAL: if you don't stop this harassament and allow us to do the same as Promods, please delete Roextended topic and my user. TODAY.
Re: Announcements
We are not gonna have any update for 1.48.5 in the next 10 days (at least).
Maps, RC's...nothing.
Using the map or other files on this version of the game is NOT recommended/supported.
Personal life. Sorry.
Maps, RC's...nothing.
Using the map or other files on this version of the game is NOT recommended/supported.
Personal life. Sorry.
Re: Announcements
As in any forum in the world there are bots trying to post spam all over the place. The simple method is not working with our defence so...
we have another type of attack: hijacked accounts!!
If your password is weak or simple, sooner or later you are gonna see your username posting spam trash all over the forum, opening topics in your name and so on.
We cannot control that because your acces to our forum is YOURS. We can only terminate access of that account to our forum.
No matter what status you have on forum, if you receive a ban message with "spam" reason attached to it...well, now you know.
If you are in that situation, write to for steps to recover your account.
Don't create another one, multiple accounts are permanently blocked.
As in any forum in the world there are bots trying to post spam all over the place. The simple method is not working with our defence so...
we have another type of attack: hijacked accounts!!
If your password is weak or simple, sooner or later you are gonna see your username posting spam trash all over the forum, opening topics in your name and so on.
We cannot control that because your acces to our forum is YOURS. We can only terminate access of that account to our forum.
No matter what status you have on forum, if you receive a ban message with "spam" reason attached to it...well, now you know.
If you are in that situation, write to for steps to recover your account.
Don't create another one, multiple accounts are permanently blocked.