Why a new Topic? Easy: This is a complete new adaption of the road between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan through Russia!
Most of the road follows the real projection this time (Thanks BenganJ for the Background map!). There is only a smaller part which does not. The reason is simple: Azerbaijan is pretty displaced. İ know there is an updated version of Project Turkey with correct placement but for now İ don't use it, İ'll stick to the ProMods version. İ don't like the Vanilla map for reasons. İf this version get's connected to ProMods İ will update this RC fast.
My work has already started and you'll get the map fast.
Anyway - The map will look better with ups and downs, intersections, partly bad roads, parts along the coast of the Caspian Sea, Post-USSR villages and finally cities! Not in the 1st version but in the following. And after rescale of Southern Region, you can also drive up to Stalingrad... Uhh... Volgograd!
Changelog v0.9a:
-Error corrections:
-Minor cosmetic stuff
-Added Xacmaz (AZ) and Derbent (RU)
Update 9.12.2020:
-Minor cosmetic changes around the road from Atyrau, so no new version at all

Update 17.12.20 (v1.0):
-Added Makhachkala (RU)
-Small corrections and error fixing
-minor optical fixing
-Some small extras
Update 3.3.2021 (V1.0a)
-Small bug fixes
-Added a "Numbers Station" in the style of famous UVB-76. Don't stop here. Just drive. This is NOT a numbers station. This station doesn't even exist!
In some months, Georgia and Azerbaijan will be removed from Project Turkey for, let's say, quality reasons. But don't worry. I'll get a special package with the removed parts and all assets to include them in Project Caucasusi so this will not be lost. I only hope Arayas will pack it up nicely with a pretty bow on it.

Near future plans after Takeover:
-Replacing outdated YKS buildings with SCS Prefabs, basically making the cities look more "soviet style" and mix it with modern buildings.
-A bit of road rework (Some more signs, first in latin, later in actual language)
-Some scenery villages
Far future plans (probably to be done in 2077-2223):
-All important cities in Georgia & Azerbaijan
-Armenia with 3-4 cities (Long promised, finally having a big base to do it!)
-Border region Armenia/Turkey with 2 options:
The "harsh reality" version: Like it is in reality. Closed and heavily guarded, a lost place.
The "perfect world" version: Open border with regular passport checks and just some officers hanging around.
-Qarabağ/Artsakh (Call it how you want, I don't care) - This was amongst the reasons why I abandoned Armenia at all, because the situation there was pretty unclear. We all know the last war and how it ended. The armenian backed government lost a lot of territories and had to hand them over to Azerbaijan. I will try to represent the Area on the base of the actual situation. (Jan. 2020) If somebody is pissed now, please go and cry in a corner.
-Open roads down to the Islamic Republic of Iran to make things easier for future Iranian maps.
TerraMaps, Arayas, BenganJ (If I forgot anyone, sorry, I'm drunk) agreed to give me a helping hand so my work won't look like shit.

What do you need?
-RoEx & Project Turkey
-The Great Steppe
-All map DLC's
https://sharemods.com/bsdg6j69mub9/Proj ... 7.scs.html
Put it above both maps like any other Road connection!
Remember, after SCS screwed with the Map system again, I needed to learn some things from scratch, so if you encounter any fatal errors leading to a CTD, report. Also: Please report invisible walls, misplaced objects and so on but NOT if a tree is missing or small things, as I'm aware of these flaws!
Remember Nr. 2 - If you experience crashes and missing objects, try to use "Model 2" of The Great Steppe!
-Me, of course

-Wombat & Bengan for testing
-Arayas for sharing his mapping knowledge
-People I don't remember, probably cuz I'm a little bit drunk...